Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Just because I dont play with others and solo most things doesnt mean I dont deserve to feel progression with my character.


Also, add tough content that is rewarding. content that players can’t pay gold to have someone carry them for.

It is not hard. Hard solo content will always require more skill than a team.


Mythic raiding and heroic raiding get nerfed several times, dude. Nerfing is a natural part of this game. No content avenue escapes it.


I think gear just takes WAY WAY WAY too long to get.
It feels like they design the game for people that play one toon. I associate with three guilds to a degree and in years I have only met two people that play a single toon.

The majority are like me and play several, and would play each class regularly if there were not so many artificial gates stopping us.

If it took just 2 weeks to gear up to lets say heroic item level gear I would not just stop playing once my character reached that ilevel.
I would play other content and gear up the next toon.
There’s rares to hunt. Mounts to farm. Old raids to farm. Ya have pvp and battlegrounds, and crafting, money making, and more.

It’s insane how long it takes really. And it all should be obtainable solo, small group, or in a raid. And it should be fairly easy to get the gear. Trust me. People would continue playing. In fact I would bet a lot of money that most people would play more often.
I used to raid hard but for the last year I can barely feel motivated to do more than normal raids just because of the bordom with trying to gear a toon.


And that’s literally what people are asking for.

Solo content difficult enough to warrant gear progression equivalent to M+/raiding. Again, no one is saying they want to be handed anything. To put it bluntly, I agree with them. Solo players should not be denied the same gear progression everyone else gets, if they can earn it.

Times have changed, and the average MMO player would much rather do something they don’t need to herd 19 other cats for. For most of us, M+ became the focus because you can just find a group and go do it. Five people instead of 20, and it’s generally accepted higher keys are often more difficult than mythic raid content - enough so that many people spent years arguing it should reward the same gear.

And now? Now it will reward gear that’s very, very close. If content for five people is going to offer adequate challenge and rewards appropriate to that challenge, why not give solo players something akin to that? Gear progression is a big part of the draw to these games, and the retention of solo players is so low in part because they hit a gear wall they can’t overcome without, you know, socializing. And most people don’t want to socialize these days.


I agree, as often as we throw away gear in patches by the time we grind out the gear. The game expects us to move on from it to the next item level.

It is annoying to say the least.


Are you saying that the person putting in effort to play solo is less important than the person putting effort into group play, they both require you to log on and do something.

And people shouldn’t be treated differently just because they chose to play differently.
I dislike Mplus immensely, but I do raid, and even I would like to see more effort put into better rewards for solo players, which apart from raids is my play style


The solution is really simple actually. You make gear that scales in certain environments for open world solo players. The gear item level changes depending on the zone you are in. That way everyone can get the same end game gear level but it just wont work in Raids or Mythic. That way if people choose to only play solo and open world they aren’t being shorted, and those who want to push keys and raid can still have the best gear for that play style.


so play a game that doesn’t require you to socialize then lol. i never heard anyone say 15 or 20 keys are harder than mythic raids lol. 100 percent would not say its generally accepted lol. like saying they should make even harder content for the world first groups because its not fair for them to not have enough progression to keep them subed lol. don’t get mad you can’t buy a footlong at burger king you know.

None of the above. You’re just unable to comprehend the points I make.

The ge we is a reward for doing harder content. The logs are a result of performance of said content

Mythic raiders don’t get gear to flaunt and show off. They don’t care. But I never said gear doesn’t matter.

Keep making stuff up in your head.

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This has already been suggested and it’s a terrible idea.

In a game where the rewards are based on difficulty yes the effort matters. Solo content takes no effort.

And spent 15 years failing because the problem with grouping up is a) scheduling conflicts followed by b) other players in the group being psychopaths. No amount of incentivisation will make someone deal with b) and every time you group up there’s a risk of one of your party members being a raving lunatic like so many of the ones gracing this thread. Games as a medium are for entertainment and being exposed to the same psychopaths you get paid to deal with as part of your day job is not entertainment. They’re never going to overcome the simple reality of mental midgets ruining the game for others.


Nah. It definitely shouldn’t

Is fixed by even putting a minuscule of effort into finding a guild with the same schedule.

Like the ones that throw insults at people? Like you did to me earlier?

Maybe it’s a you issue :joy:

You come off like one of those kids that rage in 7-14 keys because you’re ok but just not good enough :joy:

For what?

The season that it’s open? That’s about it?

Not substantiable as a business model anymore and people aren’t buying into E-sports.

Only way for Blizzard on this path is downwards…though it seems they’ve elected to take the hard route there.


Which people are looking to change and you having only selfish reasons for it not to.


Nah they just want the rewards without the hard content.

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A poor excuse.

Keep making up boogeymen and fantasies.

Not an excuse.

They have literally been responding to me in this thread.

I’m sorry you’re still triggered about being made fun of in discord but stop ignoring the facts my guy.