Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Goal is to make the game for everyone, not launch into arguments about which group deserves more dev time than the other.


You don’t get to define the standard just because you’ve accomplished it in your own way.

You’ve beat Blizzards game. Good job. But that doesn’t mean other players can’t force change because they haven’t walked the same path as you have, which is what you’re doing by trying to divide people into minorities, drawing battle lines and insisting everyone who disagrees with you is just bad at the game.

You can either get a clue or keep your reputation as a relic who has no idea what players want and can only make asinine arguments that make no sense, can’t be questioned and go nowhere when they throw your own logic back at you.


Your lack of ability to read where I dont have a problem with solo players who just play the game. I only have an issue with entitled solo players demanding change to a game they are playing and choosing to handicap themselves.

I am sorry you dont understand history supports this.

Actually I have a credible opinion. You do not.

Heres an idea. Instead of trying to change a game thats not designed how you like it you go find a game thats designed how you like it and let us who like how wow is designed stay and play it.

I would rather have my reputation than yours anyday of the week.

The sooner yall stop demanding the game cater to you the sooner you can find a game you enjoy.

Why should Blizzard devote more dev time to an extreme minority of players like yourself?

Most players who play this game do participate in some form of group content, even if it is regular mythic dungeons or LFR.

It would be an extreme waste of dev time if they made challenging solo content more frequently, only to have the solo players complain that its too challenging and demand blizzard nerf it to oblivion so they can get the rewards.

The type of solo player you are and your extreme minority are ones who don’t want to get better at the game. You just want the rewards with minimal effort, and thankfully, Blizzard doesn’t develop the game with players like you in mind. They understand that the reward scales with effort, like most things in life do.

Despite fools like yourself trying to gatekeep and bully players out, I think I’ll stay since I enjoy aspects of the game that Ion doesn’t like.

If I have to wait until they kick him out for change that isn’t his style then I will.

There isnt a limit. Everyone literally has the same access to the gear.

Nah if you want higher than normal then do the content that awards it via pvp/raid/mplus.

So you havent done it all.

Literally against the games design.

Has more to do with maintaining a spot in the roster.

No such thing as gatekeeping in this game nor is there any bullying. but hey its your money.

lol you’ve been doing that this entire time when you throw crap around like “You don’t have credibility” “You don’t play my content gtfo” “It’s a data and facts, even though only 1% play the content Ion makes”


No one is trying to gatekeep players out.

We are saying that you have the same opportunity as anyone else who pays their sub to get better at, and master the content to get the rewards you are so desperately whining about.

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Why would you moan about losing the Feldrake to randoms on Twitter?

Admirable, but when your ‘support’ comes in the form of ad hominem against the other ‘side’ it undermines your credibility.

Thats not what gatekeeping is lol. Saying someone doesnt have a clue what they are talking about because they lack credibility isnt gatekeeping. Its just saying your opinion doesnt have any worth.

Telling you to do the content if you want the gear is as far from gatekeeping as it gets.

I am really at a loss of words. What does a feldrake have anything to do with you claiming players are trying to gatekeep other players from the content?

Your sense of entitlement is so strong, you actually believe you are entitled to every mount, every toy, every item in the game because you pay a monthly sub fee?

I can tell you right now.

You go around telling players that at a Con and they’ll throw you out for the lunatic that you are.

They just need to create a theme park zone for solo players. Packed with a brawlers guild, and a pet battle arena, I’m sure many other activities could be added. Not like dark moon faire which has been under construction for like 10 years.

muted, crap ost

More irrelevant drivel. Another reason anything you say means nothing.

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We’re on an online forum that Blizzard never read.

Nobody cares about anything said on here.

Particularly if it comes from you.

The dude is probably in his late 40s, with no gf, no wife, no kids, and only derives his sense of self worth from the pixels he acquires playing 50 alt characters.

He feels entitled to everything in the game, and thinks he should have it without having to do anything remotely challenging to get it.

Very sad life if you ask me.

A guy who doesnt play the game without a credible opinion said something rofl