Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

You dont have to be social in a m0…just sign up for a ton of stuff, then get invited, you dont even have to say hi to the group?

I dont get why you think you have to be social in a m0?



That one doesn’t like me.

Because that fact is bad for the gatekeeping fear-mongering


And now I’m a fan

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All Bloody does is make weak arguments that xyz will fail and the. Disappears once he’s proven wrong only to reappear hours later.

lol coming from the one who alt hops because he can’t admit he’s wrong.


Ahh more made up lies because you can’t actually make a point.

I post on my current main. Which changes from tier to tier.

I don’t admit I’m wrong because I have never been wrong in any of our interactions.

Yeah you have zero clue what you’re talking about.

False. Solo content is literally the easiest content in the game.

Point is nobody cares what you think.

If players want change they’ll push for it, if it means Ion gets the boot and you lose your prestige then it’ll happen.


What content are you doing solo that is more challenging than group content?

Group content will always have a dynamic that solo content does not.

Group positioning.

By definition solo content will never have these elements which means it will never be harder.

You clearly do as you follow me and reply in multiple threads the. Get mad when I prove you wrong over and over again.

Players don’t change what you think they change because solo players are a minority.

So basically you’re statement has nothing to do with the topic at hand or even the game.

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Then you’re a fool.

I like to think of it more as humoring you really.

You’ve burned more than enough bridges on this forum, I’m surprised anyone still replies to you.

And you’re admittedly not even talking about the game. lol

What makes you think people cared enough to raid in the first place? We’ve got 5% participation back in Vanilla and 10% participation now in retail after a 16 year period. If the grind was the problem, why is there only a 5% (15% if we’re being extremely generous) increase in uptake over 16 years? That’s still 80% of the playerbase not being active raiders. Unless of course the grind was largely irrelevant and people just don’t care about raiding because they don’t want to deal with psychopaths or scheduling conflicts, which is the actual case.

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Again here you go.

WoW just needs to split and give the raiders/PvE’ers their own stand and button mash lobby. Then we can get back to real warcraft again.

Yet you’re the laughing stock rofl.

Yet you reply to me :joy:

Someone isn’t very smart.