Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Oh man, the ol’ “oh wait, youre serious” line from…1987? Consoder me roasted.

DM me on game of you want some help.

I did kill him.

If that’s the case then why exactly are you crying about gears in current expac? Since you guys are smart(dabatable) about getting the same gear 2 years later.

It’s the same right now. We just dont hold people hostage and think we own them. People want progression and why stay in a guild that is stagnant when leadership isn’t doing anything to help. It’s a game and I rather enjoy playing it rather than be miserable like how you clearly are :wink:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I suggest go get that check by a shrink. I heard delusions can be really bad for people’s well being

nah the only clown here is you

EDIT: nvm there’s 2 of you

sure gramps

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Wait, are you saying it is the same now?

In the old days you did not have nearly as many options as you do now to raid, or even group up or the tools you have now.

Even the raiding was design in a way you had to rise up from raid to raid gearing people from each tier of raid to do the next.

To even compare that to now? Come on.

Ok now I am done. :slight_smile: just wanted to teach you.

Progression in the time we were talking about is NOTHING like it is now. Raids might be harder, but how you geared out before was tedious and that is where the mindset came from.


I prefaced what I said with that disclaimer for a reason. It’s obvious that it’s group content, but the spirit of the thread is about content for solo players.

The mistake a lot of group players make is thinking that solo players ONLY play solo. Much like Sword Art Online, we will group as well. What modern games do is they make grouping seamless. By doing so, they remove a large barrier for why many people solo to begin with. Forming groups takes time.

So when I say I consider queable content solo content, I say that because I consider it content for solo players to participate in. Solo play style is synonymous with “not guilded.”

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Adilith is a friend of mine. I do keysbwith him even though he’s an Aussie ::stuck_out_tongue:

I was replying to him about the priest.

Ironic because every time you post you look more and more unintelligent.

Its hilarious how good you think you are :joy:

Explains so much.

Thanks to you and your friends. Having to explain basic things about the game can make anyone feel smart. I wish you had more knowledge about the game outside of what you paid for with real money :frowning:

This is the problem with how pay to win wow is now. People don’t know basics of the game.


To be fair, arena, rated BGs, dungeons, and raids are the same thing every expansion for the players that do it. It may have a different skin for some of those things, but they are.what they are. So I don’t expect Blizzard to offer a.new feature for solo play every expansion.

But they could take pre-existing features such as, torghast, island expeditions,.visions, invasions, and warfronts and tailor all of them as solo play activities. Tie in a type of currency to them that can be spent on a tier set that is good for that type of content and unique titles and cosmetics. They can also add in different difficulties for quests, the way final fantasy does, DDO, and commonly found in ARPGs. Once you reach max level, you can do it all over again on a harder difficulty.


I haven’t paid real money. If you had half a brain and looked at raider io and warcraft logs you would be able to see that.

It’s just further proof you don’t have any basic clue what you’re talking about.

Ironic because you don’t know what raiderio or warcraft logs are.

you’re right. In the old days you raid or die.

guild has not change since. You have a group of people group up for a common goal. If that goal doesn’t align anymore then people leave.

teach me what? To be dumb? Sorry not interested

because right now we dont have time to sit and play for hours and hours. People do grow up and have irl stuff to do. I suggest you do the same :wink:

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I feel like with the Chinese market cut off from Blizzard, it is finally a real possibility that the game could shut down if an expansion flopped hard enough. That includes if classic servers flopped as well. Based on multiple retail expansions, it’s a real possibility, but not likely. After all, they know players like me may quit for two years, but will come back to play through the new expansion at least once.

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so you’re telling me nothing stopping you from pugging or starting your own group? So why does solo content have to stop at queueable content?

Since you brought up SoA. Kirito even though he’s a solo player did not do queueable content. More of he start his own group.

Almost all of these threads have people actually saying they never want to group. They only play an MMO because they like seeing people in the world. This is why it’s important to actually define what we’re talking about when we say solo play.

If the wow playerbase could handle queuable content actually being hard and not insist it all be nerfed to guaranteed completion, we’d probably have had a lot more queuable content years ago. Right now those folks are getting what they want, and the lower rewards that deserves.

It seems like you really mean unorganized group content.

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This one feels fairly simple

1.) Group Play dynamics in World of Warcraft have been so grossly under moderated for the last 20 years that group content is often more venous then a barrel of snakes and so there is little incentive for players to introduce themselves to content which makes most modern MOBA’s look like a pleasant Galla

2.) Gear is King, wow doesn’t have any other sort of end game… at all. That’s it. the player achievement is based entirely on the gear they’re wearing. There is no house to show off, Transmogrification is limited in large part because the gear itself still has some issues in terms of 3d models / etc. There is no secondary achievement that doesn’t involve gear. There is no solo mechanic that rewards gear of anywhere near equivalent level to grouped content.

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Here may be a new angle:

Classes i play(ed) over the course of every xpac have been designed to feel underpowered until they hit a certain ilvl + i.e. haste value to achieve a “flow” in combat combined with being above the power threshold (which means you can defeat relaxed, what was once a grind).

I highly dislike this design choice - that said, as a pure solo player, i wish for a way to progress into these item levels my own way in the open world, be it through gathering&crafting or some elite random group encounter.

After this has been achieved, harder solo content ideally opens up.

This answeres the question, why solo players like me want better gear => to have an optimal combat/rotation class experience as a reward for putting in long hours or difficult challenges.

This also indirectly answers the question to why solo play felt greatly lacking from my own experience, being a washed down open world daily grind for small ilvl increases.

If you are still reading at this point, i once suggested a combined trinity of play styles that would overcome exclusion and intoduce inclusion instead. It goes like this:

  • PvP activities done by players from a server increase % drop chance of item upgrades or equivalent drops for all players on the server - a dynamic buff stacking up or down to 0

  • PvE Raids increase PvP reward points by % stacking up and materials gathered

  • PvE solo content (daily questing, rep increase) increases gold earned from all activities

  • PvE gathering&crafting content increases % exp in PvP and rep for PvE

(as an example)
This would create a welcoming and open player base that supports each activity as each different play style will contribute to rewards and be important.

For more positivity in and outside of gaming.

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That doesn’t make you any better in that regard.

Just another fool throwing mud in the sucking mire of crap.


wrong you said

I replied saying

you then said

so again no it doesnt, normal raid gives worst loot than 5man and so by definition more people doesnt mean better gear, pay attention to what you are claiming and stop lying.

again you didnt you are just lying and now are trying to claiming something different but I have your receipts.

it was always a secondary thing and in many xpacs you could get better gear by just doing dailies and killing rares, but even in TBC by your own words they were just means to an end, they were never end content and again by definition secondary to raids, now they are in fact end game content with chest given mythic equivalent and a must do for mythic raiders.
both torghast and the mage tower are not meant for everyone to be able to complete without putting effort, you literally cant finish torghast if you dont do raid(meant group content here) so again by definiton is impossible for the solo players that refuses to do group content to do torghast, and the lack of solo progression path is the actual problem.

so you wont admit defeat? ok better to drop this topic you clearly know nothing about it and since you refuse to answer the question about admiting it stop acting like a child.

no you havent answered,



Again for your reading impairment. The difficulty of normal loot from 5 mans is below raid level difficulty.

Again you fail again

You have receipts of you not being able to read.


Already explained how it’s false.

Considering you’re wrong on all counts nah.

Saying “no” doesn’t make you any less false rofl

I don’t know, I’ve been happily soloing stuff for years. I don’t want/need top gear. I’m more interested in pets/mounts/toys, to be honest. My only gripe was when they decided to scale everything.


1 debatable.
2 irrelevant.

this is what you said

does normal raid give better gear than 5man yes or no?

if no would you agree that the number of people isnt inherently indicative of gear ilvl or difficulty? so by definition a solo content could in theory be harder than a 5man content?

thats literally all you do