Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game


Massively, if we’re being petty. Nevertheless, this MMORPG has solo and soloable content for play, and many people enjoy it. Your playstyle isn’t so special that it makes condescension okay.


Honey, that phrase only means the following:

A massively multiplayer online game is an online video game with a large numbers of players, often hundreds or thousands, on the same server .

A massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) refers to videogames that allow a large number of players to participate simultaneously over an internet connection . These games usually take place in a shared world that the gamer can access after purchasing or installing the game software.

It doesn’t mean “forced group interaction.” I really wish people would learn their terms.


is solo-queing BGs considered solo play or forced group interaction?

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Depends on who you ask, I guess. Neither, if you’re asking me.

All that means is there is a massive amount of people potentially on at any time, nothing that says they are grouped together or not, nothing that says they are not just doing their own thing.

In essence, multiplayer in this case just means you can see other players on when you are playing, you and others seem to think it means the same thing it does for console games, where one is physically in the room with you or maybe, the initial online games, where people would plan to log on at the same time for a match or something.

Some would say it is solo play, as you can do it solo, others would say group interaction as you are with others in the BG. I lean more towards solo as you are not part of an organized team.


They have clarified that the effort is put in to play as a group, I believe. I don’t think they’ve claimed that only group play is putting effort into the game.

“Someone who puts in effort to participate in group-oriented play” to me, does not imply that people who don’t put in effort to participate in group-oriented play don’t put any effort into the game. The way they’ve phrased it, seems like this to me:

“What should you be getting if you are someone who puts effort into solo play, vs someone who puts effort in to participate in group oriented play?”

In other words, one group does not appear to negate the other. (A → B) does not necessarily mean that (not A → not B’), where B is a subset of B’.


I think it’s just as a solo player there is no progression in Wow beyond something like an LFR. Sure you can do M+ pugging, but there are those who either can’t or don’t want to. I’d like to try harder content it’s just there’s no way for me to engage in it at a casual level. And I know that’s a dumb reason, but I don’t think it really has to be. If I can’t queue for it and feel rewarded I’m not gonna do it. And that’s not me demanding gear it’s just not fun to me to have to jump through those hoops just to play a game.

I really should be playing single player games since the competive nature of Wow is off-putting to me, but it’s my best friend’s favorite game so I’m going to be here. I just wish there was more to do that wasn’t an endless grind.


It’s because they are Welfare gamers, and want to be rewarded without working and earning anything.

Mmm… smell that self righteous superiority complex. Thread is full of it.


It may not be for you but if you actually can’t see the appeal to other types of content I’d say that’s extremely narrow minded.

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First rung of the ladder.
Then normal dungeons or the PvP path.
Heroic dungeons
Keys and normal raids
Then heroic and mythic raids and high level PvP
The higher you climb, the better the rewards. Those rewards are the carrot to incentivize the climb.

You either climb the ladder, or stay on the first rung and complain. Not really any other choice if you play a MMO solo.

I don’t really care if solo players get BiS across the board. Heck let them get it from a vendor… BUT they are not allowed to wear it into any group-designed content for the current expansion. If they truly are purely solo players then they won’t mind this solution either.


I’m lazy, duh. Oh and I don’t play the game.

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Aww man dude!! You didnt…

We all heard that land mine you just stepped on go “Click!”

backs away

jebus don’t know how to drive!

excuse me? can i speak to your manager please?

its not about who gets more. Its about what makes them the most money. If blizzard saw Solo players were quitting they would do something. If blizz saw Raiders and M+ players were quitting they would do something.

Clearly blizz has internal metrics showing them that players that do group content Quit easier or make up the bulk of the player base.

This is the only thing that determines what content is out there.

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Okay, here’s the thing with solo players, I personally find them extremely obnoxious and entitled. They feel like they deserve to get full-on mythic+ gear all for doing parkour. Or raiding gear for doing World Quests, it’s just upsetting because people work hard and go through blood sweat and tears when it comes to high keys or raids.

I know people will be upset by this but I don’t really care, it’s what I think and have discovered throughout on the forums. I’mk not saying all solo players are bad but honestly, what are solo players going to do with full on raid gear? I’m not saying all solo players are this way, but it seems like a lot of them are.


No one has or is forcing you to participate in group content.

You can choose to, but that’s up to you.

So, I still haven’t read any rational thoughts on what solo players get vs what group / raid / m+ / rated pvpers get.

Please help me out here. What are solo players NOT GETTING, vs players who put in the effort to do group content?