Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Wrong or by definition raid should always give better loot than 5man.

Gear ilvl is decided by apparent difficulty with no regards for “group” more people don’t get better loot.

There is no reason anyone can’t give me to justify why blizzard can’t make solo content with an appropriate difficulty so people can earn gear there.

I see people arbitrary saying they can’t balance it for solo play but no evidence is show and no explanation is given as to why until very recently it was apparently impossible to do it for 5man too but once enough players cried about it they figure it out.

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I’m not saying its bad, we do the same stuff. It’s one of the benefit’s of having a friends. I know you didnt pay for the runs though. I just noticed in the beginning you were carried on that toon. It might not have even been a hard carry, I wasnt there but just looking at your IO I dont know how he thought you payed for it, it takes 5 seconds to tell they were your guild mates.

Raid does give better loot than 5 man.

Yes they do lol.

Because the difficulty required won’t be completed by the majority. Which means it will be cried about for nerfs.

See torghast mage tower and visions as examples.

This also affects raiders by adding yet another chore they would be required to do for a small minority that play solo content.

You already get normal raid rewards. That’s more than fair.

Because solo content is designed to be so easy that anyone can do it.

This is what they sort of did with palace of the dead in ff14. It had its own gear your powered up, you could do it solo(it was very hard to do solo mind you). I dont see why we cant have an endless dungeon type with its own gearing specific to itself. A big issue here though is, it cant be mandatory content. Let it be its own content the way raiding and pvp are their own content.

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My apologies. Had just woken up and had t had coffee yet :joy:

I think he was implying I bought boosts with tokens because he didn’t have an argument and was trying to discredit me.

My guess is he doesn’t know what raider io or warcraft logs are.

All of them? It doesn’t.

No they are not.

Irrelevant raids and m+ are nerfed too.

Now quote every raid,.m+ and affix that had nerfs and rebalancing

Irrelevant m+ already did that

You don’t get to decide that, raiders literally said that when m+ was starting, that it shouldn’t give loot better than normal raid, it was dumb then and it’s dumb now.

Irrelevant So we’re dungeon until they weren’t

Yes it does.

The last three bosses of each raid give higher ilvl than mplus 15 vaults.

Heroic raid gear is higher ilvl than 15 mplus drops until after they are upgraded.

Comparing equal difficulty raid gives higher ilvl.

Yes they do rofl.

Hard content being nerfed because it was way overtuned isn’t the same as solo content being braindead from the start.

See above. Tuning balancing isn’t the same as asking for easy content nerfed

Mplus is group content and another pillar of endgame. Solo content is not.

Raiders already have to do rep grinds mplus and then raiding just to raid. Don’t need to add another chore because people want to be anti social.

Don’t recall that. Either way Blizz agrees with me as you can get up to normal raid loot for doing braindead content. Consider yourself lucky.

And because they aren’t easy they give better rewards.

Dont presume.

So you forget or ignored normal raid? If number of people always meant higher difficulty normal raid should always give better loot, that’s not the case because number of people doesn’t necessarily means higher difficulty, you also forget both BFA and legion when m+ was giving better gear than heroic but nvm that.

Prove it.

I accept your concession, the community as a whole was complaining about torghast you trying to pin this at solo players is the voices in your head unless you can prove it.

It is now, it wasnt before blizz made it so, try to keep it together

They didn’t need to do m+ and complained about it but blizz didn’t care so again irrelevant.

You are either lying or just don’t know what you are talking about then.

They used to be until they decide to make it an actual content, nothing stops them to make solo content like thay

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What are you talking about? I have alts who have never been in an instance at all and have full epics, 4 piece SL tier, and 2 legendaries.

ZM gear with maxed cyphers hits like a truck in the open world.

SL also offered a crap ton of cosmetics and mounts that solo players could get.

I can understand saying it’s not fun content, since that’s subjective, but the argument that SL isn’t rewarding for Solo play is ludicrous.

Personally I think solo players shouldn’t even get normal raid loot.

Already did. Read above.

The majority of the complaints were from solo players. I played a rogue which was one of the hardest classes to do it on and just got it done

Mplus was a pillar as soon as it was added.

Raiders were complaining because it lets us fill out our gear slots. Most raiders love mplus.

Neither. Sorry you can’t handle facts.

Solo content isn’t designed to be hard. It’s designed so anyone can do it.

So out of touch.

All this guy does is insult and claim he already discussed and explained it all. But all he says is game is a joke it’s so easy people are so toxic not me tho. Then he says you are the narcissist and low IQ. Plus suck at the game lol. I legit went into detail with this scrub and another guy for like an hour and it went just as it’s going here with you lol. Cant fix stupid I guess lol

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I would just ignore people who think wow will be fine with just raiding and group content focus. If they really believe that, no amount of debating showing them numbers or facts will teach them a thing.

Just laugh, and move on.


Then it’s perfect for a player like you who appears to be a forumbot.


Honestly, yeah. I’m angry enough as it is that Bobby sockpuppets as Team Git Gud.


Ahh personal insults. I thought higher of you then that murder.

Seems you are now just like every other salty clueless solo player.

You’re no better by calling him “clueless”.

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Comments like these make no sense. I’ve gotten far more titles, rewards and achievements in open world content than I have ever gotten in a raid. This expansion alone I’ve got more mounts and more transmogs then I ever got on a raid night. If raiding, M plus and PVP isn’t your thing then you had four covenants to play with, each with their own content, titles, achievements, mounts and transmogs. Plus as you advanced in renown your ilevel increased along with each covenant having its own little side game(tea party for venthyr, seeds for night fae etc.) Same thing is going to be available with DF as there are four factions you can play thru that all have their own unique content.

So no, I’m not buying the argument that there is no good rewards for open world content. The real reason behind these arguments is some segments of the solo community think ALL titles, achievements and rewards should be obtainable by solo content. Which I will fight every single time. SOME things should be locked behind group play and higher level diffifculty. If solo players choose not do participate, that is on them.


Yet despite that being your trump card you try to play you still fail. Wows had it’s most sales and profits over the last few expansions so nice try.

“I’m not a bot, I just roleplay one on the wow forums.”

Says the guy who keeps rolling new characters to get around the fact that so many people he still needs to be abusive to have blocked him on every new character he makes up garbage to post on.