Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Eh, if one does not care what others think, it is easier to come across as stating your own views and the like. People tend to be more willing to give credibility to those who appear as such as they know or can figure out where they stand.

Sadly too many on this forum fail to follow this bit of advice (myself among them at times): Better to remain silent and have people think you a fool then to speak up and remove all doubt. which in itself is bad but it can at least be mitigated depending on how the message is worded.

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Okay, then.

So if you’re weaponizing your statistic to debunk the notion that solo players are the majority, then what you’re actually doing is implicating that group-oriented players are the majority instead.

When in reality, your statistic doesn’t illustrate anything of the sort. All it shows is that a not-so-negligible number of people downed the first boss, not that there was any meaningful participation with the raid beyond that. It doesn’t show what percentage of those people bought a carry, it doesn’t show what percentage of people saw the raid to completion, and it doesn’t show what percentage of people were recurring participants.

Like it’s pretty obvious what you’re doing here, because if you actually cared about meaningful achievement data, then you’d also be using the data that illustrates the number of people who actually see a raid to completion.

Oh, but wait, only 25% of people actually cleared Sepulcher according to Data for Azeroth. I guess 25% doesn’t really paint the picture you want, huh? In fact, the only raid that had a majority participation in Shadowlands was Castle Nathria with a slim majority of 52%. Sanctum of Domination had 32%. Interesting how you ignore these statistics that are infinitely more important for gauging which player group is the majority because it shows actual meaningful participation. Wonder why that could be… Couldn’t be because you’re trying to obfuscate the narrative with your “60% of people down the first boss,” right?

So, to reiterate:


I killed 6 chickens, and rescued a sack of turnips from a kobold today. What do you mean I don’t deserve full mythic raid BIS!?

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Talk about a reach when saying “weaponizing”

Also Zion already said in an interview recently that the majority of the player base does a little bit of all activities. Meaning solo players again aren’t the majority.

Again none of this matters. As solo players don’t do any group content if people are doing the content it means they aren’t solo players.

Again this informational doesn’t matter because there are people who raid that don’t complete the raid.

I knew reading was hard for you.

Now who’s moving goalposts lmao

Take the L and move on. Or keep coping. I don’t care.

Yeah because Ion has certainly never lied before LMAO

Imagine thinking Ion is a reliable source for anything

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Why is this discussion still going on? How can anyone argue that Solo-only players are getting “nothing” when they are able to go from leveling gear to LFR equivalent gear without stepping foot in group-instanced content? That is literal progression.

Just because solo-content’s gear progression ends sooner does not mean they get nothing. It means Blizzard is rewarding solo-only content with gear relative to the difficulty of the content.

Solo-only players can keep complaining about wanting more, but Blizzard clearly feels otherwise. Three expansions in a row of putting more and more emphasis on group-play.


So what is a solo player exactly


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Someone who does zero group-content. Farming old raid transmogs, world quests, dailies, open world rares. Nothing that requires grouping up.

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So you’ve never queued for a normal, heroic random dungeon or a random battleground?

That would be GD’s version of a casual. Separate from solo-player. Although, I guess you can argue solo-player is a sub category of casual.

Thats definitely where i’m trying to get to lol

I don’t believe true solo players who have never used the random group finder for normal, heroic, lfr, battlegrounds, brawls, skirmish or holiday event truly exist except maybe shreds

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There’s been others, even in the other 2000+ count thread about solo-content.

The last time I used LFD was in Wrath, I believe.

I was not a fan of group play.

In short, no. I don’t group at all.

No raids. No dungeons. No PvP.

I did Archaeology until they removed it.

I fished until they broke it.

Now all I have left is leveling alts and digging into the new expansion. But once I’ve exhausted all the easy solo options, I’ll need fishing to fall back on again, so I hope they get it fixed soon.

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Thank you for remembering me! :slight_smile:

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I don’t think anyone is arguing that solo players receive nothing; that was set forth by the OP who used that extreme language as a way to demonstrate that solo players receive enough content in his opinion. As a response to the post, rather than the misleading title, solo players have been arguing that they should have more varied content options. The title was disingenuous, likely to create an easy strawman for the invariable disagreement that would come from this post.

I went to check if you had any of the holiday mounts and you legit got horseman in 2010, your lfd recollection is on point lol

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No one wants your lame gear or stats when it comes to being a solo player or casual(anyone who gears up in any capacity is not casual sorry not sorry).

What we want is meaningful world content, story, and lore and to actually have cool rewards that are on par with KSM/Gladiator/Mythic raids, especially the mounts. Why should you get all the cool :poop: for doing the bare minimum basic group content.

The real challenge is to slog through tedious and lame grinds that might actually reward you with something that no M+/Arena/Raider player would ever even bother attempting because they’d find it boring.

We deserve equally cool rewards for wanting to interact with the world instead of the community, guilds, or group play. Some of us don’t care for it and it should never be required.

Either way, anything you have should be obtainable later on, you didn’t really earn it. You’re just lucky to have more time, money, or whatever else. Skill was not involved, and games aren’t hard to play. Only the developers make things annoying, tedious, hard or stupid.


Some do, this isn’t the only thread of it’s kind. I was very active in a couple of the other large ones.

Which I can also stand behind. More engaging open-world content.

Mind-numbingly boring content does not make it challenging content.

Lmao, didn’t earn it?

Not at all.

Lol if you think I’m the one taking the L.

Sorry you have been proven wrong again and again.

Yes because he definitely has a reason to lie about that. As we don’t have numbers his word is better than anything you’re linking.