Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

So you’re a solo player? No? Then your opinion is worthless.


I bet you got a trophy every time you did something In sports or other things, because they didn’t do that when i was in school.

Do any of you that only do solo content feel that this game has ever been rewarding ? If so when , and if not i guess what keeps making you want to play ?

Why are you on Area 52?

What do you mean lol? Area 52 is known for toxicity and hardcore players, not exactly for your casual players lol. And your activity is hidden lol.

To quote you:

I had to go to do mythic plus to get decent gear. Maybe it would be nice to do solo content for good solo gear. But the game doesn’t work like that. Gotta do group content for good solo gear…

It’s like why play a game at all if you have to do another mode to get all your gear that you may not like? Go play any game and have it forced to get all the gear from group content? Even though there are solo modes…

It would be like requiring you to do online pvp for pokemon to get a legendary. When most of the game is single player. Or forcing people to do arena for dungeons and dungeons stopped dropping loot.

Ew. I hated those things. Just like I hated Torghast.

Proof positive you still don’t know what you’re talking about.

Literally no one said it was.

And can do it in outdoor content. Thanks for understanding.

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It seems they cant as we can see on this topic, Blizzard wants people to play the game and do the content, not just play the beginner part of it and request better rewards.

We all do the same thing “solo player” do, the only difference is that we continue to play the game and clear the content, solo player refuse to do so.

The real question in this thread.

I’m only hidden from certain people and your one of them.

You’re showing your toxicity on most post very well.

Am I wrong that Area 52 is a hardcore server? How am I being toxic? And I don’t think you can hide your posts from certain people lol,

I see you had to add 2 different posts to make you feel superior.

Typical trophy collector.

I have a negative opinion of the server overall, but I’m not sure if they’re a ‘hardcore’ community per se.

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I mean, your activity is hidden from me too – pretty sure the only options for your forum activity is ‘hide from everyone (except mods)’ or ‘visible to all’.

I mean, Club Camel comes from area 52 top ten guild in the World. What do you consider hardcore?


It seems you’re incapable of reading then.

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Guess I am too, dunno what I did.

Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game

An instance-based lobby game is not a roleplaying game. Some of us want to play in a living world, rather than an esport.


I haven’t ever advocated for any side personally, but I would consider myself “casual” in the type of content I do.

Basically I don’t do ANY form of PvP, Competitve Dungeons (Mythic and M+ modes), and Raiding. While I understand the bulk of the game for a lot of people revolves around those elements, I certainly don’t begrudge those who partake in those activities. I mostly look to find enjoyment out activities more like professions, pet battles, farming old content, WQ’s/dailies/Rep grinds, making alts, completing achivements I can, etc…

Well I wouldn’t say someone like myself doesn’t put effort into the game, just that I don’t apply my effort towards group content completion. While my areas of the game hardly impact Raiders/M+/Rated PvP I appreciate my activities as time well spent. I just expect to see usual updates to similar content same as anyone. As far gear I don’t really care for the most part except when it comes to running old raids for mogs/pets/mounts. Mythic Tomb of Sargeras and Antorus should be a sweep now as the content is easily 2 expansions ago, no brainer. Whether that takes a debuff on enemies in the raid, health reductions for bosses/trash, better gear with better stats, or some other solution yet to be listed, I personally don’t care if my gear is the same as a raider or not, just that Blizzard is mindful of old content tuning so that folks farming items can run those raids when they are considered far obsolete.That’s pretty much it. I may or may not be like other casuals, but I do what I do.

This is summed up perfectly. :100: