Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

i understand some people may have a hard time finding groups. never disputed that. he straight up said skill is a non issue. there is no skill required aside from finding the time and groups lol. me calling b.s on this crap no way implies that i only think lack of skill is why. nice try again tool.

so things people don’t consider before demanding changes. the majority of wow players do some form of group content. even if just dungeons. now, if you offer up a stand alone bot option. how many people that do actually do the group content would take the easier way out and just chose bots? which then takes away from the total pool of players doing group content. which in turn makes it harder to find groups for group content. its a chain reaction. one thing leads to another. id wager the group of players that would nver do group content is smaller than the groups who do some form of group content. so handicapping the larger group and health of the game for you to just bot your way through wow doesn’t add up. if you hate the design of the game this much, you have no fun playing it at all. then maybe stop playing and find a game you enjoy then? you compare it to a crappy job. you can always find a new job. same applies here.

My guy he said skill is not a issue for him, he literally said is hard to find people who doesn’t stand on fire so it’s obvious he thinks some people won’t make the cut but for him the effort is to find good people and having matching scheduled.

You are the one who said that couldn’t be his reason and it had to be because he was bad, stop your bs


coming from the guy who has never even tried mythic raiding how can he say its easy for him lol. 99 percent of the time someone claims they are good at content they don’t do and then blame some other reason for not doing it, are trash. maybe he is good and would be a world first raider, but ill take my chances and stick with the trash option.

Everything you said can as was used against m+.

It would kill raid because it would be the easy way out, regardless if right or wrong blizzard did it anyway because it doesn’t matter a group content is killed as long you have more players doing content overall.

So if solo content kills a mythic raid and 5 people decide to quit but 10 people who were not doing anything now are doing content it’s a overall gain for them


its still group content is it not? if raid died there would still b mythic plus right? solo play is solo play. non argument there my friend. try a little harder next time? it does matter if everyone is just solo botting their way through wow. and i think its a safe assumption your 5 people quit raiding but 10 casuals have more to do is backwards math.

This is one of those topics where everyone ignores the opposition because they are dead set on what the other thinks (Even when it’s not the case).

For instance:

Q: “Why do you think you deserve endgame gear when you don’t play hard content that requires high I-lvl?”

A: Most don’t think that. What many “Solo players” want is for Blizzard to devote resources to designing difficult scaling solo content that would warrant higher I-lvl. (Think Torghast w/ gear rewards or Mage tower as an example not the exact request).

Other side:

Q: “I pay the same sub I deserve the same rewards as everyone else!”

A: This is a problem with the sub model however if you do not have progression in a game that is relative to difficulty then goals break down and the game has no point so scaling difficulty relative to gear is pretty much required for the game to thrive.
Short answer: No incentive to play, everyone logs out forever.


And why does it matter if it is group content or not? Do you really think blizz would prefer to have 100 people doing group content than a thousand doing solo? You are delusional and my point is that even if you are right and solo is easier it doesn’t kill the other content because who likes raid will do raids, that’s literally the only reason to do raids instead of m+ from a gear perspective


Wow token, and Group Finder ruined the prestige that was raiding a looong time ago.

Is that a good or bad thing who knows, but any content that can be got through by pay to win. Should not be taken serious.

That is why solo content matters more have more focus by blizzard. Fun rewarding content, and tough content as well for players to go at solo. Would do way more for this game than focus on the pay to win aspect that is group content.

Blizzard sadly will not do that, because wow token sells matter more to them than anything else.


blizzard like most people, understand there is not a world where people who do no endgame group content at all would be a design focus of the game, especially in ways that would be detrimental to all the group content they spend lots of money designing. if it is going to take you away from what they spend the money on you aren’t getting it. if its going to take people away and hinder grouping for the larger base of players, it isn’t happening. this isn’t fairytale land. you can’t just make up random numbers and say things that clearly are delusional like wow is ever going to have 100 people doing group content but 1000 people soloing their way.

Dude is literally saying he doesn’t like it or have the schedule to do it and your point is that he doesn’t do it? Are you high?


Blizz decides what is endgame m+ wasn’t now is a very real real endgame goal and a lot of resources are dedicated to it, explain why solo content can’t be that?

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the point here sherlock. is him ranting about how the game itself is a joke and easy as it gets. when he doesn’t even do the hardest content. then he predictably points his finger at the devs and the community(aka everyone else but him) as to why he refuses to do said content. sure call the community toxic and use that as a reason why. don’t come in saying stupid crap like mythic raids are so easy this game is a joke when you literally have no clue. that is how people operate that are trash. in game and in life. he blames everyone else and demands it be changed for him. spoiled, entitled.

all those dungeons already existed correct? they would exist regardless of mythic plus right? so not as much as you think went into that resource wise. second, its still a form of group content correct? I’ve explained why your solo pipe dream isn’t coming consider rereading previous posts.

The community is toxic idk why you dislike that but it’s a well know thing.

And no the point is that he said schedule and how hard it is to find good people is the reason he doesn’t do it, you are the dumb one going “Nuh Nuh gotta be skill” when his complains are 100% valid, real and he isn’t the only one that knows that


community is no diff that any other. people are people regardless of the game they play.

I’ve done 20s and had no real issue with them. They’re not hard but finding the time to do them is. And I have no real interest in mythic raiding when the difficulty is waiting for other people to learn mechanics. It’s tedious compared to keys. quoted from him.

move along sherlock.

Are you high? They were had gear worst than reputation vendors, changed to be endgame, from balancing to literally making up affix and bringing back old dungeon and rebalancing everything they put a lot effort and it literally changed the game drastically and no you never explained why group content is inherently more important if the end result with going solo is more players doing stuff overall.

Also by your argument torghast was a thing so they could’ve made it into solo progression since it was already there right lol


You literally quoted him saying that he doesn’t find it difficult but has a hard time finding good people to do with, are you high?


the most resource demanding part of it would be art team and jsut designing a dungeon from scrap. yes resources go into it. not as much as you think.

funny most people had to group up for the hardest torghast levels, they had to have gear form group content to clear it lol. again another non argument from you.

Idk,Im solo and perfectly fine with what I have and what I get so no help there twards understanding.Either way if I get something useful,cool. If not then is still gold in my hoard.