Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

well saying that means there is hope yet for you! true karens are not able to see that in themselves. ill stick to my hopes that you realize i was purely making a sarcastic comment aimed at the crazies op was trolling. especially since im a flithy casual myself.

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Why? Saying it won’t just because it’s not a explanation, why wouldnt they and how it would handicap the end game by making a new end game, why being solo is worst than group if it meant a overall growth in end content and player doing that

Dammit, why did you have to go get rational on me?

I’m still posting this. That dude is epic as hell.

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because fairytale land is make believe land. we already went over this. there is no world were blizz changes to a solo play design. they may add some more solo things to do. but adding bots and such are not happening. and players that do some form of group content outnumber players who never do any form of group content, so there’s that reason to why blizz would never do it.

Omg is that video not funny?? And the insert at the end: “get back in the kitchen!” :skull:

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i laughed out loud at that video lol. thats pretty much the type i was directing my comment at hahaha.

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No explanation again? Just “people who do the end game that exist is greater than those that do the one that doesn’t exist” wow really?

And before mythic+ the number of raiders were higher than the number of people doing dungeon.

You should change your discourse to “i don’t want blizzard to change” or “I don’t believe it will change” because you have no actual reason, explanation or even logic on your posts.

since you apparently have no memory.

and this one as well stated

I literally dismantle both of those things and you just avoided the question until we came back here again you have the most circular reasoning ever

all you do is say why cant i have solo lol… im sorry the real world and logic don’t appeal to you. im done wasting my time on you.

and you literally cant give an actual answer that makes sense and avoids the question every single time, move the goal post and dont even know what you talking about but ok. I’ll be here if you ever find an argument.

“im right youa re wrong, dont ask me why bye”

lol what ever helps you sleep at night sherlock.

thats not an argument, I said I would be here but its for an actual conversation where you bring up soemthing that make sense, dont tag me cuz you lonely

Your “gripe” is not understanding that you’re a moron and the vast majority of the playerbase have no desire to play the game with people like you or carry you through content. Just because you didn’t understand this point the first six times I said it. You’re a self absorbed narcissist who fails to understand that we don’t play WoW for you, people like you and you’re irrelevant to our gameplay experience… and we’d like it to stay that way. So, bots.


If you think KSM is “casual”, you are not actually casual. The bona fide casual and solo players might do a few +0s or +2s during dungeon event week, if that.


Doing SWTOR group content solo with a bot takes as much as twice as long as doing the same content with a proper group. That is why, even with bots available, people who can group will do so.


yes im all of the above coming from the guy who claims anyone with a job or family and adult responsibilities is incapable of doing content lol. the guy who who blames literally everyone else. the guy who is so toxic can’t seem to play with others ever lol. the guy who demands things be changed for him because he doesn’t want to deal with people lol. i need to be carried by others? sounds like you need the carry mr cant group up because people are toxic. such a loser.

oh and the fact that its coming from the guy who doesn’t do content that’s to hard for them and then claim it’s so easy on a throwaway low level alt. talking smack with no substance as usual. and you are scared and have to hide behind alts lol. what a scrub.

Before you launch off on personal attacks, consider a family man doing 60+ hours a week, or trying to go to school and working, or are on call or otherwise can’t schedule play time, who want to play this game but really, honestly, just never knows when they will actually have time to play.

There are more of us here than you may think.