Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

aight go do mythic seph by yourself now…old content is gonna fall over man

I have literally carried a WSG before.

Define “engaging content.” For me BFA world content was fun to do while SL was incredibly boring. In BFA I ran characters for both allience and Horde. SL I ran only a couple. I didnt raid in BFA and never cared about my ilevel. But I digress .

When was the content in your eyes engaging?


IMO, solo content includes dungeon and raid finder since.it.doesnt require an organized premade group to participate in. So for me, engaging solo content is:

  1. Queued content
  2. Torghast
  3. Visions
  4. Mage Tower
  5. Warfronts
  6. Questing (getting loremaster)
  7. Pet Battles
    8 Asharan
  8. Wintergrasp
  9. Trial of the Crusader - Jousting
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I can make a short comparison between the two for why I liked BFA more than SL:

  • Less travel time between quests/points/activities (only two zones required teleport, not all four). SL exacerbated the agony of having to pickup and hand in emissaries/callings which wasted time on a FM that just wasn’t fun. I’d go afk and do the dishes instead it was so boring.

  • Greater variety in WQs. The regular invasions for the two factions livened up each zone and added variety.

  • Faster WQs. WQs in SL were made even longer by nerfing how much % you got from doing the objectives, which made them extremely tedious and overstay their welcome. The entire idea of “three WQs” vs filling the bar vs treasure made it more of a chore than me going off and having the choice to do whatever was the most fun (I did like Nazjatar’s puzzle WQs). Legion was still better for WQs than either BFA or SL and respected my time.

  • Lesser mob density in BFA. My clothies weren’t vapourised running between objectives in the same way they have been in SL.

  • More world PVP opportunities in BFA like Battle for Nazjatar. While I didn’t do it as much as I’d have liked, having the event gave everyone incentive to turn up for PVP. This also applies to the supply drops per zone, which made the weekly quest more diverse. SL has… I don’t even know what SL has because there was nothing in the first two patches and I gave up checking afterwards.

I’m sure there’s more I’ve forgotten, but the common theme is SL makes me feel like it was penalising me for bothering to turn up.


They complained about having to do it at all, not that it was hard.

The nerf complaints came from casuals who were screaming that Blizz makes everything for the elite 1% mythic players and it’s too hard for everyone else.

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It is more I think when we see more and more content come out that gives these players what they want. Powerful gear, mog mounts blah blah.

And the world /solo content gets hand me downs, copy and paste content with very little creative drive behind it.

If you are going to base a game around chasing power as your content patches. It is normal for solo players to want more from the content they enjoy.


That’s what happens when you play a game designed around group content solo.

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That was not the case in legion.

Anyway, if Blizzard wants to keep on thinking like that. They will be put in their place yet again by the player base. 3rd time is the charm right?


Yes it was. It’s how the games always been.

You’re delusional if you think solo players are going to put anyone in their place.

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and you are delusional if you think wow can live just off mythic dungeons and raiders.

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I tried to tell my Dr that IMO beer is water, but he assured me, it’s not. :frowning:

It’s tough to even have these discussions when people don’t even agree on what should be clear definitions.

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I carried Mount Hyjal. But thats not the same as doing it alone.

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Also anyone who thinks this has to be new to wow. I would not expect anything less from the raiding community now that people can buy into. What a sad state this game is in.


Considering that’s the majority of the player base yes they should be fine.

You’re analogy is still terrible though.

Been playing since BC so not new.

You just have rose tinted glasses.

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If M+/Raiders/PvP players gave up all of those things, what would be left to feel rewarding?

That’s the idea I guess. Outside of those three, there’s not much and for many people, that’s where they are in the game. They don’t want group activities, they want fun things to do that match their playstyle and give cool rewards that are on the same level as raids/M, there isn’t enough. And like others have said, group activity is not the only effort in Warcraft.

Maybe a solo player that has invested tons of time into blacksmithing wants to actually reap the rewards of that effort. Maybe a herbalist wants to go after an achievement that gets them a unique mount for picking herbs by picking like 50,000 plants idk. And maybe raiders could get the same if they kill so many current raid bosses. Not the best examples but you get the idea.

Lately, M+/Raid/PvP has offered FOMO items, and perhaps that’s why people feel jaded. For some people, it’s too much investment and headache to accomplish those things but they still want an alternate route. For example the death mounts from M+. It’s a cool mount but why aren’t there alternate ways to get it? It doesn’t have to be menial open-world content achieve. There are ways to make difficult solo content. Heck, they could have just added the death mounts to the mage tower or high levels of Torghast or something as a crude example.

The rewards for your playstyles are FOMO items and throughput numbers. The rewards for a casual playstyle are uhh… umm… achievements I guess that sometimes give cosmetic rewards. idk yo! Both are nice but both seem miles apart. I feel there is more to explore in this area. I’m not sure how exactly but that’s my take on the situation at a very base level.

Maybe Blizz should stop making FOMO a thing in WoW. I feel M+/Raid/PvP should reward solely decent gear that is slightly above open-world for those min-max folk. All cosmetic items, titles, mounts, etc should be available to every player or at least have the option of getting it another way and a very close equivalent of gear. Of course, that might be an unpopular opinion lol Raids should give nice gear, but not be like 100 ilvl and 10k dps above someone else. I think that contributes to the mindset of being elitist and thinking you are above any other player. Maybe achievs for legacy are enough.

If you make the two more in line with one another there wouldn’t be this huge divide and the “casuals” and “elitists” could be friends lol


Imho they need to add a solo player sytem call it W+ if you want but i do want to do hard stuff solo for rewards maybe just give it a slight ilvl nerf vs instances content example 123+ solo ivl 126 M+ and raider ilvl 129+ ext.


I’ve said this before but I’ll go ahead and reiterate it:

For me, solo content in this game was engaging when it was able to stand on its own as a feature of the game. When I think of solo content, I think of leveling in Classic, which was an experience in and of itself and didn’t need a counterpart to feel complete. I think of professions and how they actually had meaning, or secondary professions which were consistently updated and served as an excellent way to invest your time in the game without feeling like your time was being wasted.

I’ve said it before but I felt as though Torghast could have been an excellent addition to this game had they not tied player power to it with its rewards being nothing more than a currency for something you had to get in other parts of the world. If they had just let Torghast be a roguelike, it would have been a great experience. Instead, they gutted everything great about the roguelike genre and gave us a shell of an experience, likely because Blizzard is too scared to take risks with their game.

Ever since WoD, it feels like Blizzard has progressively furthered themselves from solo play as a viable form of content and instead view it as an extension of endgame. From Legion to Shadowlands, everything about solo content was more of a vehicle meant to funnel you into group play. That didn’t particularly feel great to me. While I did like Legion’s solo content, I only feel as though I liked it because it was new at the time. Shadowlands and BfA are essentially the same thing (albeit way more extreme in systems) and I did not like playing those expansions in the slightest.


If they beefed up PVP resources, and doubled down on Torghast, id buy 2 subs.

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And that player base I bet hit its lowest. So much so Blizzard hide the numbers, but we got an idea thinks to some youtubers on just how poor mythic raiding and mythic dungeons done this expansion. here is a hint, it was not a pretty picture.

Legion had legendaries you could get from killing normal mobs.
World quest that felt rewarding thanks to titan forging.
World quest able to be done much faster and easier.
Crafting gear that you could upgrade.
A whole zone that was not based off power but a storyline for max level chars.

Legion was the best expansion, even with its flaws.

Also, solo players tend to enjoy playing the economy of the game. Something that got ruined thanks to wow tokens as well.