Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Karen is already here. And apparently I admitted to not being able to read :joy:

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I mean, now they’re making it really difficult to do the one thing solo casual players actually enjoy doing: solo’ing/mog farming raids from 2-3 expansions ago.


Resorting to personal insults is a sign of not being intelligent enough to refute people’s points.

I’m still waiting for you to say anything with substance.

gotta admit kinda late to the party >.> christmas party and all

I just got here too. Was sick yesterday and slept 14 hours :joy:

You mean the arguments I already made in the thread you didn’t read? And I care about your “opinions” why exactly?

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Where you claimed mythic raiding is easy yet don’t have ce.

Just from that you have zero credibility

You care enough to keep responding and got mad enough to insult me :joy:

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I have more than one reply and point in this thread. Again, if you aren’t able to use a mouse wheel, why do I care about your opinion?

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Just look at ZM and S4. They couldn’t even be bothered to add another row of talents to PocPoc, or even increment the # of ranks on existing talents by 1.

Literally nothing.

The open world always feels like an after thought.

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If you don’t have any credibility then any other replies don’t matter at all.

I never said I am not able to use a mouse wheel. I just said I’m not going too as all these threads are the same.

Bad players like yourself make baseless claims that mythic raiding is easy so no matter what you said you don’t have any credibility.

Don’t know or care. You’re the one that’s mad and keeps responding.

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This is coming from a person who’s less able to follow a conversation than a bot. Fact this that we already discussed these points in detail. You’re just here cluttering the thread with inane stupidity that means nothing because you can’t follow a conversation. So the real question is, why are you still here if you don’t care enough (or don’t have the ability) to read it?

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We do with ome person what it takes you with 20.

Considering I’m choosing. It to go back and read the same nonsense that’s posted in every solo player whine thread lol.

Have you looked in the mirror? Notice you’re the only one throwing insults because you made stupid statements and got called out on it.

Ahh more personal insults. I’m here calling out people making claims mythic raiding isn’t difficult yet don’t have a single ce.

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Considering solo content is braindead you don’t need twenty people

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Why are you not able to read?

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Why are you not able to make a valid point?

Please continue your insults and lack of points. It’s very entertaining

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I’m sorry, this topic is only for people capable of following a thread. If you can sit here QQing, you can read up and follow on like a normal person.

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you dont though…

But i do. I did all the WoD raids solo last month. Raiding is a joke.

You could never solo Warsong Gultch

I am capable of following a thread.

I haven’t qqed yet rofl

I don’t follow threads made by people that make claims that they can’t back up.

You don’t have any credibility which is why you resorted to insults.

Stay mad my guy