Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

You said nothing was provided on the forums. You were wrong.

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No it would not. It is still content for you to do.

That is the same thing as telling solo players they got content. If the content is not engaging and rewarding for the time investing. Who cares.

No matter what you do with raiding, it is not going to go back to the glory days. Mythic dungeons are replacing it.

The point is this, Telling solo players they got plenty of content, fine lets nerf down raiding content to be as long as tedious as player solo content. You will find out just how bad it really is for solo players.


I wonder is this continuous whinge by the leet raider faction is a manifestation of guilt or an admission that solo play is scary?
Build a solo questline, or a three person, whatever, that makes me work as…hmmm…hard…as the Raiders of the Lost Snark, with comparable gear, and I’ll be happy.
And I won’t whine about ROTLS getting all the good gear.


They’re afraid that solo play will destroy raiding, since it’s losing its appeal.


Sorry, but your vision of what this game should be is not in line with what the developers envision. It never has been.

They are not going to all of a sudden start giving you mythic raid level gear for doing solo content.

They have done progressive solo content in the past, to which the solo crowd wined and said it was only for skilled, mythic raiders to do, not for “the masses” and cried to nerf it (aka MAGE TOWER).

Let me guess, you haven’t even done one of the mage tower challenges for any class spec have you?

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That progressive solo content you speak of required gear you could only obtain from doing raids and/or M+. The vast majority of players, skilled and not, were unable to complete the Mage Tower challenges until after time passed and gear improved.

I can’t help but feel you might be missing the point people are trying to make. They would like solo content that offers a challenge suitable for M+/raid-equivalent gear to be rewarded. Cosmetic rewards alone are insufficient to hold their interest. That’s it. Full stop. No one is asking to be handed anything.


People like to use this as an example for how solo players don’t like hard content, but isn’t it possible that the content was simply overtuned? Blizzard is no stranger to difficulty imbalance. Hell, they can’t even get their scaling for older content correct.

By that logic, shouldn’t I use the fact that heroic and mythic raids getting nerfed as evidence that group-oriented players similarly do not like hard content?


Comparison is the killer of joy. Do what you want.


Raiding is very alive and well. I’d rather just not let people like you have any influence to change the game to fit how you want to play it.

To quote Snozay:

“To put it into perspective. You have someone that buys a product, refuses to use the product as it’s designed, then throws a fit and tells the manufacturer to change the product to their specifications because it’s not a good product.”

You are the person throwing a fit. I don’t like people like you in the slightest. You feel entitled, and I bet it spills into your real life as well.

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The developers envision is not doing too well. They have been getting put in their place by us soloers for a long time.

So much so that they hired a team to focus on nothing but world and solo content, and we have flying at the start of the expansion with a new flying system. Oh and a crafting revamp.

It is a nice start, but the problem mostly with wow respecting the players time.

The leadership can keep being wrong, but no matter what they do. Raiding will never go back to the old days.

Also someone will always complain about something, but wow numbers is proof that wow has a solo content problem.

If you want me to spend months to grind out for decent gear, only by the time i get the decent gear a new patch comes out not giving me time to enjoy the power that I reach, and with said power no solo content for me to enjoy it with, besides getting my world quest done faster, that are already tedious because they made them take twice as long as legion. Sure buddy. Great content


No its not over tuned.

It is akin to heroic / mythic raiding for the solo player. It takes several attempts, and mastering your class / spec to complete them.

What was the solo player asking for? Get cool transmogs and mythic level raid gear for killing boars?

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It amazes me that you feel entitled to high end gear for doing piss easy solo content.

Just stop. You threw any credibility you may have had right out the door with this statement.

The faster that people like you quit, the better this game will be in my humble opinion.

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Why does gear matter so much? Logs matter more than the gear.

I mean raiders sell that gear for players for gold. So why do you care what soloers get?


Because quite frankly you don’t deserve high end gear for doing solo content.

Its as simple as that.

(and the developers thankfully agree with me)

I understand this, but you act like Blizzard is infallible to difficulty imbalance and that should someone take issue with something designed to be difficult, then it’s just “them not actually wanting hard content,” when it’s very much been a significant part of their pedigree for years now. Mythic raiding is almost always overtuned and is subsequently nerfed. Nobody holds this over mythic raiders as an example for how they don’t actually want hard content. It’s only ever with solo players.

It really feels like some of you are arguing in bad faith here.


Piss easy? It is harder staying awake for the content than you do paying raiders to farm gear for you.


You always come back to this “paying raiders” comment. Like people don’t exist that master the content and actually raid without paying a dime for any of the gear they acquire.

You certainly live in a delusional bubble.

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I mean I could get it. I just pay gold for it.

I rather be rewarded for the content I enjoy.


They nerfed the mage tower. Several times. And still people complain.

Do they need to nerf it into LFR levels of difficulty but still award the trasmog it gives?

You see, the reward should match the effort / skill it takes to get it. This is especially true with gearing.

Because it is the truth?

You raiders sell gear to players. Are you saying because they pay gold they deserve it?

It is so easy to blow holes in every little excuse you have, and lucky the developers are learning from the mistakes.