Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

It is a minority, a very loud minority.

I am basing my data and actual tracked information. Compared to you basing your opinion on “feelings”

Notice the only ones complaining about lack of gear are solo players. Everyone else plays the game to get the rewards they want. Only Solo players think they are special and should get special treatment.

I casually raid mythic.

So, you are opposed to solo players asking Blizzard to devote resources to challenging solo content that rewards gear because why again?


Its a waste of resources because most solo players dont actually want hard content. They just want the bis gear.

It would also be another chore I would be required to do to enjoy the aspect of the game I play

Also solo players already have access to normal raid gear.

So, your position is based of generalized assumptions. Kinda what I thought.


Nope. Its based off of the history of the claims for nerfs.

See Visions/Torghast/Mage Tower

This game is designed around group content. Dont like it then I suggest finding a more solo player designed game.

You have no actual data but have formed a position which suggests data as a foundation. I’m pretty sure there is data out there that clarifies what the moon is made out of but I’m not talking about it because I don’t have the data handy…

You don’t know what solo players want and the statistics surrounding the variations so just stop.


End of the day data does show that solo players make up at BEST 40% of the playerbase. The reality is that its much much lower as 40% includes mplus and pvp only players as well.

Ion has already stated in a recent interview most players do a bit of all content.

Solo players are a minority and should be ignored

Really where is this 40% number coming from? I would be interested to see this. I know there is some guess work statistics surrounding raid participation which shows it as very low in comparison to the overall population but it’s not reliable. It was something like under 8k guilds completed full Mythic Raids by end of last Xpac.

Once again, I wouldn’t make a claim over it and certainly wouldn’t try to curb other players “asks” because of it.


in 9.2 (non fated raids) 60% of the population had raid boss achievments

Its tracked by armory and warcraft logs.

Normal and Heroic are also raided difficulties.

Once solo players stop asking for something that has never been apart of the games design and asking for bis gear then sure, but not until then.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the highest raid completion volume is LFR which is solo content. According to your logic Mythic Plus raiders should be ignored because they are a minority…
(common sense) would say that the harder the content the fewer completions which also aligns with the idea that the majority of the Raid Achievements mentioned by Ion are from LFR a solo player focused content… Which is a pre-existing content type that has been in the game for quite some time.

I take it you play only Classic WoW? Because a large portion of retail was not around at launch which means you don’t think it should be in the game?



Making raids harder at mythic difficulty isn’t the same as completely adding in new challenging content that solo players approve of.

This game since launch has never been focused on solo play as an endgame pillar.

Again I’ll say if you don’t want to group then go find a game that’s based on solo play.

No I hardly play classic WoW.

DF hasn’t even launched yet /facepalm.

Special treatment, as in having end-game push content available for their preferred modus ludum, too? That’s equitable treatment.

It’s special treatment as solo play has never been an endgame pillar.

Sounds like you want an rpg not an mmo.

Argumentum ad antiquitam. Genre standards shift and evolve. The online, social experience of an MMO isn’t as much of a novelty as it was 30 years ago; a consequence of that reality is a growing standardization of a medley solo-and-group content-wise. Intelligent developers are cognizant of this shift, and MMOs are growing to accommodate more-and-more to fit that new Zeitgeist. What the solo players’ want will happen in due time, the direction is clear, but when and how stands at question.

There are those like yourself, conservative in their reasoning and shallow in their understanding; a stymie. But the shift is inevitable, and developers are just left to boil the proverbial frog (mindsets like yours are the frog) - slowly shift the culture of their playerbase to be more open to solo-inclusive progression. Torgast is an example of this. They’re designing on a tightrope, trying to both not offend archaic and closed minds like your own by shifting too quickly, but still changing enough - doing enough - to keep relevant in the changing climate.


Spoken like someone that doesn’t have a clue. Guilds aren’t the issue. Keep being delusional and think solo players are a majority.

Keep thinking that. Typical lib.

What is missing for solo players is a feeling of progression and reward within their chosen content. Scaling has gutted much of that, along with Blizzard’s reluctance to reward lower-level skilled play in any way.

In MoP, you got stronger as you leveled. Do enough random dungeons and LFR and you felt really strong in Pandaria. Also, late in the game, you kept having ways to improve your gear outside of instances. And LFR got nice looking gear rewards.

That was the sweet spot. Solo players didn’t get rewards equal to raiders or M+ players but their rewards WERE rewarding for them.


This is too eloquent of an argument to make for these forums. I 100% agree with you but the people you’re arguing against have no interest in making an actual conversation over the state of MMOs and antiquated game design. That would require critical thinking, which many people here seem to lack.


Aww man. People don’t agree with me so they lack critical thinking skills.

Nah we just don’t agree with rewarding people who refuse to play the game.

You still at it?

Look, you are wrong. It is ok, to move on. You have been wrong all this time. No matter how many times we point out flaws with your logic.

Just go keep getting carried by your guild, and leave this thread. Paying for raiding is what you are good at after all. Lmao. You even act like. “my logs show i raid all the time.” and can’t even counter the point of me saying you paid for that spot in the guild.

Just stop, We gave you reasons why solo players don’t enjoy the game. Why the content does not reward time investment. You have no counters.

Without solo players, this game will die.