Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Lol yes because people in general don’t usually take the path of least resistance. There is a chunk of players that would do just that and take the easy way out which handicaps the players that do the endgame group content.

It’s murdercarpet lol. Dude just trolls and flames wow all day lol.

He used to be pretty decent. We disagreed but I think he’s mad at being wrong all the time.

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You have more solo play now than you have ever had yet you complain as if it’s the opposite. That’s why we roll our eyes at you every thread you show up in. You won’t do ever be happy.

Wouldn’t waste your time. That priest is so out of touch they tried to claim I bought boosts for my gear because I destroyed their points.

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Hahaha I was curious who that was about earlier when reading some of the posts of yours further up. Makes sense lol.

Someone doesn’t know what rio or logs are lol

They know all about those, they just reflect their skill level and that makes them very sad and upset lol.

Oh I forgot you are one of them stupid people who think the content we have now or in BFA is as good as it was in legion.

My bad, No point in debating you. I proved you and snozay wrong time and time again. Gave reason why you are wrong. I taught you, and did my good deed for the day. Time to ignore you and move on :slight_smile:


I’m not sure what this even means, because no one is getting equal rewards. So how is this even an argument?


This solo play we are talking about is equal rewards to the raiding community that’s why I’m explaining it’s not going to happen the way I am. Solo play with lower gear level sure they can 100 percent add more fun content like that. All the threads I’ve commented on were to people claiming that’s what they want. Notice I don’t start debating anyone who just says they’d like more fun stuff to do.

Then I have no idea who is requesting such a thing, because 99% of the people definitely aren’t. Apologies for not knowing who you were replying to that asked for such a thing.

It happens it’s a very long thread lol.

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It was me,

It was a debate about how useful gear was in this game. If Blizzard was going to keep throwing gear away quickly and not give solo players time to build up and enjoy gear they got to earn through long grinds. And each content patch increases the bar for power. I said just make power a flat thing all content players can each to a certain point. Some faster than others, and let us keep the gear for longer spreads.

Much tears was shed cause of that, but I gave my reasons why. Not like Blizzard will listen.

Myself I rather them come out with fun content that is not tide to power, that rewards time playing and respects my time., but if they going to keep being lazy with patches that increase power as content. That is my idea.


well I don’t know what ya’ll are playing, I always get these comments. but I play nothing but open world content. world quests etc. and nothing. I’ve never gotten anything. I have a few titles, but nothing. I don’t get gear, I get no transmogs. nothing. So whereever you guys are getting these from, more power to you, but that’s not the case for everybody and the fact you say these things only makes it worse

it’s a “i have it so why should you”

sorry you’re not changing my mind. There’s not anything really to keep me playing on a month after month basis.

Literally I can remember fighting reavers and their mobs and gear would drop all the time, some good some funny some just junk. but now i get nothing. zero nada nilch.

so goodie for you but maybe be a little more sympathic to those who aren’t getting anything at all.

this… this is the problem with wow.



And the world quest have become far longer and more tedious. The idea of them telling us. Ya we want world quest to be quick and easy. Well they are easy, but not quick anymore since bfa.

Like I said, if they don’t figure out a way to make solo players happy. Wow future is not looking good.


I didnt ask what you think, either address the points or dont waste my time.

you literally didnt and you ignored again the question.

and where is your prove to that? cuz it was literally everywhere in the forum and according to you solo players are int the minority by a lot.

and it wasnt before, why cant the same happen for solo content? can you please actually answer the questions?

wrong they were complain because it actually gave better gear than heroic raid and literally forced raiders to do baby 5man content, same arguments you are using against solo content were used against m+

so you are saying raiders didnt complain about m+? if thats the case if I link you to those complains would you acknowledge you are wrong and accept your defeat?

and os were dungeon, explain why one can change and the other cant ?

you are a champ in literally typing a truck load of words and not saying anything


I have addressed the points. And demolished then. You don’t have any points.

I explained it to your right here.

Because solo play isn’t a pillar. It’s a secondary function. I am a warring the questions you just don’t like the answers.

False as I already explained it.

You won’t ever be correct because you aren’t half as smart as you think you are.

I’m sorry you have basic reading comprehension and can’t understand facts.

explain how you addressed anything, explain why normal raid doesnt drop better loot than 5man content, explain why in legion and bfa this was also true for heroic raid.

can you address normal raid please?

thats not an answer, dungeon was also a secondary thing in the game and they changed to be end game content and one of the most important things in the game tbh, why cant they do tht for solo players?

will you admit defeat? cuz I dont wanna waste my time just to have you cry “I’m right”
while ignoring what I said,like you are doing with normal raids

no facts were typed by u


Can you not read? I said the level of 5 mans that are equal to normal difficulty are lower.

Try reading.

I already did. Are you being obtuse on purpose?

Dungeons were never a secondary thing.

In order to gear for raiding in BC and Wrath you did dungeons and rep grinds to get your pre raid bis.

They made mplus to give dungeons more playability because after the first tier dungeons weren’t that important.

Solo play is there for everyone and is tuned around everyone being able to complete it with 100% success rate. It’s not going to be a main pillar because it’s not designed to be.

In order to be a main pillar you have to be able to fail.

For me to admit defeat you would actually have to outsmart me and that’s not going to happen.

I have responded to your normal raid question twice. Not my fault you’re ignoring it.

Everything I said is a fact. Sorry you can’t handle being wrong.