Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Are they extreme minority? Cuz i see a lot people claiming it was them that complained about torghast and that was literally everywhere in the forums so they are either way bigger than you think or they were not the only ones complaining about torghast.

Ohh really in a game without eng game content for solo players most people play group content? No sh*t, and before m+ nobody was doing 5man, this doesn’t mean nobody wants that form of content if anything every time blizzard does solo content is well received with complains being about how shallow and somewhat meaningless it is.

That’s just you crying, content are nerfed all the time, raids have nerfs on week one, it’s all about balancing.

More crying

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Ohh wow you are here all this time running your mouth but too scared to actually reply to me? Damn that’s hilarious


Posting on your level 10 void elf mage I see.

Yes its an extreme minority who comes to the forums to complain. Everyone else is having fun in the solo content that is already in the game.

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So you just gonna ignore everything do a ad hominem and say “Nuh uh I’m right” without actually elaborating anything? Cool


I did reply to you?

Not like you make any valuable arguments anyways so if I missed a post its not like I missed anything relevant.

No you didn’t, damn boy you such a liar lmao

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Reading is hard I guess.

Reading is fundamental.

You were literally going back and forth with me and then you stopped and replied to someone else and literally ignored me while still in the thread and you even said you replied now

Damn boy that spanking must have hurt you a lot, you so confused lmao

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Maybe because developing content for them is also developing content for ones like me that enjoy various forms of content?

Does no one think that the solo players that complain about difficulty are different from the group that wants actual difficult content? Or do people just see terms like “solo player” and think it is a hive mind?

The final call is Blizzard’s to make, but anyone who is against more content being added, more so if it is not content for them, is a fool. I have seen zero requests for mythic raids or M+ dungeons to be removed, just solo content added to. Who knows, maybe with larger teams, we can get more content for all which will help the game grow once again.

Rewards for said content will always be a contentious point, as if it awards higher gear, some raiders and M+ runner will complain about having to do solo content in order to gear up, on the other hand though if the top rewards are cosmetics but there is no way to gear up within the content, solo players who want the rewards will feel cut off because they can’t gear up in their chosen path to get the rewards they want.

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Apparently I missed the post. You just keep proving how out of touch you are.

Would actually require you to “spank” me. You have yet to do that.

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And i did, so much you run away lmao, such a coward


Not even close.

Been playing 7 days to die with a friend so wasnt focusing on the forums.

The fact you keep needing to brag and claim you “spanked” me just proves even you dont believe it.

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The thread was literally dead with just you and me and one dude posting every 10min and you replied to him but ignored me


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I must have really made you mad rofl

Ok Morton

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There is literally a bunch of your post claiming to be winning against people and that you are dismantling their arguments or whatever lmao such a hypocrite


You made me laugh tbh, you talk a big game bit hide like a coward

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no need to take it there…

Difference I actually dismantled their arguments to the point they started throwing insults.

The fact you keep trying to say I am a coward because I missed a post by a no named player on the forums is making me chuckle IRL

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I did to the point where you hide like a coward and don’t reply lol, i guess i get to gloat too on your behind

But you are buddy, but it’s ok, it’s obvious you just don’t want that piece of content and it’s a feelings thing not a logical thing, it’s fine now everyone knows

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Again I missed the post.

Maybe if you repeat it enough even you will believe it huh Morton?

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