Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Except 80-90% of players aren’t active raiders as shown by Bellular and raider.io’s statistics. So the real question is why anyone cares about raiders, who are the overwhelming minority, when the majority of players don’t even play the content? It receives a majority of the budget for a feature that 80-90% don’t even use. It’s rather blatant mismanagement of funds on Blizzard’s end.


Just because they aren’t raiders does not mean they are solo players.

Massive reach here.

WoW’s focus since classic has always been endgame group content.

Solo player progression was really never a thing, and the few times they introduced it, it was a massive failure.

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If they aren’t raiders, it means they’re playing parts of the game that haven’t received funding or proper feature updates for years and it’s still a detriment whether they’re solo players or not. Maybe you should learn how to read so you understand what “mismanagement of funds” means? Why is a target audience of 10% receiving so much funding when the core playerbase of 80-90% doesn’t care about that feature?

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What’s important: dedication of time, or skill, or both? You all are vacillating.

I would like to think solo push-content would be long-form, having week-long instance saves like Raids do. One issue with some of the longer wings of Torgast, for example, is that everything must be done in one run.

Being what?

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How do you know how much funding is going into raiding? Unless you provide hard $$$$ proof, you’re entire statement is based off random numbers that don’t correlate at all.

This is so false thats it’s insane. Many systems in the games have had feature updates, whether its botched and re-done, or a UI improvement.

no feature in the game has gone “unfunded”, even the lack of solo player content, gets funded bro.

You’re emotionally hurt.

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They go hand in hand, with dedication of time, comes skill.

Only a handful of people can be skillful without dedication of time.

The corruption solo thing was horrendous.
Torghast was a massive failure.
Mage tower had to be nerfed to accommodate the “solo players”

because your definition of solo player doesnt describe everyone who considers themselves a solo player and the category actually includes a multitude of 10’s of thousands of people who partake in various levels of content. Solo could be someone with an inactive guild who is pugging, a mercenary type who goes where needed, someone who is plays in a friends and family guild that still participates in raids as a pug. They are not all just asking for a silver platter with gear, they are mostly asking for ways to keep up with the people who are able to be in dedicated guilds with functional loot systems based on trust,

Its not always about having loot handed to them its more they want the system in play that allow them to keep up with the groups they fill holes in. The assumption that a solo player isnt doing group is ludicrous.


Corruption solo thing? Are you referring to the endlife BFA mechanic? I checked out of BFA by that point, so what, in relation to its solo content, was the issue with it? What affected it in solo context, and not in group context? Is this an intrinsic issue, or just a symptom of bad design?

Torghast was not progression nor push content.

Mage tower, also, was neither progression nor push content.

These are issues of the reward not being worth the effort. Validating difficult solo content with palpable rewards fixes this.


You don’t have to be in a dedicate guild to get gear brotherman.

By your definition im a solo player, i do not have a premade that i run with.

I pug all my keys.

I’m currently pushing +23.

Yes, those players ARE asking for gear on a silver platter, otherwise they would just do m0s and get 262 gear…

M0s are literally the most accessible thing in the game.

Coming from someone whos climbed the m+ ladder on 5 different characters starting from 226ilvl.

But the solo content cant be too difficult because then there would be a massive outcry that only “a handful of people can do it” like there was with mage tower.

If you want solo content to reward high end gear, then the solo content has to have quite a massive skill ceiling to complete, considering the entire game is based off grouping.

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The raids are consistently core mechanics for every patch release in every expansion. These raids are added as features at the expense of other features. We know this, because other features such as updates to world content such as parallel gearing or other hypotheticals don’t exist, therefore, the budget has to be going to raiding and dungeon design. We also know it’s not going to dungeon design anymore, because this expansion had less dungeons than BFA or Legion. So by simple logic, the feature budget is going to raiding which is the only thing that actually seems to receive any focus in this game.

List them. I’ll wait.

Is that why it took them 16 years to update the AH and UI? Because it was “well funded”?

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Yes, when things are hard, when people used to them being easy, some will complain. This isn’t an argument against there being push solo content. People being whiney isn’t an argument.

comigrations you are a solo.

No you dont, but it F’in helps a ton. We all know gear progression is signifgantly higher when you are in groups of people you know passing gear to each other, having people pass on upgrades because its a bigger upgrade for you. In the pug system a 1% upgrade is as good as a 100000000000% upgrade. I dont see the harm in adding a skill based solo system that allows gearing up in line with a difficulty scale, except to maybe the poor raid loggers the people who play the game 4 hours a week who now feel like they have to log and actually play the game to get another advantage.


It is a valid argument when it caused blizz to nerf/change/remove certain things about it to accommodate to the “whiners”.

So blizzard isn’t gonna go and go full circle with the solo player thing.

I don’t see any harm either, like i said many times before, I ACCEPT THIS SORTA SYSTEM.

But the issue is, this has happened before, people complained, and it just went downhill.

And you know whats crazy? the systems didn’t even reward gear and it was a massive outcry.

What’s gonna happen when that “difficult system” rewards gear?

The forums are going to implode.

sooooo, it will be a typical day on the forums that ends with Y?

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Dude used Bellular as a source. Rofl he’s not even worth arguing.

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which could’ve been avoided if blizzard just went back and saw how history is going to repeat.

And here you are asking for said systems back.


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Your definition of a solo player isn’t actually a solo player.

By definition a solo player does not do any group content including lfg/LFR

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why does it have to be mage tower or torghast? there are other ways to implement solo content. We have a game that can already scale group content to group size which maintains the challenge we just need to expand that system.