Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

it is a game you pay for I pay for it we are the majority of the player base you raid then log we never log out. We are the majority and are playstyle is valid. has been in MMOGs since inception, we demand the same content you pay for like us.

Given equal difficulty yes.

If you’re going to go off the top of difficulty you have to go off of the top difficulty for both.

The difference is I’m actually correct and you aren’t.

Less players means less income for Blizzard and less budget. Eventually management will start asking why raiding is receiving so much money and attention for content done by only a minority of the playerbase. Maybe not under Acti, but those questions will definitely be asked under Microsoft.

Compare Blizzard’s lack of overall solo features to 14 where they introduced the ability to play music and now you have people at guild houses playing live music with it. WoW is feature dead every expansion, with or without gearing being involved.

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Many would disagree with this.

You’re wrong about a lot of things.


Everyone has the same opportunity to get the same gear.

Also stats show people with raid boss achievements are at 60% in 9.2 so no solo players aren’t the majority.

Ps you pay for the ability to play not for equal gear.

People can disagree all they want. Doesn’t change the facts.

Mob mentality doesn’t change facts.

You should know this by now.

so its not the number of people that matter is the difficulty of the content correct? because thats literally what I said and you said it wasnt that bigger group gets better loot.

if you agree that difficulty is the actual parameter not the size of the group then you have to agree that given the right difficulty there is no reason solo cotent cant reward gear.

you are really not

There’s good videos out there to watch whose creators had a lot more time than me to illustrate this subject. But essentially solo playing is a mindset of “I want to log in and do what I want to do. I don’t want to be forced to group. Doesn’t mean I won’t interact with the community or group at all.” The group mindset is, “why play a MMO if you don’t want to group? Everything worth anything should be locked behind group content. Want to join my guild?”

Anyways, I’ve followed this thread for the last 12 hours. My first post explained why I think solo play should get their own pillar and do you know what happened? Not one person responded. They’d rather argue back and forth with each other and throw insults. To add to that, surprise, surprise, as soon as I post something more controversial and refutable, people patch onto that and want to argue the point.


You’re dealing with low IQ narcissists who don’t understand that the rest of the world doesn’t care about them. If homeboy had a life he’d be out there living it, but his self awareness is zero.

I’m going to point at FFXIV and tell you to do your homework. The game is almost entirely single player and now with Trust dungeons requires even less human interaction than ever. Solo gameplay is already a pillar because solo players are the ones statistically paying the bills in all MMOs, not the people doing regular group content who are in the minority. Happy solo players = more money for the company and a smart development team would take advantage of this as FFXIV has done so over the years. If you scare off the solo players or don’t provide content they’ll go elsewhere. So to answer your question - because if Blizzard don’t support it as a pillar, no one is going to pay them.

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An achievement trigger isn’t qualitive data.

Neither is it a reasonable to reach the conclusion that the issue is purely with what you quantify as solo players and I do mean You because you’re the only one on these forums that wants to create that divide.

Plus when you’re making statements like this.

Then you’re using your facts wrong.

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It’s a combination of both.

Solo content can’t reward gear because solo content is designed to be completed by everyone. Hard concept is hard.

Yet I am. Not sorry.

Actually it is. It shows that people are participating at some level of doing the content which proves solo only players aren’t a majority.

Sorry you don’t like being wrong again.

Me proving you wrong doesn’t mean my facts are wrong. But hey atleast you’re now admitting it using facts

If you keep making this a game then people are going to keep treating you like the joker you are.

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I’m sorry solo players can’t handle facts and y’all get mad.

I play FF14 and I think it’s a great game. Better than WoW in many respects, especially for solo minded players. Again, I mentioned FF14’s soloability earlier in the thread with my first post. Again, people are joining a thread to argue, yet picking and choosing which posts to comment on.

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No you’re not.

You’re just here to troll, not engage in any kind of meaningful conservation that doesn’t end in you being right and everyone else being wrong.

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Well, I don’t feel neglected as a social/casual player, but you need to rethink your definitions of how games work (or should work) in my opinion.

Because putting effort into just one area should not definte whether or not a person is worthy of reward? Because if the effort still involves my real life time in research and doing all the things needed to reach a level of excellence, then that excellence should also be rewarded?

Personally, I don’t see a lot of ‘whining’ from social players, it mostly seems to come from the opposite end of the player scale.

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in what way the size 5 man has any bearing on the loot? if you do a normal with 30 peeps does it give high ilvl than 10 man? its all about difficult not group size.

apparently you cant wrap your head on the concept of things changing over time, you cant wrap your head around the fact that dg use to give gear worst than rares and in some cases rep but in the last 2 xpac it gave better than heroic raid and today it still can award mythc gear from the chest while heroic raid has no way of doing so.

if you cant be honest and see how they literally made dungeon into something completly new there is no talking to you.

also torghast 16 perfect solo is way harder than mythic 0 by a lot so your whole “solo content is meant to be do by everyone” is BS since torghast literally cant be done fully by someone who doesnt do group content.

I really dont think even you believe that ngl

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Part of the problem is that people don’t have the critical thinking to explain why they do or don’t enjoy entertainment products across the board. The problem you’re seeing applies just as much to movies, books, board games, etc. because people engage without critical reflection on what they like about the product. All you can do is keep asking probing questions and hope that it eventually gets a response.

In the case of why solo play is important, the most blunt answer is that its players are majority contributors in paying the bills so there’s economic motivations to make the content engaging for those people paying the bills. The key difference in solo play between WoW and XIV is that the former feels like a job due to the amount of time it steals away from the player for one activity and the later is a casual login where you might do five or more activities in an hour and feel satisfied in your progress. Time wasting is a substantial reason for Blizzard’s solo stuff being garbage.


It’s not trolling when I’m telling the truth. You just can’t handle the truth.

There isn’t a discussion to have when solo players flat out ignore facts.