Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

That is most raiding really. The content has to become muscle memory. The hardest part about raiding will always be finding players willing to stick with it or have the same mindset as you.

Also “hard” is subjective so i find it silly to even argue what someone finds tough or not.

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he has no interest in doing it because it’s other peoples fault. yet he knows it’s easy for him. and posts on a low level alt. that is how you know someone is trash. you gotta try real hard not to understand what is being said here bro.

Wrong devs are the ones who do the rebalancing and come up with affix and balance those you don’t know what you are talking about.

Ohh in a game with no solo gear progression you needed gear from group content to do difficult stuff? Wow and back in mop the og mythic raid people did with raid gear, guess why? Because it was the only available smartguy


Nooo noon not the low lvl alt, so you have no actual argument and decide to just ad hominem instead of actually talking about the topic, cool

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It wouldn’t be such a big issue if they would stop buffing old world content to match the newest level increase, they NEVER get it right and always make it far to strong to solo farm old stuff. They had it right back in the day when you could go to any old area or raid and one shot everything including the bosses and then they decided to fix what wasn’t broken.


are you stupid? did i say no resources go into it lol? i said less than you think goes into it. it is literally reused assets they make mythic plus with form the art and whatever aspects. lol. you make it seem like thy dedicate all these extra resources to mythic plus. most resources they spend on mythic plus are for the tournaments lol and advertising.

i don’t even know what you want me to say to this. fever dream rantings or something? yes, as i’ve said. wow is designed around group content… lol.

i literally gave you reasons, this is just one of them as to why you can tell he is trash. when you post on low level alt, claiming you are world first raider, game is a joke everyone else is the problem, yeah… here’s your sign.

inb4 you say ohhhh he never said that. it’s a general statement that applies 99 percent of the time. if the shoe fits you know.

How does this have almost 30 likes? lol

Delusional or trolling or maybe both.

I just want more world content mostly and a gear path would be nice too that is only relevant in the world.

:popcorn: while I wait


because on the forums it’s pretty common to see the “casual” crowd demanding things left and right and always complaining left and right. exaggerating everything to next generation levels. its not a knock on the normal casual player, just on the crazies that show up here.

Wrong the balance and creation of new affix/scaling is always a major point in development and testing it is a huge effort and not at all this side note you try to make, it also had stuff like creative the weekly chest and the scoring now, all those things take a lot time to actually accomplished and maintain, especially when it was first introduced, it was the main feature of a whole patch.

So you have no arguments again? Good

Because only casual/solo players complain? Lmao Can I have whatever it is that you’re smoking?

Edit, “just the crazies” well, there are crazies for every category:

I honestly can’t believe the kink ppl have from gear. My dopamine came from other ‘things’ when I did the three pillars.


You literally haven’t, you just dislike he said schedule is a problem and he personally doesn’t think it’s hard, you just butthurt cuz you probably can’t do it.

Wow was design around raids, until it wasn’t.
Explain why it can’t change again. I’m waiting for the 3rd time a answer

and i’m as casual as they come. have a look at my profile if you’d like. highest level content i did this xpack was just season 4 ksm on dainbane stormrage as well.

Like the whinning you are doing right now?

Wrong again, the forums were in fire when M+ was released because the raiders were mad af that casuals were being allow to get good gear. That was the narrative.

It’s almost like everyone think their content is the actual hard one and people should just adopt to what they like


Raiders are always mad.

I wish they did some long, grindy quest for a possible 1% damage increase or something this xpac to watch them come out of the wood work complaining bc they’re so far gone with their min/max mentality.



i told you straight out its not pointed at the reg. casual player. i never said casuals are the only players that complain lol. i said straight out it’s pointed at the crazy extreme karen casuals and here you are. id tell you all about how annoying i think night elf posters are but i don’t think you would appreciate that one either :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t realize I was a Karen. I try to let a lot roll off my back. Maybe I am one.


nope ive told you about 100 times what my gripe is. explained it all to you. wow is not going to waste all their time and resources on group content to put in solo play to invalidate tht and handicap the end game players. move along dude.