Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

From my perspective as predominately solo player, that does some group content.

Maybe a mix of systems like ESO and GW2.

ESO has a great story that you can play through from start to finish with no story beats hidden behimd group content, the story isn’t gated behind some weird throttled reputation grind either like you usually have in WoW when you hit max level and start the max level campaign.

GW2 has engaging Open World content such as events and World Bosses, think of the recent prepatch invasion event except its more engaging and theyre all over the world.

ESO and GW2 have crafted sets that are relevant in End Game content, this way youre able to participate in raids without falling behind.

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What is an irtbeard?

How does that make me a tyrant?

If you want something to get it. Stop expecting things handed to you.

Players aren’t asking for hand-me outs.

They’re asking for change to get those items.

Change you’re opposed to.

Yes they are

If you want raid level gear go raid.

Of course I’m opposed to people asking for bis gear from trivial content.

So you’re assuming that’s what everyone wants because you can’t be wrong right?

Is does not mean must be.

Quite frankly, you just don’t deserve the rewards that mythic raiders and high level M+ players get. Plain and simple.

IF you want those rewards, then do the content REQUIRED to get them.

All this “i wan’t solo progression” amounts to, is “I want what the mythic raiders get without having to do what the mythic raiders do to get it.”

I’m sorry, its just not going to happen.

If you don’t make the game accessible then people will play something else that does.


It is accessible. 99% of the game is created with you in mind. Let people who want to challenge themselves, the “1%” get some fun, exclusive rewards for completing the small amount of challenging content left in the game.

Just because you can’t get the same level of gear as those who do that content, doesn’t mean you are being left out or excluded. The content is there if you want to do it. If you don’t want to do it, then you don’t get the rewards associated with it. Simple as can be.


I highly doubt that figure is accurate.

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That’s what raiders do. They stay subbed until they’ve finished their raid and then unsub until the next patch.

It’s raiders who were cyclical subscribers while casuals were doing world quests and normal dungeons in Legion and BfA.

Because in every successful MMO, casuals are the majority.

FFXIV has been gaining market share continually for years, while wow couldn’t even retain its playerbase during the covid quarantine. They’ve been losing MAU’s and their earnings are down.

Raiding participation fell off a cliff in Shadowlands, as did PvP. Clearly you haven’t been paying attention.

If it wasn’t for the wow token and shop sales, they wouldn’t be making more money than they used to. I don’t understand these numerically challenged elitists who don’t understand that if the game still had 10 million subs they’d be making more money than if they hadn’t given up on player retention to pander to you and your ilk, who won’t be happy until the game is a tiny hardcore elite lobby esports game with a cult following, and no upgrades because there’s not enough revenue to support new content development.

Even whales won’t keep paying for a game where they can go out and see absolutely no one.


Nobody’s asking for that, so is your point that you are a bad liar? Elitists keep repeating that as though copying and pasting from that script you guys seem to be using can make it true. It’s like one obvious troll a month, and probably an alt of a friend of yours posing as a casual. Are you so gullible you can’t tell a troll when you see one?

It’s too bad that you can’t feel good about your life choices unless you can take away the entertainment of the people whose money is paying for yours.


Thats reasonable, that said maybe they can create some challenging solo content like the Arenas in ESO, or maybe transmogs hidden behind collection achievements like GW2, or maybe update archeology so that it’s as engaging and rewarding as ESOs antiquities.


I could get behind these ideas.

This is an example of a logical person asking for logical things.

I think they created Torghast and Mage Tower with more challenging solo content in mind. Of course you can group up in Torghast but you can still do it solo as well.


That said all the story content should be solo like in ESO, with raids and 5 mans being side stories.

Hell ESO even has half a dozen solo dungeons per zone called Delves.

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The person they responded to literally asked for a way to get those things without doing the same content.

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I mean whats the issue here?

Are raiders egos that fragile?

Is raiding so bad these days that it’ll shatter like glass if any other worthwhile system came along?


As regards my quoting you, the issue is that MC swears up and down that nobody is asking for exactly what you asked for.

It’s ultimately what people want. Change.

This old scheme of holding all the goodies at the Mythic end of Raiding stinks and doesn’t inspire people to play harder.