Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

These numbers are inaccurate solely based on the subs alone.

do you truly think 90% of the player base DOESNT DO RAIDS?

You’re telling me 90% of the player base is sub’d to NOT raid?

I’m sorry brother but if you believe those numbers,

Stay in school and godsend.

You mean when your options for gear were dungeons or raids?

Who was it again that took the comments on here to a private discord for support?

Access to harder content.

There’s a reason why group content rewards the best gear form the hardest difficulty and solo content is trivial content anyone can do.

Or… PvP gear…

I don’t need anyone for support in destroying your points.

You’re comments are so off base I thought other people that actually play the game would find them funny.

Guess who’s still salty about it it almost 9 months later :joy:

Which you still have access too?

Yet that didn’t stop you from being petty anyway.

Kinda weird and pathetic in your own way.

Yeah? Why not?

Yet here you are bringing it up for the third time.

I’m sorry I hurt you’re feelings for posting something you posted on an online forum to other people who also laughed at you.

So you want to go back to a time where it was harder for you to get gear?

You do realize classic exists right?

I don’t care.

I’m just displaying how petty you are and can be.

I get PvP gear now and I never do PvE lol so no I don’t see where this is going

Edit: this is actually a perfect example of PvE mindset lol but I guess I’m the same toward PvP shrug

Solo players deserve nothing. If you put effort in you should get rewarded. Hence m+ and Raiding. Solo players have no use for gear anyway. Honestly such a dumb argument.

You care enough to keep bringing it up over and over again.

Is that supposed to hurt my feelings because I laughed at something stupid someone said on the internet and linked it to my friends?


Just show your true colors.

I’m not understanding your comment as you want to separate solo players and raiders/mplus people so you can “get warcraft back to warcraft” yet that wouldn’t change anything

I’m pretty blunt and obvious about the type of person I am. I don’t sugarcoat things for peoples feelings.

You’re not “exposing” anything people don’t already know aside from your feelings clearly got hurt.

Thankfully they can decide for themselves.

They’re based on the active participants found in raids. Of all of the characters scanned by io, 80-90% were not actively raiding and io scans entire guilds. So io’s numbers aren’t based on subs, but what the addon is logging from people using the addon. And the players aren’t in raids, chief.

Yes, people are telling you that 90% are subbed to not raid, as has been the case since Vanilla by Blizzard’s own admission. Time to get a grip on reality, because the numbers aren’t in favour of your argument.

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