Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

According to MC, that’s not what people want. Maybe you can change their mind.

I mean I dunno what ur point is so I can’t argue it for you.

You already did when I first quoted you. Thanks!

Yeah, I’d say so. The vast majority of players, solo or not, don’t want to have to deal with psychopaths to enjoy additional content. If there was more solo content that allowed people to do what they wanted and gear up to a reasonable level (say heroic, so their clothies aren’t eaten in outdoor content)? Yeah, raiding would be dropped like a hot potato by a sizeable amount of people who are doing that right now, even without additional gear incentives. It’s a very real threat to aholes who already know that people don’t want to play with aholes.


I didnt say thats what everyone wants. Just the majority on the forums.

Yet its designed so everyone can do it.

The gear is accessible to everyone. If you actively choose to not work towards it thats a you problem not an us problem.

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Just because it is does not mean it must be.

Actually yes it does.

Its so even bad players can complete it.

When nobody plays it you may find its a you problem. Or rather a Blizzard problem.

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Its not a mine or Blizz problem. Its a you dont want the gear issue.

Thats like blaming the player entirely if and or when the game falls over.

Not even close.

If players cant play the game they dont deserve the loot. Very simple concept.

Then the game doesn’t need players then?

Do you realize how dumb you’re sounding right now?

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The game has players.

You are part of a small subset of players that feel entitled to good gear for doing trivial content.

The sooner you realize its not going to happen the sooner you can either deal with it or find another game.

You realize how dumb you sound all the time?

Well we won’t have to wonder why the game will fail then.

Why? Is your argument that it is impossible for there to be difficult solo content, because simple solo content exists? Because normal dungeons and mythic+ dungeons, for example, exist in the same gamespace. Your reasoning is a false dichotomy. The existence of an easier form of content does not preclude the existence of a difficult form.


The game isnt going to fail because a minority of the solo player base feel entitled to better gear.

No. My argument is that everytime they release harder solo content it’s cried about until it’s nerfed.

Also the difficulty for mythic level gear would be harder than mage tower and choreghast

Its not a minority.

You’re basing your data on a facility that player experience is based off of what achievements they have.

Anything, when exposed to sufficiently large enough audience, will have people complain about it. This is a nonargument.

No you want that old wow feel when it was new. That has come and gone. Gaming and the majority of the players wants/needs have changed. Blizz tries to give everyone something to do. You just sit around with that elitists bs rhetoric. Casuals raid. Maybe not mythic but normal raiding is still endgame raiding. Tons of casuals do it. Mythic plus tons of casuals do it. Nice try trying to just lump it all together to make your group look bigger but it doesn’t actually work that way.