Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

i thought this was a response to what i said to someone else. op is the one lumping everyone together into groups that fit their agenda not me.

The type of people who complain about what they get vs what others get don’t care what the actual truth is.

Show me one…this is hyperbole, plain and simple.

And what is wrong about that? Wow community is know to be one of the most toxics out there, this idea people don’t do content for lack of skill is unreal, a lot too m+ player are not raiders and never were but once blizzard gave them a content they want to do they did it regardless of difficulty as long as the rewards were relevant (because there was a lot crying and moaning about m+ Ilvl)

Saying the only reason why someone wont dedicated several hours a couple/few days every week to do raid with 19 other people can only be lack of skill is very short sighted.


Might as well remove gearing as a game mechanic. This is part of why i went to play on classic servers. Used to be you really had to piece a set of gear together. Now it just feels like you can fart and they’ll hand you some gear.

I think some of the issue with Wow is how the group content is structured.

Back when I played older MMOs, they were usually designed in ways that there were opportunities to casually jump in and out of teams. Think of level grinding, if you had only an hour to play you could jump into a group for an hour and jump out… no problem.

However, group content now has a definitive beginning and end. Defeat the last boss, finish the arena/battleground match, etc. (especially M+ with a timer) My lack of teaming isn’t because I don’t want to play with people… it’s because I can’t commit that I can go uninterrupted for the next hour to complete the activity. This is one of the reasons why, when I do group, I go for casual raids because I can join for a boss or two.

What I would like is content challenging enough that you need a group, but not need a definitive commitment to have my full undivided attention for a strict amount of time. What that is, have no idea… I’m not a game designer :confused:


No one ever said it was only for lack of skill moron. The people I reply to are the ones who are implying things. They are the ones generalizing everything into one or the other. You jumping on my with that argument over and over makes no sense dude. Either you don’t know how to read or you are just confused.

false, the dude wasnt even talking to you, you decide to tag him and say that he was incapable of doing content and when he said he was you kept saying he is lying.

none of the things you say make any sense, you keep implying that the only reason he is complaining is because he cant do high keys which is dumb af.

you should pay more attention to the bs you say


I’ve got no interest in wasting time on people who can’t manage the game’s mechanics and the more complicated the content, the less able people like you are to do that content in a timely manner. WoW doesn’t put bread on my table and isn’t the highest priority for my time. That’s what being an adult with responsibilities does to you. It’s not a matter of content being “easy” or “hard”, but not having enough time in the day, nor the desire, to deal with challenged individuals such as yourself. My job pays me to deal with idiots. Blizzard doesn’t pay me to deal with people like you. If Blizzard would like to offer an official wage for carrying scrubs through content, it wouldn’t be as much of a problem. The problem isn’t time being wasted, but the probability of the amount of time being wasted, which makes me more more likely to do an alternative activity instead of keys or raid since I’d rather not do it if I have to leave early.

If I do a Trust dungeon in FFXIV, the queue becomes instant; I know exactly how long it’ll take with bots and I know that if I have to take a call or answer the door, I won’t be kicked. This doesn’t work with real people.


Agreed. I couldn’t advance my Priest’s inscription in Legion because one of the items I needed was in a dungeon, Eye of Azshara.


I’m going to answer you and be honest.

Part of the joys of playing solo is the heavily focus of the economy aspect of a MMO. Also, transmog and feeling like you have a path that is worth the time invested at your own pace.

Now lets look at what has happen over the years for soloers.

World quest design has become worse. It has become tedious, and with the removal of titan forge, It feels far less rewarding with nothing to replace it.

The quest designs also have become worse, as it takes way longer to do the world quest than in legion.

So fine lets look at the economy side of things. Well look at that. Raiders also are the best money making in the game with selling runs. So not only do raiders get the best gear, best transmog, best mounts, and best “content” they also make the most money.

So Blizzard comes out with content patches, that only gives you content that increase your power. “Fun” content patches are rare as the player base consider power progression as the best sort of fun.

Power is the most thrown away thing in this game, and group players cling to it like it is mothers milk. They don’t want people to get the same power as them, even though power is the only thing wow gives players a carrot to chase.

Josh Strife said it best, about solo players and why people enjoy it.


No, we want equitable rewards, not equal rewards. Solo players want gear rewards that level up for progressively difficult solo content, just as raiders get higher ilvl gear for higher difficulty in raids; dungeon runners get higher ilvl gear for higher difficulty dungeons and so on.


It doesn’t sound like you want to know, frankly.

But just in case you do, solo players want what any other players want: as sense of improvement and advancement…of feeling more powerful as the game goes on. Even WQ ilvls going up two points, every other week, would suffice for this. Anything is better than Ilvl locked for literally months with nothing to do but advance some long term counter.

As far as “putting in effort”, well, it must be nice to have that kind of free time, and a predictable schedule…


When I see someone decked out in raiding gear. I don’t even think they put in effort anymore. I just wonder how much money they spent to get that gear.

That is the normal anymore, even the “effort” raiders and group people talk about, can be over turned with how pay to win the game is. So I find it laughable when solo players get look down on, and want tough engaging, but also rewarding content that can’t be swiped for.


that dude said the only hard thing in wow is getting the people to do things. including mythic raiding and high keys. which is objectively false and by your argument wrong. he is the one implying only reason is because of the people. you must be trying hard to be this stupid. all he says is all content is easy only dealing with toxic community is hard. which just proves hes an idiot. sadly you are trying to prove his point that skill doesn’t even matter compared to dealing with morons like yourself lol.

so the rest of the world of people like me with wife, children, jobs don’t count? Now if we do hard content we don’t have adult responsibilities? maybe the game isn’t for you if you don’t have time to play it and shouldn’t be demanding changes.

Wrong, he literally mentioned matching schedule before mentioning finding good players.

Throughout the wow history that has been one of the major complains and the reason why normal and heroic were made into flex and why even mythic raid doesn’t require people from the same serve so you can do it with randoms now because by far the hardest thing is having 20 competent people that you legit wanna spend time with having the same schedule.

And you refusal to except any explanation outside “lack of skill” is ridiculous


I would somewhat agree with you on that tbh, however blizzard made m+ for people that didn’t wanna get together with 10+ people and allow them to get high end gear in a 5man content, something that was never a thing.
If those people were allow to cry moan and ask for their content there is no reason a solo player shouldn’t be allow to do the same


I don’t care about you in the slightest when it comes to my enjoyment of my time off work. Neither you nor Blizzard are compensating me for the same unpleasantness everyone deals with in their paying jobs and only tolerate because it’s a paying job. WoW isn’t a paying job, but expects me to treat it like one for mythic raiding. Being a mythic raid leader is no different to working as a manager at a company due to schedules, etc. and it sucks just as much as doing it at a company. It’s not about content being “hard”, it’s about us not being paid to do content that’s effectively the same as working a really **** job because of the people we’re forced into proximity with in the case of mythic raiding in particular. Content being “harder” makes these problems even more evident and frustrating to deal with, no different to managing complex tasks in real life. I don’t play WoW to have a second job and the way content works makes it feel like a second job.

Hobbies are meant to be fun. Dealing with unpleasant people due to the game design forcing you into large groups of people you probably don’t like isn’t fun (see all of the drama concerning mythic raiding guilds). Losing time to one person not understanding the mechanics is not fun. The system for group play, as it currently stands, is not fun and I’d rather spend my time elsewhere doing something that is fun that doesn’t require me to wear a manager hat. Or Blizzard could add bots and people have a choice as to how they want to do the content, which would erase the problem entirely.


I would love this! SWTOR has bots for their flashpoints (like a dungeon), where you can group with a couple of other players or if you want to play solo, you can have one of your (NPC) companions and are assigned a combat droid to do the flashpoit with. it’s a great system for solo players like me in that game.