Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

What expansions are you referring to then? BfA? Legion? Legion was pretty well-regarded among all communities but BfA is not exactly an indicator for quality, either. WoD was a terrible expansion all-around outside of leveling.

Plenty of other games have given Blizzard the answer. I’m not saying that Blizzard should do exactly what other games do, but it’s not like Blizzard is a stranger to pulling ideas from other games. They have ideas. They have blueprints they can follow or pull inspiration from. They just choose not to. Plenty of people have given Blizzard an answer to solo content, but people choose to focus on the low-hanging fruit instead. Likely because it’s easier to flame.


There is no gatekeeping. Keep making up even more lies though cupcake.

I don’t mock solo players. I mock entitled players. There’s a difference.

So why are you trying to turn this game into one you already play?


Let the game be, its doing fine.

I already explained, once that content rewards gear, and players won’t be able to do it, there’s gonna be ANOTHER out cry and it will get nerfed, history will repeat.

True, but this is assuming we never TRIED other methods.
we have and they failed, and with how the community handles the whole gatekeeping/elitits/solo/casual gamer thing, this is another bombshell waiting to implode if it gets implemented.

it was already bad WITHOUT rewarding gear.

Ima just go ahead and take your side for a second.

Lets assume they have all the answers, but ULTIMATELY they deem not to use those “answers”.

Who df are we to tell them how to run their game bro?

There’s a difference between suggesting ideas and “your game will die if you dont”

The game has been anti-solo for 16 years, it will be fine.

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Blizzard can do whatever they like with their game but I find it extremely ignorant to act like consumers aren’t allowed to voice their discontent with something on a forum designated for feedback, and just because Blizzard continues to ignore those answers doesn’t always mean they’re right. Shadowlands exemplifies this mentality. Other examples that come to mind are flying (or lack thereof), which has been a longstanding issue between Blizzard and the community for almost a decade now and is now coming to Dragonflight at launch, albeit looking very different from the flying systems that we know, but still coming nonetheless.

I don’t know, man. I’ve been playing this game for as long and I don’t recall ever feeling this jaded and skeptical about solo content. Generally, I’ve felt like the solo content space existed in leveling when it actually mattered, but ever since they’ve neutered the leveling experience (which I’m not against) without anything to make up for that vacancy, solo content has felt extremely lacking when stacked up to other content forms. People say this game has always been about group play but I don’t think I could disagree more.


It’s also BS when most of the people back when Vanilla released didn’t even raid by Blizzard’s own admission (was it something like 95% didn’t raid when it was current content?). They levelled and maybe did dungeons. Raiding has never been as important as the typical Classic Andy claims. People need to stop playing revisionist history when FFXI was the game that required groups for literally everything, not WoW.

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Repeat a lie long enough and some will come to view it as truth.

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So we’re not gonna mention the part where the reason for that is that in vanilla, 1-60 literally took weeks if not months for some people?

The classic grind back in 05?

I agree, since they practically turned leveling into a dungeon grind, it’s been very lackluster.

And once again, I really do hope they give solo players more content.

But unfortunately Blizzard has taken this route for a long time.

They’ve tried to give solo content to the players and it was all in vein due to the community feedback.

I hope they find the perfect feature for the solo players, but some of ya’ll are literally like “cater to us or the game wont last longer”.

It ain’t that serious.

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That’s exactly what I’m mentioning. People did not do raid content in the original version of the game and nothing has changed in the years since. Since you clearly don’t understand that WoW players have historically never cared about raiding. They didn’t care back then and they still don’t care now.

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…is that what you got from it?..

Because what i got was, the grind was so harsh not many people MADE it to raiding.

Not only did you have to hit 60, there was a massive gear check before even GETTING into the raid.

The process took much longer than now bro.

Tell me you don’t remember classic without telling me you dont remember classic.

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Solo players should get better gear than m+
Gear ilvls should be distributed as raid, pvp, solo and then m+ based on skill. Yes it takes more skill to solo than to do m+. The least skilled content

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soloing what exactly, is more difficult than m+?

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Freakin pet battles requires more skill than m+ it’s garbage content that has way to much loot delivery. Tap needs to be shut off!

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Had me in the first half, then lost all credibility with the 2nd half.


I mean, I personally feel like Dragonflight is more or less a step in the right direction. Dragonriding seems like a cool way to explore the world, the zones feel less designed around being cluttered and puzzle-oriented and more around being actual open spaces, and professions are getting a pretty substantial revamp. I’m not a fan of the open world loot nerf if only because it just feels unnecessary, but all signs certainly indicate that solo content is getting more evergreen systems that can be built upon with future expansions and systems that complement the open world.

Will it be the perfect feature? Probably not. People will always complain, but I would argue that Dragonflight is emblematic of Blizzard listening in some capacity.

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I’m happy there is some things you are looking forward to in DF.

And if the direction DF is going in, is what the solo/casual community wants ill support you guys the whole way through.

still in hopes they release a proper solo feature for that community

Unless you’re an omnipresent god that sees into every raid group that was ever formed then you’re most definitely wrong about that.

Yet you use the label as a weapon, to demonize players for a playstyle that isn’t yours.

I don’t need too. I understand what gatekeeping means.

In order for there to be gatekeeping every raid and group leader to be organized in keeping one person from getting invited that’s 100% not happening.

Yet I continue to say if people enjoy playing solo then knock yourselves out. It’s not until people demand special treatment when it’s an issue.

I know that destroys your weak argument so have fun :smiley:

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Every raid and group? Talk about stretching a wide net, just to avoid accountability for the action actually taking place in individual raids or groups that you’d have no idea where gatekeeping takes place.

Perhaps remove your head from the clouds.

I dunno about you but I am not frothing at the mouth over the prospect of other players getting to share in a gaming experience.

You should probably google gatekeeping.

It has to be every raid/group leader actively declining person xy in order to be gatekeeping.

Getting declined because you aren’t qualified for the group you’re applying for (example zero heroic exp and applying for a mythic group or zero keys done and applying for 15s) Isn’t gatekeeping.

Perhaps you should remove your head from your….

I don’t care what your opinion is. Never have never will. You don’t play the game and are nothing but a troll.