Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Most people can do that.

You’re back to posting more irrelevant information I see.

That you can’t dictate others opinions must frustrate you.

I’m commenting on the post and the responses are super extreme to either side, solo or PvE hardcores. All I care for is PvP, which is Blizzards ugly red headed step child, so in my sh*t post I’m saying I could care less for either (cuz afai can tell it’s just some more disgruntled PvE bs) and just give me a PvP warcraft. Not that deep.

Not at all. Everyone has differing opinions.

I only care if someone has a credible opinion on the subject matter they are sharing their opinion on.

As you have zero credibility it’s why I put your opinion as non existent.

What about people like me that do both?

Yet you keep replying…which makes you…

I ignore you aside from when you get caught in your feelings and reply to me.

I’m sure you’re more than capable of playing 2, hypothetical, games.

It makes you a troll.

How does me responding to a known troll replying to me make me a troll?

O wait it doesn’t.

Feel free to continue being mad and trolling though.

I also have this.

First off, the man clearly said 20%.

Second off, this was during the horrid time period where all of blizzard got exposed for workplace harassment so yes, there was a massive drop off.

And although the numbers seem bad, you completely ignored the m+ numbers.

It literally looks like a majority of players just shifted from raiding to m+ because m+ gearing was much more viable at that time with how the player base dropped because of the bad PR.

The raiding was BAD in shadowlands, but it wasnt always bad and to say nobody wants to raid is literally lunatic because there’s literally 4 other expansions that prove you wrong.

I’m a newish player and this attitude makes me want to stop playing and stops me from recommending it to my friends.


Broken record Bloody posts the same thread he tried to use to make a point and got flat out dumpstered by Capslock again :joy:

If you can’t read then say so.

why exactly? the game has very little to offer solo players at the moment.

There’s a reasoning behind it.

To put it into perspective. You have someone that buys a product, refuses to use the product as it’s designed, then throws a fit and tells the manufacturer to change the product to their specifications because it’s not a good product.

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Only the foolish or the damned remain here.

Enjoy what you can but expect little breathing space at the high end.

I can read just fine. You clearly don’t know what “mob mentality” is or that just because someone else who was proven wrong got mad and made a false claim doesn’t make it true.

You repeat the same points and get blasted everytime.

Mob mentality doesn’t make the mob disappear.

They’re still around but more wisely don’t engage with you or your ilk.

I’m the exception because I take in the whole picture.