Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?


I don’t do M+ and only sometimes raid. Naked BGs and overworld content is where I spend my time. All you get is crappy gear that no one cares about. That’s it.

I remember this being an issue with some of the WQ at the beginning of SL but they were pretty much reigned in by the next patch. I do callings every day on my characters and can’t think of any WQ that take more than a couple minutes. BFA had some WQ that took mere seconds because they were nothing more than ganking a boss which IMO is boring and pointless.

I’ve been playing MMORPGs for almost 20 years now and there is a segment of the solo population that will NEVER be happy. No matter how many quests you give them or how much you design the open world for them they will gobble it up and demand more. SL had far more content and rewards for solo players than any other playstyle and yet it still wasn’t enough for some people. That is why I always tell those people to stick to single player games because MMORPGs are meant for more than just solo people. And I say this as someone who solos far more than he groups.

I’m starting to think that the reason they are struggling with world quests are they are honestly that bad at the game.

wait you really think doing old content raid is raiding?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Thanks for the laugh bud

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I took my worgen warlock recently thru the first wing LFR of CN and dear lord was that struggle. We wiped four times on huntsman before finally getting through it. I never had this issue in that wing on my other characters but then again my other characters are horde so maybe it’s just an alliance thing.

The picture taking one annoying both were. The kill count for the animals and most of the mobs way more than legion. It was very common thing for BFA world quest to be consider way longer to get done. One of them was stupid. And the ones that took seconds for killing the boss was the best ones? All of them are boring really, but the high kill counts, waiting for npcs ones are the worse.

I have been playing mmos for a long time also. Since UO days, and Wow has moved mmo forward in many ways, but the focus on group and raiding as the main focus of end game has set it back while other mmos have charged ahead.

Solo players are not happy because Blizzard failed to make us happy. When they say we matter.

Solo content world content, and economy matters just as much if not more so than group and raiding.


I wont bother with Khaelyn. She’s full of it. She had a guild where she think they serve her for being in the guild. Pretty sure she blocked me after I pointed out her 155 ilvl priest and 160 dk which are the only 2 player in her guild :rofl:

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I don’t see any evidence that other MMOs have “surged” ahead.

From dexerto…com.

How many people play World of Warcraft? WoW player count & population tracker (2022)

In comparison to its fellow MMOs, World of Warcraft still proves to be the most popular by a landslide. Not a single competitor comes anywhere near WoW’s total player count, which is effectively 120 million.

MMORPG Total Players (millions)
World of Warcraft 122.05
Final Fantasy XIV Online 40.27
Lost Ark 17.04
Guild Wars 2 17.35

Yes so how do they get them numbers?

122 Millions? active? LMAO I doubt that. Lets be real here.


You doubt the numbers based on what?

Because players like you are why wow is not doing too hot. When I join a guild and raid with others. I wait until I help everyone else out to catch up to me before I pick to leave a guild. It is called respect. Something I have none for with you.


Blizzard hides active numbers of players. Heck a quick google search says this.

Final Fantasy 14 might be closer to World of Warcraft in terms of active players than ever before. According to , Final Fantasy 14 is currently sitting at around 2.49 million active players, compared to World of Warcraft’s 2.19 million active players.

I mean even that I would not trust fully because both don’t release active numbers.

But acting like Wow is the top dog? I doubt it.

  • You killed Mythic Gul’dan
  • I killed Mythic Gul’dan
  • We are the same
  • But im slightly more efficient
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takes deep breath

ahhhhhh hahahahahahahaahaha

Were you looking at your posting history?

not hard to catch up to a 155 ilvl. I just go to kortia and buy 223 greens :wink:

Nope blizz has more issues that’s why this game is not so hot. It’s also a 20yr old game

dont worry I have ZERO respect who think they own people who’s in their guild

Oh wait you’re serious?


Wow what a tool rofl.

I guess you show how stupid you are because you did not read, or understood it. It is ok, someone who is dumb enough to do mythic raiding can’t be that bright to start with. Since we can go back and get all the stuff you got with ease. :slight_smile:

In the old days, the gear you got was thanks to the guild. Asking guildmates to respect that, and wait until a check point for the guild to move on would be better, than leaving once you got all the gear that the guild got for you. Even if you don’t like where the guild is heading, at least have enough respect for the people who helped you get that gear that you could not got without them.

You would not understand something that simple since I am a better gamer than you it seems.

Like every time you post on here. You make yourself look worse and worse. I got to ignore you, your cringe is way too strong, and it kinda sad.


What a tool?

Did you see what that guy said about him killing mythic guldan?