Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I guess quality time with family. if you are mythic raider you are spending more time in this game then you think. But keep telling yourself.

I spend plenty of time with my family.

I play when they are asleep.

That I know how to manage my time to maximize it when I can play.

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I’m amazed

I have a friend like that. He pays now child support


Not as subtle as you think.

I am amazed that you think you have insight into my wifes happiness

I don’t . It’s just similar situation


Its not at all. Its a reach even trying to compare the two.

How about go take a break, get some water? You’re way outta line.

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Did I ask you something? Did this conversation involved you in any way? Are you his wife?


I don’t wait for people to give me permission to talk, I know my own value just fine.

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Why being so hostile? You made some poor assumptions and then tried to comment on a situation you have zero clue on and got called on it.

Obviously not.

Great talk. Seriously, consider taking a break. Being so worked up over a discussion on GD that you resort to implication of divorce for someone being a Mythic raider is unhealthy for you.

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I didn’t resort to anything I just said what happened to similar example. I’m srry your have walnut size between your ears and had to jump in into conversation trying to sound smart XD XD XD

thats the rub isnt it…that there be a limit because x or y. That being said, anything better than normal should be increasingly grindy, so folks wont get a ruffle in thier skirts that its too easy.
I’ve done it all (barring high keys and mythic raiding) been around forever, quit come back yadda yadda, I say let folks have fun however they find it. Some folks like social aspect, some like collecting, and others want to do solo stuff too, no reason only one avenue leads to upgrades.
My theory is that “hard core” folk dont want more ways to get gear because they’ll feel pressured to do it all in order to min max…but thats prolly tin foil hat.

Did you see how many of them cried when Blizzard put the mage tower back into the game and made it normalized, where everyone is on the same footing because of ilvl scaling.

They quite literally don’t want actual challenging solo content, they just want the rewards for doing the equivalent of breathing.

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Don’t bother with Jinday, he is a tool and a prick. No use arguing with someone like that.

You are not entitled to anything other than the ability to log into the servers just because you pay a monthly sub.

Plain and simple. You spend your time differently in game than Snozay, and you get rewarded differently.

Thats not a problem. If you think its a problem, its a YOU problem. lol

It’s not a problem. Ill always support casual , solo and new players. Even if they are wrong ill support them. I want this game to be joy for everyone, regardless of their abilities. I have many guild members that are older than me, and I can understand them.

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Your bias towards solo players ability is ridiculous and akin to a type of social deviance called prejudice. When you take an entire group of people that obviously vary in preference, skill level, and ability to learn and adapt and lump them into “solo players wouldn’t be able to complete difficult content anyway” it’s a generalization based off an assumption, it’s ignorant and requires some inflection to redeem, I won’t hold my breathe though.

Good luck to you.