Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I’m shocked Snozay even comes back to this thread. After he said gear does not matter for raiding, and will not answer if that is the case why does he care solo players get better gear.

No matter how many times you prove him wrong, He keeps coming back.


He’s a low IQ narcissist trying to feed off this thread, because everyone in real life already kicked him to the curb for being a loser. He literally doesn’t have enough of a functioning brain to realise that no one cares about him beyond pointing and laughing.


He says the point I already made.

Try again.

My view hasn’t been shut down at all.

Imagine taking things out of context and then thinking you actually are correct.

You have yet to prove me wrong. You can’t even comprehend that gear is a tool. All you do is take things out of context and try to have “gotcha” moments because you lack the ability to actually make a legitimate point.

Imagine making insults because you’re mad to the point you can’t actually refute points.

The irony is you shouldn’t be calling anyone low iq based on your very entertaining assumptions

I enjoy breaking it to you but you’re wrong :joy:

You have as much evidence as smoke where your statics are concerned.

You have nothing but one number to backup your flimsy view.


Gear is just a tool.

Says solo players don’t deserve good gear

Huh. “Just a tool?”

you are so full of it. You act like gear does not matter, yet talk down to people who want better gear for content they do.

If logs is what matters the most. Why do you care so much?


Not my fault you can’t comprehend them and continue to harass me on the forums.

You can’t even comprehend the number or the view.

Hard concept. You want better gear go do the content that rewards it.

I’m sorry you still struggle to comprehend basic English.

Keep making things up I didn’t say though.

Still not answer why kiddo.

You say do content that matters, but you down played gear that does not matter. So again, you just making yourself look dumb.

If logs matter more than the gear, your stance makes no sense.

Either A) You are lying, or B) you are stupid. Or C) you are just a troll. I’m thinking all 3.

Now if you can explain why you have said stance by all means, but until you do. Your stance on this issue does not matter. It is null.

and if you admit gear matters, well that means that you got to accept the other part that I said.


Debatable since you’re just as happy to tear me or others down.

In either case, you don’t have the fully story and you’re a fool to perpetrate that you do by tearing others down for not agreeing with you.

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I mean, it kind of has. Your view is a gross oversimplification of statistical analysis. If analytics were as easy as you think they are, then all of us would be in marketing making six figure salaries for Fortune 500 businesses straight out of high school.

Like imagine going to work for McDonald’s, working in marketing analytics, and being tasked with compiling a dataset that the marketing team can use to develop a new targeted advertisement. And your response is to type into google “How many people like McDonald’s burgers?” and using whatever statistic it shoots back at you. Then, at your presentation to the board the next week, you say “70% of people that eat at McDonald’s like our burgers!”

Your statistic, while correct, doesn’t illustrate a broader picture beyond an extremely generalized statement, and you would likely be asked “Well, what kind of burgers do they like? What percentage of people like Big Macs? What percentage of people like the Quarter Pounder? Which demographics like the Big Mac and which ones like the Quarter Pounder? Do they have a preference? What about the McDouble?”

Essentially, that is what you’ve done with your “statistic.” You’ve provided a generalized statement about raid participation that doesn’t illustrate anything deeper or complex. Until you do, the numbers game you continue to play with your statistics is just that: A game. It’s not critical to the conversation. It’s just meaningless fluff.


Can we at least agree solo content is fine going into dragonflight?


We haven’t seen it in play yet.


I will personally agree that Dragonflight looks pretty solid for solo play.

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As is typical, there is more solo content in the expansion than there is group content.

And somehow they still complain that its not enough…

Open your eyes then!

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It’s a good start (especially for crafters and gatherers), but until it’s actually played broadly the flaws won’t be apparent. Alpha and beta never seem to iron out the world content design problems before launch, because there’s no incentive for testing.

How about this, lets cut the rewards you get in raids and stuff down to half or better yet let only one person get loot out of the whole raid. But why does that matter? You still get the content.


To what? you want more gear? lol

Well now that would defeat the point of grouping up with other players now wouldn’t it? They want to incentivize people to group up, not go solo. Or haven’t you gotten the point for the last 15 years?

Also you’re a coward for putting your profile on private.

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