Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Your truth isn’t everyone else’s truth.

It’s only your truth.

My truth is reality’s truth.

Players that hardly play the game don’t have a basic understanding so just because you don’t realize it’s true doesn’t make it not true.

No. It isn’t.

Even if it was you’re not doing this community any favors by being Blizzards illusionary mouthpiece.

Stay mad because you’re wrong

Especially since snooze’s mouth is always glued to Blizzard’s backside kissing away. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Be interesting to see you on the dev team.

You’d be thrown off in days after talking to the community like this.

Right, and that loop is fun, engaging, and rewarding in its own way. The same can’t really be said for solo content.

I don’t expect Blizzard to give solo players new features every expansion, but I do expect the solo content they provide to be engaging in some manner instead of being something you do on autopilot. I don’t think that’s asking for much.


I’m not on the dev team.

So congrats on bringing up hypothetical situations that are irrelevant.

Very relevant since it brings to light the crap that spews from your hatch.

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You not being able to handle the facts doesn’t make it not true.

You don’t even play the game so you have never had a credible opinion :joy:

I do play the game.

You’ll see my avatars armor change eventually.

doing seasonal or 1 time events to get yourself to 252 item level isn’t playing the game, lol.

Did you do any m+ nope, not by your profile.

Did you do any heroic or mythic raiding?

Nope, not by your profile.

Did you do anything other than complain that you arent at 300 ilvl just by doing world quests and solo content? Nope, seems not.

I mean you’d be wrong but everyone has their own opinion.

Besides I don’t play this game to have measuring contests for the sake of having measuring contests.


You don’t need high ilevel to commandeer the AH and make it miserable for crybaby raiders who don’t craft, then complain when someone like me comes along and jacks up the price by 400% for giggles.

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Not at any level that gives you any credibility on any topic you comment on.

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You don’t need a badge to make meaningful feedback.

Everyone here is a paying, playing customer.

Which scares you since if enough of them get together and demand changes they’ll morph the game into something that will ruin your sense of prestige.


Actually you do. If you don’t have any experience on the subject your opinion is worthless.

Which means everyone pays for the same opportunity not outcome.

Nah. I know it won’t happen. I just say the truth because y’all can’t handle it.

In very specific instances of the content working within the bounds of experts expectations but not everyone else. Which is the issue at play here.

Everyone else deserves a voice and telling them they don’t have one that fits into your narrative isn’t going to work.


They’re here for the experience. Not a shot at the slot machine.
Which is where you and Blizzard are going to objectively fall short in the long run.

It might when MS rolls in and decide they’ve had enough of Ions trickery. Either way the community has everything to gain while you stand with everything to lose.

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No one deserves anything. I also never said people can’t have an opinion. I said they can’t have a credible opinion. I know reading is hard but come on now.


You pay for the opportunity to play the game. Nothing else.

Rofl keep dreaming. MS won’t change anything.

Spoken like a true tyrant.

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