Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Of course.

I’m not wrong. And I’m definitely not being told I’m wrong by you

Mob mentality doesn’t override facts.

All you have to do is look at the logs and see I’m not buying a spot but we already established you lack the ability to see that.

Keep pushing a false narrative because you’re flat out wrong though.

See you’re confused. I don’t care if solo players are enjoying the game.

No it won’t.

Sorry if I gave the impression that I care anything about what it is you have to say or think, because I don’t.

Have a splendid Sunday!


Let me summarize your post.

nonsense, missed the point, nonsense, random bias, nonsense /facepalm.

In response I say /facepalm.


Doesn’t matter if you care or not. You said something that was incorrect so I corrected it for you.

Spoken like someone that can’t refute facts.

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Hubris is not akin to a statement of truth.


Your denial of facts doesn’t make them not facts.

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Not even a little mad, I kind of pitty you for your angst towards a group of players that have done nothing to you.


Better question. Why does it matter? Go play go have fun. When the fun stops you stop. Who cares about raiders, mythic + runners, pvpers or solo players none of it matters fun does.

People who constantly use the word “facts” are ironically usually not using a factual statement. People that are confident and correct just make a statement and leave it there to do its own work.

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Because I want to defend the right of players to ask for what they think they would enjoy from someone who wants to oppress ideas that do not align with their own preferences.

you didnt put him in his place you were just rude

Actually I don’t have any feelings towards solo players until they try to ask for special treatment. If you enjoy solo play go knock yourself out. Just don’t demand the game cater to your decision not to play it.

I honestly don’t care if you believe me or not. The facts and stats speak for themselves. You’re just so in denial repeating it is entertaining

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I play solo, I play with groups. I heal content, I tank content, I DPS content in MMOs. I’m more interested in why some people go out of their way to affect others when it has no impact on them what so ever…

If I am entertaining to you that may provide some insight into your motives… You enjoy attention so much you are willing to debate things that you have no investment in.

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It’s already been explained multiple times.

Not counting dev time spent on wasted harder content that isn’t wanted,

It adds yet another chore raiders would be forced to do.

You should not be rewarded for excluding yourself from the game.

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You are in the EXTREME minority bud.

There are only a handful of you whining on the forums, the rest of the solo players are actually enjoying the game, and enjoying what blizzard is giving them for the solo content they do.

They are happy playing the game, and don’t feel the need to come here because of some absurd jealousy of seeing mythic raiders with better gear.

You literally are the worst kind of player in this game, and I’m sure blizzard just would hope people like you leave their game. I know the game would be a better one without people like you playing.

You seem to lack clarity on the idea that WOW has evolved its style of play for its entire existence and will continue to do so with guidance from its changing player base. If it were to stop evolving it would go under (See WoW classic for this trend, surges in the beginning and then ghost town).

I want a healthy game and so supporting all player types is an obvious move, excluding even 40% of a player base is frankly a really poor move financially and I think it has shown.

Solo players should have a scaling progression system that rivals Raids, Dungeons and Ranked PvP… If not they are just willing to toss money out the window every time another MMO comes along even if it fails and people come back later, lost revenue… My guess is that you think you are representing Blizzard when in reality they are just a bit clueless as to how to create Solo content.

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Psh LOL.

Why would we be jealous? Most of you buy your gear, or buy spots in guilds so you can raid. Wow is p2w. People can just use gold to get the same power as you. Just like.

Don’t really care what you say. Another person who buys gear I don’t care for your input as you should not mine.

I feel the same way about people who do group content and think that is the only thing that matters.

I would love to have content that was not based off power, housing or content that respects my time as a solo player. The truth is, doing the solo content is harder than your raiding because I have trouble staying awake with how tedious and bad it is.

So I deserve more from the willpower needed to do it.


I’m not lacking anything. There’s a difference between the game evolving and asking the game to cater to solo play to make it equal with raiding.

40% is being extremely generous. Rita more like maybe 10% and even then only a minority of that is actually wanting harder content.

Most solo players just want bis gear.

Even if they did the difficulty would be so high that most solo players wouldn’t be able to complete it anyways making it a waste of dev time.

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Because you aren’t good at the game at all which is why you assume anyone that is good buys their gear or spot and why you hide your main.

It’s pretty funny that’s the only argument you can make.

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