Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Your facts are smoke.

If it was remotely true I’d have an army of players in here telling me I was wrong but since its only you it’d say that your information is heavily in doubt and colored by bias.

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Nah people just don’t find you worth the time. Every time you get proven wrong yiu disappear or flat out back track over and over again making excuses.

Like the one guy said you need to let stuff go and get over it instead of being an angry Chihuahua

Haha…this is where I use the mob mentality argument right?

There’s certainly some hint of irony in this coming from the guy who keeps repeating the same rhetoric over and over and over again…


I dont think you understand what backtracking means.

I’m sorry you don’t like the facts my guy.

I mean, I like facts. Have you provided any? Would love to see them.


I have. Feel free to scroll up.

I see a lot of self-aggrandizing and lots of bloated claims that don’t really amount to anything other than deliberately vague rhetorics meant to eschew from legitimate conversations.

No facts, though.


I guess you missed the facts that I listed and then you even reiterated what I said trying to discredit me.

Was pretty hilarious.

Oh, you mean the 60% thing? The thing that I offered a comparative assessment of that you conveniently ignored?

Sounds like you need to work on your facts then.


You mean where you literally agreed with what I said the entire time?

You should probably scroll up rofl.

Ill do that once you work on your reading ability.

Where did I agree with what you said? I said your statistic was correct but too broad and generalizing to actually be informative or persuasive in argumentation. That’s not me agreeing with you. That’s deconstructing a deliberately vague argument.

Buddy, I don’t think I’m the one with a reading problem.


My entire statment was that it shows people partaking in the content not the level to which they do the content which you agreed with.

You really should look up and practice your reading.

Yet you actually are lol

You know, I really love the dichotomy between you insulting my reading comprehension and your impressively consistent grammatical errors.

Okay, but you’ve only ever used this statistic to debunk the notion that a majority of players aren’t raiders, so it’s irrelevant what wordplay you use in this situation but how you’ve weaponized it for your arguments about which group is larger. 60% of people clearing the first boss is not representative of anything. It’s arbitrary unless backed up by other statistics.


Sure thing, move the goalposts after being proven wrong.

Actually I only said that it shows people are participating in the content.

Like I said, reading is hard.

Not sure you know what moving goalposts is…



And what were you leveraging it in response to?


Some posters here are acting like one raid per season is taking up all the dev time. You people do realize that new open world content is released at the same time right? That new raid that you are griping so much about comes at the end of a new zone that always soloable. Devs put just as much time in solo content as they do raids. Stop making mountains out of molehills

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I do.

People claiming solo players are the majority.

40% isn’t a minority.

Doesn’t take into account of players actual playstyles either since you can’t quantify what a player actually wants through one or two achievements being earned.

Your statical “facts” have huge statical holes of incompletion to them.


You clearly dont know how math works