Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

so everything that you disagree with is BS and only your opinion is the actual truth?

I wasnt the one that mentioned infinity scaling but the infinity scaling does mean that m+ has the potential to be the hardest piece of content in the game if you go high enough but it doesnt not mean that every key is harder than torghast, that makes no sense.

I never did


This is really what you guys do with your day?

You can’t think of ANYTHING else better to do?

When did I say that? I countered your “evidence” with actual proof.

Is anyone saying every key is harder than torghast? That’s clearly not true. System vs system, M+ is harder.

One or more unsatisfied trolls like to keep rattling the cage.

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I work from home and have significant moments of downtime while I wait to be assigned another project. I can’t really leave my desk during that time unless I’m going to make food or clean my apartment a bit (which I do from time to time).

So no, not really.

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Maybe you could do it naked. People in the top 1% are not the majority, and the game should not be designed exclusively for them. People who believe that the overwhelming majority of players in the game are in the top 1% are mathematically innumerate.


Completely irrelevant, good talk as usual.

I didn’t say I could do it naked.

Not at all. The idea that everyone is capable of playing as well as someone like you who brags about being a 1%-er just shows you don’t understand how businesses make profits.


How was your reply to me related to the topic or discussion? Personal skill was not discussed.

We were specifically talking about systems. You were the one who brought up 1%er just now.

this isnt a proof this is a claim, which is irrelevant, you dont need M14 gear to do M15 same way you ofc dont need have the exact gear ilvl that torghast recommend to actually do it, however the base line difficult for the average player is that, the average difficult for a m15 rewards what it does and blizzard expect the average player to need higher gear than tht to do t16, this isnt my opinion this is what is in the game.

how is that relevant? I never said it wasnt, I said that torghast highest difficult is way harder than many keys and it doesnt reward any gear, the dude I actually reply to has said time and time again that gear should be reward = to the difficulty of the content, logic demands that t16 should give better gear than many m+ keys.

my actually first post I even said that if you dont agree tht t16 flawless is harder than m15 you surely do that it is at least around m10 to 15 in difficulty however it doesnt give any actual gear reward, so if you truly believe that gear should be reward for hard content torghast should’ve been a gear upgrade route for solo players


I have a home gym, but to each their own… speaking of which, cya!

You made the claim that no one needs the recommended ilvl of gear to complete a flawless torghast. That is so laughably false it is either a lie or an admission that you delusionally think everyone in the game is as capable of doing that content as a you. The recommended ilvl is for the general playerbase. You were probably one of those who complained when they put in a recommended ilvl.

Why did they put in a recommended ilvl? Because they gave the quest to everyone, without even a hint that it might be inappropriate for players without good gear. I bet a lot of people swore off Torghast after that and participation dropped.


Well, having a home gym would be a lot more feasible for me if I didn’t live in an apartment and didn’t have to move the equipment every time I moved.

Instead I have a membership that I utilize every day after work


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95% of these arguments are contingent on these people clearly operating at a level in this game above the average player. It’s a way to discredit legitimate concerns while simultaneously being a power move. No amount of logical arguments are going to make them see how ridiculous their perspectives are.

I’ve learned to just laugh at these people and move on.


One argument I have heard is that these people have been playing at such a high level for such a long time, while isolating themselves from anyone who plays differently, that they actually come to believe that they are “average” or “typical” players.


Which is why we end up with players like Snozth.

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I don’t believe he is one of these. He is a player who has recently found some success and become a True Convert™. Closer to Stockholm Syndrome.

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Bud, I hate to break it to you, but you’ve got to learn to let Snozh go. Even if I don’t agree with him, your refusal to just ignore him and even follow him into threads makes you look sadder than he does.

Put him on ignore and move on with your life.

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No need to worry.

The game will peter out like it always does.

Plus I have concerns elsewhere than the WoW forum. I mainly check this site every morning to check if the world is immediately doomed to be frank with you.

Wouldn’t want to go out on a regular day to discover a zombie outbreak happening.


Since a majority of these threads are started by solo players/causals who deemed they’ve been wronged (lmfaormfomoalrf)

Why don’t you guys come together to offer a collective solution?

Because every single one of you, are asking for COMPLETELY different things.

And when players question it, you guys feel “oppressed” or its “gatekeeping” and you start attacking us.

Because TO BE FRANK, you guys seem SO UNHAPPY with the game, I would’ve left long ago.

But you guys sit here and rant and bash and make these threads and its like…bro lmao.

And seriously bro, i would’ve left to find another MMO until blizzard got their stuff together I would not be ranting on the forums hoping to EVENTUALLY catch their attention.

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