Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

by your limited definition. expand your mind get creative.


They can just, you know, not do that. Or nerf content as it ages, after first world clears are achieves - just as they do with raids. The community just needs to get accommodated to the idea that some solo content can’t be snoozed through. That isn’t fostered by adapting static mindsets like yours; thinking like yours is a death knell.

There will be friction. There will always be friction when new expectations are established. WoW is old. It stagnates - embraces your weakness in reasoning, it hastens its meteoric descent.

Blizzard can be very clear: you want top end rewards? You’ll have to push. And, some of you just aren’t going to capable of it. Will some whine? Of course. There will always be whiners. Who. Cares. If. They. Whine. They lose nothing - they continue to be able to consume the same exact amount of content they could as before. In return, WoW finally appeals more to a growing demographic - a demographic it is being outclassed in serving by its competitors.

And if they introduce said something, im all for it brotherman.

Im not against you guys getting gear.

But they’ve tried to implement “solo” features for many expansions now, and unfortunately there hasn’t been a truly successful one yet.

If they add even a lick of difficulty to a “gear rewarding system”

Casuals and solo players will still make a topic about how they feel “oppressed” by it.

Which happened with mage tower. (and i use mage tower because mage tower tested individual’s skill levels to a massive degree)

I think MT has been the closest thing to a good system for solos.

You can’t be a solo player and do group content.

I know you go based off of your feelings but word definitions actually have meaning.

Solo means “ done by one person alone; unaccompanied”

Which means you aren’t a solo player if you do lfg LFR.

So no it’s not my definition it’s the literal definition of the word.

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Cool then can the people who do group content but also play solo get some gearing systems then? or do you want to gatekeep everyone who doesnt play exactly like you?


They already have multiple avenues to get gear.

Gatekeeping doesn’t exist in this game. Everyone literally has the same opportunity to get the gear.

But no I want people to play the game as designed instead of demanding the game cater to their playstyle and give them bis gear for trivial content.

But they do, so you cant just say “dont do that”. lol.

They won’t because they haven’t in the past.

They have been very static about this actually, look at all the expansions. its literally push content or die.

Wow has always been about group endgame content, and if they deem that they would rather work on group content than solo content than it is up to them to do so.

If you are so worried about “WoW’s competitors” because they offer a much better solo-play experience that caters to you,

Why are you playing WoW? a game that NEVER CATERED TO SOLO PLAY?



why are you so against having more ways to play the game? Its like watching an old man yell at a playstation for not being a cup n ball.


Because there are already multiple avenues to get gear.

It’s a waste of dev time to cater to players who choose to not play the game.

On top of that I as a mythic raider already have content I am forced into doing. I would rather not have to add yet another chore to do every day/week.

So again, more would be bad, why?

Better to cater to the raid loggers who dont play the game either? The whole goal the company is to get more people to play the game. Here they have a very large demographic of players who want to play the game and your suggestion is to “keep holding the course, they will cave and become raid loggers eventually”?

Sooooo you dont want other people to play the game, but also you dont want to play the game yourself, are you ok? Do you need help? Blink twice if Ion has a gun pointed at you right now!


In the context that the content didn’t reward end-game gear. Yes! If you create end-game difficulty-level content, and give the player a bloody sticker as their reward, most people aren’t going to be motivated to engage with content on the level it demands, get annoyed, and then complain. How do you not understand this? Imagine if all raids gave was skins. That’s what we’ve seen thus far. That’s it. Point stop. Acknowledge that.

I do not know how to communicate in text with someone who has your level of reading comprehension, I am sorry. Yes, it’s push content or die. I am saying, make solo push content. Or die. What are you even trying to get across here? You’ve illuminated nothing.

Argumentum ad antiquitatem. Is does not mean must be.

Yo, savant, ever think it might because I’m not just a solo player? I do play those competitors, when I’m in the mind to do the thing they inarguably do better.


your problem is you once again keep a limited view of what the game actually is. To you the game is logging on raid on raid night, and doing other content which you are “forced”
to do, ignoring the BULK of the game, there is tons of filler that could be used to fit this purpose, you just dont want to do it cause that would mean actually playing the game more than you have to.


Do you even read my responses?

  • It goes against the way the game is designed
    -it’s a waste of dev time
    -it rewards people who refuse to play the game as designed

People don’t raid log until the end of the tier.

The first few months are

  • grinding reps
  • grinding mplus
  • actually raiding

So please stop using that terrible excuse. It shows you don’t know what mythic raiders actually do.

And no solo players are a minority.

Are you being obtuse on purpose? I play more content of the game than any solo player and I don’t want to add another chore I would be forced to grind so I can do the content I want to do.

More chores to do is less time I get to arena mplus and raid.

Once again, we really need to move away from the “Look at all the solo features solo players have!” arguments and start scrutinizing that content on a deeper level.

Rather than looking at the quantity, look at the quality. People use Shadowlands as an example of how solo players don’t know what they want, but when has Shadowlands ever been considered to be emblematic of anything quality?


I do, and i wish i didnt cause get dumber every time i do.

How is more content a waste of dev time? remembering small indy dev of course, not one of the biggest brands in gaming ever…

How is the game designed to played by raid loggers? Please explain the games design to me as you see it.

You only do those grinds until they are done, they are chores to you. You get them done then log until raid. Chores.

As for not knowing what a mythic raider does, i laugh, i started playing this game in vanilla when i was 17 ive done server first raiding, heroics and mythics all when they were the top end of content. As for solos as the minority we already had this discussion, you only think that because you limit what you think a solo is to people who are afraid of grouping.

You level, do chores and raid log. dont oversell it.

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It’s designed to help you gate out the people you mock and make up fake data to support what your feefees tell you is right in the forums. And you do.


Good thing i never mentioned SL? but in PREVIOUS expansions where they TRIED to cater to said audience, it really didnt go well.

in matter of fact, the audience which the content was meant for didnt like it.

once again, if they find a balance for the system to coexist with the current ones, so be it.

Unfortunately nobody on these forums know the answer and blizzard themselves still don’t know considering everytime they “try”, it fails.

Ima be honest bro, We play 2 completely different games.

If you truly feel this way I suggest you stop because this has to be torturing to play, and if i felt this way towards anything, id go find a game that I would not have such a harsh opinion about it in this manner.

Move on if its that bad.

Haha im saying thats how snoz plays, so good advice to him i guess.

Irony because you’re the one with some of the worst posts/takes that literally tried to say solo players play in group content /facepalm.

Solo content has never been designed to be difficult. Solo content by design is literally the easiest content in the game designed to have 100% success rate.

Based on history adding in any type of difficult solo content that only an extreme minority of solo players would complete is 100% a waste of dev time. Most of the people completing it would be higher end players that it’s not designed for.

Again you’re showing your lack of intelligence by using the term “raid loggers” raiders play more of the game than solo players do.

The game is designed to have people play a little bit of solo content and then group in group content for end game.

Again still playing more of the game. People don’t actually raid log until the end of the tier.

Logs please. Going back and doing hard content when it’s expansions old doesn’t count.

I’m sorry but your feelings don’t override a words literal definition.

Actually I raid do mplus and arena at higher than average levels so try again

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