Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

So it’s really an issue of convenience, not a lack of easier content.

I don’t really have an issue with Blizz adding queues, but we know they won’t do it without ruining the content so it might as well just be LFR/heroic. Only ones to blame for that are the queue only crowd who refuse to accept any possibility of failure.:person_shrugging:

Until it becomes accessible casuals won’t do it. It’s fairly simple to understand. Other games don’t have this issue. I don’t do harder content in this game because the community is so toxic and elitist. I’m genuinely afraid to do said content. I would do and I want to, but even joining a guild on this game sucks. When you do nobody talks in chat it stinks. If I was ever to actually want to invest my time into harder content I would pick a different game. In let’s use ffxiv the community is very insular. I join an FC they chat with me and we do harder content. I’ve done savage raids in final fantasy. I’m not joking I did Savage Omega the whole tier. Why? Because the game itself lead me to it. In Wow you crash on solo until you quit from boredom. The only reason I’m here is because my best friend won’t touch FFXIV with a 30 foot pole. Because trust me this game is terrible for me.

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When more difficult is available people rage about it being too hard. Can’t really expect Blizz to put even harder stuff out there.

As mentioned prior; the simplest solution is solo content that offers as much challenge as M+ or raiding so that comparable rewards can be offered with only the bare minimum number of crybabies getting bent out of shape those awful solo players are getting to enjoy the game a little more. That’s it - that’s all it would take… Dedicated raiders/M+ dungeoneers could have their lane, solo players could have theirs, and each would be able to seamlessly crossover into the other at their leisure due to having comparable gear.

It’s a win/win. In all likelihood you’d see an increased number of people willing to dip their toes in the group content pool due to now feeling they are sufficiently prepared for it.

Figure out how to get the solo/queued only crowd to not cry for nerfs everytime there’s difficult content available for them and you’d probably be able to get the content you’re asking for. It’s not the group content players killing that stuff.

You fail to realize that true meaning of MMO. The multiplayer portion doesn’t mean group play. It is a multiplayer game because multiple people play in the same world at the same time. Group play is OPTIONAL, not required. Plus, Rated PvP and M+ haven’t always been available from the beginning. It was originally only raiding as end-game content. Rated PvP didn’t start until TBC. Before then it was just an optional side event. And M+ wasn’t introduced until much later. So get your facts straight before making any comments.


Trying to explain this to the elitists is like talking to a brick wall.


The challenge with this solution is that it would create more chores for a lot of players who want to do group content. There would be many guilds, even those who spend an entire season working on AOTC, that would expect their players to farm the highest levels of rewards from solo as this would result in faster gearing.

To make sure it’s clear, I’m absolutely on the side of solo/open world progression. I am not in the crowd telling solo players they deserve nothing. But I also understand the elitist attitude surrounding many guilds that extends far below world first guilds. There would be players who love to raid and are content to do so on normal or heroic losing their spot if they aren’t willing or able to invest tens or hundreds of hours into solo content to get an extra few item levels early in a season.

The complaints have come when harder content was introduced without a progression path through that content. The problem wasn’t that hard world content was introduced, it’s that the only avenue to completing that content was via gear from instance group activities. Legion Mage Tower, Suramar, Island Expeditions, Warfronts, the Maw, and Torghast were all harder solo content that did not provide a means for solo players to become powerful enough to complete it.

You rarely find solo players complaining about Horrific Visions, Korthia, and Zereth Mortis because those systems all allowed a solo player to gain enough power to reach the end of the progression for those systems. You didn’t hit a wall halfway through where your only way to progress further was hopping into raid, M+, or PVP.


Warfronts are instanced group activities, not solo. And WQ gear got you high enough to do them.

The maw felt manageable in covenant gear, though I believe that elite sections are intended to be more group than solo areas.

TG got nerfed way before gear was a limitation, week 1 people were screaming about it before even having the best available open world gear. I was surprised that it didn’t give gear at higher levels like visions did though.

Community feast event
Dragonbane event
Elemental storm events
World pvp objectives

Seems outdoor players getting a fair amount of stuff.

Fair enough.

Perhaps that was true, but players in raid and high end M+ gear typically had no problem soloing the elite areas. Again, the problem is that it’s an example of world content that is inaccessible to the solo player that is accessible to raiders and M+ players. To make sure it’s clear, I don’t think it’s a problem for raiders and M+ers to be able to complete that content or that it’s easier for them after they’ve geared up, but it is a problem when it’s only possible for them while out of reach for solo players.

This is just not true for higher layers and for all specs. The upper half of layers every season were simply not possible for world players to complete unless they were on a tank or one of the few specs that are simply well suited to solo content (and even sometimes they couldn’t do it with BIS anima powers). Even with the Box of Many Things, players couldn’t get enough power to be able to reach the end of the progression. It was another example of effectively a mini-game for raiders/M+ers.

To reiterate, the most despised forms of hard content for many world players are ones where not enough power progression accompanied the content. That progression doesn’t have to be only gear and could even be specific to that content itself (like Pocopoc and the console for ZM). But there is a problem when no system exists for solo players to reach the end of the solo content Blizzard implements.

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They seem to have forgotten the “MM” part of and MMO. The game isn’t built around solo play… They’re playing the wrong game and should go back to COD.

I think you are trying to put him down, but reading your post, you support his claim.

Way to word it badly.

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They forgot what actual outdoor content is. They try and pass off poor attempts of what they think is “enough”.

There should be lots of quests. Hard quest, easy quests, chain quests. World events, world pvp, relevant gear, mounts and ect they can earn. Exploration and keeping some things challenging.

THEY ARE GETTING NONE OF THAT! Just here do a world quest and get a crap reward.

What’s wrong with you people. You brain dead people are going to chase everyone away and there is going to be 1 server left with the lights on.


By “effort” you mean wasting time wrangling idiots who can’t follow simple instructions, right? M+ and mythic raids aren’t difficult provided you can find people who aren’t egoistic and are capable of following instructions. The difficulty is a) finding people with matching schedules, b) finding people who know to not stand in the fire c) people who weren’t dropped on their head as children and d) finding someone that meets all of the above criteria.

Blizzard could solve part of the problem by providing bot teams to play with solo players. That way people can share in the experience of doing the content a la Mage Tower, without having to deal with the problems of a), b) and c). Many people already work jobs where they’re forced to socialise with people they don’t like and raid/mythic+ etc. again exposes people to the least relaxing part of their lives - other people. The MMO doesn’t stand for “we’re going to force the player to deal with wankers they don’t like to complete content” and people will opt out of playing the game entirely if they’re forced to engage with people they don’t like. WoW is a hobby, not a second job - we’re not paid to deal with people who diminish our gameplay experience because they either suck at the game or they suck as a person. That’s the reality of why so many are solo players - they aren’t being paid to put up with BS in WoW.


The nerf cries started way before anyone got to the higher layers though. Stuff under 8 was what people were complaining off at at TG launch that sparked the first wave of nerfs.

I’m all for challenging solo content with good rewards, but until the solo community gets louder voices for challenging content, the nerf everything crowd is going to keep difficulty and rewards low.

how do i support his claim? he is one of those who uses casual and hardcore as a for or against what they want. what world do you live in where hardcore players get every wish granted and casuals don’t? i word my post badly? but its ok to generalize that every player that disagrees with him is a hardcore elitist. you both are about as dumb as a box of rocks.

i’m going to assume you have never done mythic raiding or high keys lol.

another question if you hate interacting with people so much, why are you here on the forums in the first place lol. what a tool.

this is very much debatable not only people were actually clearing torghast very easily and complaining about the top floors were if you didnt get HP booms you just get one shot people were also complaning about being forced to do something without any meaningfull rewards.

but even if you were right its irrelevant, the content had no gear progression ofc people would complain that is way too hard, if mythic raid had no gear drops people would complain too, its irrelevant that you can do it in heroic gear because there is no point doing it for how hard it is

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