Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

The funniest thing is that we were literally talking like this back and forth in less than a minute, and you “missed” but replied to a dude 10min latter and kept replying when he talked but didn’t address me.

So pathetic

It happens dude. Maybe you should go outside because I clearly have you worked up over a missed forum post.

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You have me laughing over your scared cheeks

Keep thinking I am scared rofl. Imagine thinking people get scared over the forums.

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That’s why it’s so funny bruh, imagine being so full of air that you go full on panicking mode and hide lmao

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Not hiding. Just told you I was playing a game. Stay mad though rofl

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Yes you were lmao just for me, for everyone else you were on point answering within a minute llmao

It’s not a non argument because Blizz always nerfs the content based on those complaints.

I dont hide from peopel to scared to post their main.

Heh Zeo

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So you just hide from me? Cool lmao

Wasnt hiding.

Imagine being so salty over a missed post you triple down on a pointless post.

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Sure you weren’t, you just choose to not see my post and only my post despite being going back and forth in a dead thread lmao

Still happens. Either way your post was probably more drivel of invaluable opinion that means absolutely nothing.

Pretty entertaining you take the forums so seriously.

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the post i hide from and i had no answer too was just non sense I’m sure, i win again ahahah

Dude stop lol, I’m gonna take a break cuz this is too much but if tou ever find arguments and the courage to actually address my points feel free to reply to me, have a nice one lol

I am still waiting for you to make a valid point worth addressing.

I am glad you are taking a break Will help with the nerves.

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Your rebuttals are boring. Now, with that said:

Look up Conservatism (belief revision) on Wikipedia.

This is what I am referring to when I say conservative mindsets; I am not referring to the political term. They’re largely intertwined, weakness in the former is a strong predictor of the latter, but they’re two separates concepts regardless.

Anyway, I’ve made my point extremely clear, and you’re boring game, so I’m moving on.


Yet you keep replying while hiding that terrible main we all know you have.

Anyone with half a brain knows wikipedia isnt a credible source rofl.

You using a wikipedia source shows you dont have a clue.

Its always people hiding those trash mains that hardly play the game trying to beg for free stuff.

Choose a side in the true faction war: solo vs raider

No need. They can, should, and will coexist. There’s no need for a dichotomy. Raiders have already “ceded” ground: once when raids shifted from 40 mans to their contemporary numbers, and once more with the addition of M+, and yet, as a form of content it remains.


I’m all for solo player progression, but the rewards of a solo player that plays 1-2 hours a day shouldn’t equate to a player who’s playing much more hours.

It would undermine the work/effort of active players.