Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Pretty sure if you cut off 40% of your body that you’d be dead, which is what your suggesting.


Pretty sure you dont understand that 40% is less than 60%

If you’re suggesting that Blizz should favor group play based on that figure alone then you’re making a huge leap.

Not even Blizz would be gutsy enough to risk losing 40% worth of players or more.


Not at all.

Also that 40% isnt just solo players as includes pvpers and mplus players that dont raid.

So wrong as usual.

So are you?

One achievement being earned isn’t an accurate representation of what players want.


Never claimed it was a rep of what players want.

Reading seems to be really hard for you.

Then what are you doing here?

This is the whole point of the divide between raiders and solo players.

You’re just talking about pointless data.


disproving the claim that solo players are the majority.

Like are you really this obtuse or just trolling because I hurt your feelings 9 months ago?

I mean you haven’t.

You’ve come up with 1 out of possibly a dozen statics and basing your facts on that alone.

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At best solo players are 40%. Reality is they are closer to15/20% if even that high.

Basic math shows that 40% is less than half and means they arent a majority.

…and you’ve gotten these numbers from where exactly?


the 60/40 comes from achievment trackers and warcraft logs.

Breaking the 40% grants 10% to mplus and pvpers and is just an assumption.

Even at best they would be 40% and thats not a majority.

So you’ve taken what could be 1 out of a dozen slices of critical data and based your facts off that single dozen slice alone.

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All of the known members of Team Git Gud do that. They advocate suffering and give forum vacations to people who hate them.

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Team Git Gud hates nerfing content that’s frustrating and difficult and buffing content to be easier and convenient. See their stance against queues.

maybe team “git gud” needs to “git smrt”

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Sorry you dont liek the facts.

LOL conspiracy theory much?


Agreed. By the way, here’s how to identify those not see’s:

They hate flying, they hate autoqueues, and they love FOMO.

They advocate for the active suffering of the playerbase by Blizzard’s current bad design decisions.

(I am literally the complete antithesis of Team Git Gud’s ideology.)

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Your facts are factually false.

Not even the wildest statical analysis bases all their design decisions on one static alone, even if they did that is very danger territory to be trending on.

Which you seem to be happy to go skipping into.

You not liking them doesnt make them false.

Sorry you still mad over discord