Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?


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YouTubers don’t have a clue. Lol at thinking YouTubers are an actual source.

I knew you were out of touch but lol.

And it was a terrible system.

Also a terrible system.

If you’re struggling with world quests you’re just flat out bad.

SL had the same thing.

It had power gains in it as well.

Not even close. Wrath was the best expansion.

The economy isn’t ruined. Ps more raiders probably play the ah more than non raiders.

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You’re kind of just proving his point. lol

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When said youtubers show how they get numbers and backed it up. You can cry all you want, but you are wrong.

Also you deflect. You can say it is bad system all you want. It was content for solo players, and things people enjoyed.

In other words. What we are debating. Not if it was good or not. Please keep up.


Numbers that don’t exist?

Lol sure.

It’s not deflecting. They changed and removed those systems because they were bad.

We aren’t debating. You’re making outlandish claims and I’m having a good laugh at it.

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Lol imagine being so out of touch you contradict yourself one post later :joy:

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sighs i understand people like you who pay to win in wow don’t understand something basics like addons and tracking people gear and what they have to find numbers. You really are clueless. Players find ways to find out.

Teaching you anymore would be a waste of time.


Ahh there’s that outlandish claim again :joy:

You keep claiming I pay to win but you are so wrong it’s hilarious.

Repeating it over and over again doesn’t make it true.

PS in order for those addons to work accurately everyone has to download the addon :joy:

I’m sorry you don’t know how addons work.


I clearly don’t understand addons :joy:

As pointed out by myself and others, You don’t have any clue what you’re talking about therefore aren’t teaching anyone anything.

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yet as a soloer. I know more about the game than you. You did not even know how friendly legion was for solo players and the content outside of raiding in it.

Now done. Putting you anymore in your place would be breaking the rules of the forum.


No you don’t.

It wasn’t as solo friendly as you think. SL was way more solo friendly.

Lol you literally just got proven wrong over and over again

Stay out of touch :joy:

Also for people who care about numbers. This was a year ago,

It is not 100 percent sure since blizzard makes sure we can’t get that, but even if it is not 100 percent. It still paints a pretty bad picture on the so called raiding community and group content.

And I am not a fan of this guy content, when someone shows how they get the numbers and such. What I think about them does not matter at that point.

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Bellular is your source lmao.

He’s known to post false info for clicks lmao

Dragon flying

See that isn’t the question you should ask.

The question you should ask is…“Can Blizzard deliver a viable end game for those who don’t Raid or PVP before they leave en-mass forcing the game to close?”

You can also ask. “If I pray hard enough will non-raiders save my hyper-competitive addiction?”

While Blizzard has hired a team of developers (according to Preach Gaming, Accolonn, and Bellular) to create more overland and end-game content for non-raiders/non-pvpers have they done it in time? Did they wait too long?

There are several MMo’s on the horizon where raiding is an after-thought like it is in ESO and becoming in FFXIV.

If the so-called “casuals” leave the raiders and PVPers are pretty much screwed…because Microsoft will either cut WoW development to the bone or just go ahead and shut it down to make way for the new co-op casual friendly Survival game they are working on.

I personally think they will keep them around for a couple more years regardless…but time is running out.


Revamping crafting is a good start, but as I said before. I think wow token is part of the problem as well. I’m not sure what Blizzard will do but we shall see.

As long as power is the goal of the content patches. It will be tough for blizzard.

What we do know is, Mythic dungeons and Raiding only focus will not save wow.


I can attest you did not pay for it but you were carried by your guild at least on that toon.


Time is running out on MMOs in general. Raiders make up a small portion of the player base. Yeah, a lot of people do normal and heroic but those people dont play just to raid. The real money is in mythic+ and blizzard is doing their best to f that up to prop up heroic raiding.


Ironic considering outside of one run when I was a fresh 60 I haven’t been carried. Just the same way I helped carry their Alts through raids to gear them up. That’s what friends do.

Nor was I carried on season fours main (my mage)

this pretty much sums it up for me. seriously.

I will not ever want to take away from those that do the mythic/raid grinding. it’s work, and you have to have some talent and time for it.

however, that doesn’t dissent from that as a solo player we fill out this mmo in many other different ways. and throughout sl and to an extent bfa and legion… we do simple repeatable content that only rewards white and grey items. trash, junk. it’s not even worth really any gold.

in bl/cata we could just go out into the world, kill random targets and at the very least get crud but fun gear. would it level us up? no… but it was fun items to try and collect.

there is nothing like that anymore. we kill a gazillion (exaggeration but not really) mobs and we get one grain of rice.

i’m not asking for rewards and cool gear or really upgraded gear that high risk players get, only that we get rewarded in some manner for our style of play.

a fun pet, silly toy, a cosmetic enhancement, maybe some more achievement rewards like if you go talk to every npc in an area you get the title chatty kathy. silly random stuff.

what i don’t understand is this thought process that for players and developers it has to be one side or the other. an enhancement to rewards for different playstyles can only benefit the game as a whole, more rewards can equal more players and isn’t that the goal?


Thankfully someone else gets it lol.