Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I have an anecdote on another BNet against this.

Maybe stop breaking the forum rules then?

It is not a matter of what I think.

It’s a matter that your logic comes from a very specific slice of data that anyone could easily overlook.

Maybe stop making people want to break them then?

You have zero credibility so it doesnt matter what you think.


Its not my fault you cant control your emotions and say things that you shouldnt.

Exercise some self control or take a break from the forums are both solid suggestions.

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Without further information aside from flashing your worthless credentials, then your facts have little legitimate weight to them.

Meanwhile others have put you on ignore.

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I havent flashed my credentials. I just pointed out you have none.

Its gettign to the point that its just sad you cant let things go that even people that dont agree with me are pointing out your obsession.

My among them, if I want to deal with hot air, I’ll turn to politics.

Am I supposed to care that people cant handle being told the truth?

If people put me on ignore its a win for me as it proves they cant refute my points.

Antiman put me on ignore because he has always claimed he wants hard content then was quoted saying he wants hard solo content that people can out gear which makes it actually not difficult.


You may continue to waste everyone’s time but I believe I have pointed out enough flaws in your logic and “facts”.

When you have zero credibility your beliefs mean nothing.

Yep, same. Like seriously.

Credibility is imaginary on these forums my friend.

Only those who have it value it.

Only people with no credibility say that rofl

Yep because people that dont have it dont like realizing they dont have a clue what they are talking about.

and in an ironic twist, those who don;t value it might have the most as they don’t care what others think.

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Most wisest reply I’ve seen this forum post.

Yet that has not stop them from threatening your status quo.

Keeping fighting your crusade but know it is doomed to end some day.

Honestly, yes. All of this.