Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

when did i buy gear? also i think you def are a solo player bc you attack everyone who is different than you. I feel bad for you if this is the attitude you give a random person. It explains a lot…

I mean it is a p2w game. That devalues all your work, all your “time” invested. It does not really matter about logs and such. If you buy your spots.

Don’t like it? Who cares. Your skill means nothing when people can buy the same rewards.

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Games not pay to win. It’s just another excuse you use to cover how bad you are :joy:

You can’t buy skills which means you can’t buy logs so I’ll continue to be correct while you continue to look like a fool

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LMAO! You are the gift that keeps on giving.

Who needs skill when I can buy the rewards?

You are stupid enough to get better at the game for the rewards, when I can just buy it.

My way is much easier, and less time consuming. I feel more pity for you than anything else.


I’d love Blizzard to put a torghast or mage like thing in the game that ONLY allows you to play by yourself and scales up in difficulty with rewards appropriate to that difficulty. But my experience in LFR as well as the playerbase for the past two expansions tell me that content wouldn’t be out for a few days before the same soloers would be crying up a storm on these forums demanding nerfs to the difficulty. Things as simple as cc and moving when big circles appear under your feet seem a foreign concept. Every boss has to be a loot pinata that allows them to just stand there and fire away. They even die to simple trash because they don’t know how to use interupts or other basics from their tool kit. This is what happens when you make the open world an easy snooze fest to attract the “laid back” crowd. It’s no wonder that so many of them crash and burn in M plus or LFR because they were able to get to max level without really knowing how to play their class and what’s expected of them. So we end up right back where we are because the truth is that most players who want to push difficult content are already doing so in groups and the players who don’t stay solo. Those players that stay solo and don’t want to push difficult content think rewards should be based on time investment, not degree of difficulty.

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Irony as everytime you post is comedic gold for how out of touch you are.

rewards aren’t why people play. Performing better via logs and getting better is why people play.

You can’t buy logs.

I mean you’re so trash at the game you buy everything you do you boo.

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It is not easier. The content is so boring and bland it is hard to stay awake doing it.

Also with how good business is with buying raiding gear. Solo content can’t be earned by mass amount of gold. So :slight_smile:

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I mean at this point it would be entertaining to see all the tears on the forum.

100% this. While I believe some people do enjoy solo content I think most of them play solo because they failed at everything else in the game.

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rolls eyes at the boo comment calling someone bad at a game that you don’t need skill in to get the best rewards is not a put down. Everything you earn has less value because of that.

If you can’t understand something that simple, It explains much.

anyway, I had my fill of you for today. :slight_smile: lmao

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Lets put this this way, people want same treatment for the money they pay. Imagine you go to gym, and they have only heavy lifts and advanced program , but you just there for small exercises. Same what is blizzard doing in this game. They are focused that the game is “balanced” at high levels, but solo players are left handicapped in parking lot waiting for a bone from blizzard.

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If you can’t understand no one cares about the rewards and that you can’t buy logs which is what people actually care about then you’re just being extremely obtuse.

No one cares about mounts and titles because they can be bought. Logs again can’t be bought.

Aka “I’m too simple minded to even know what logs are “

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Not even close. Everyone has the same opportunity to get the same gear.
The difference is the solo players are at the gym standing around filming tik toks and not actually exercising then getting mad they don’t get the same rewards as the people that train every day.

I decided to toss you one more bone.

This explains much, So the game rewards for all that time does not matter. It is your logs. A contest that can make players play worse on certain fights, and a Epeen contest to compete, and a scoreboard system that players design to give value to what they are doing.

It is pretty darn sad raiding community is dying so much, they got to figure out new ways to find meaning in what they do. shakes head “Thank you for making point for me. So if the gear does not matter like you say, and log does. That means solo players getting good gear is not a problem.”

Rest my case. Thank you :slight_smile:

Now done. Got to cook :frowning:


You want the gear then do the content that awards it like everyone else. Raiders shouldn’t be forced to do stuff because you’re bad at the game and want free gear.

Its exactly like this, and this is thnx to community as well. Blizzard only gives a decent gear at the bare end of expansion.

Trying to get gear in PvP? Well you better get rating for pvp gear so you can get gear.
You want to upgrade M+ gear above minimum? Well you better have rating for it.
And why do we have that? Because of Raiders and try-hards, who would abuse that system to get geared in matter of days and complain there is nothing to do.

So why solo players complain so much is because they are locked from stuff because of the elite playerbase. So don’t give me that bull corn and your opinion that someone should pay for fun and work hard for fun. Get your life together first , try hard irl to achieve something, people play this game because of that fun.

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Uhh the gear is available every patch on patch day. If you choose not to go the avenues to receive it thats a YOU issue.

You can get a full honor set without doing any rated content.

Its called participating in the content.

Raiders arent the ones complaining about nothing to do. Solo players are the ones complaining even though they choose to limit their gameplay.

No one locks solo players from anything but solo players. I know this is a hard concept for you to grasp but no one is stopping you but you.

My life is together just fine. Stop making assumptions about people.

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solo players what to be able to gear up doing solo things, and most understand to do so should be pretty grindy because you’re doing solo things…thats about it.

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They cam, up to normal raid level difficulty gear. If you want higher you need to do group content.

Well usually people who strongly oppose solo players or casuals are people who are miserable in real life, and this game is their only form of achievement or success.

I am a lazy person and no matter how easy the game is ill do minimum effort, but that’s me. I still get decent gear, many collectibles etc. But I will always be on the solo player side because you never know. Tomorow you may be a solo players struggling, or real life forces you to work twice as much and you don’t get time for game.

I run 5 subs, 2 of them are in EU. if you ask me wow monthly cost for one sub can be $50 or more, but what about others?


Thats a reach and a half. I am a casual mythic raider because I have a family I spend time with as well.

I will never be a solo player in wow because I play actual solo player games when I dont have the time. I work 65 hours a week, juggle a 3 year old and a wife and still make raid two nights a week.

I dont care about your wow monthly subs, what does that have to do with anything?

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