Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Blizzard shouldnt design their game for such a insignificant reason. You can kill mobs 4 seconds faster with better gear, who cares? Remember there is some scale up mechanic since legion, that make it even with a fully mythic gear character you are not killing every elite in 1 second.

Time for a throwback list. Classics only.


This is a game where you need help to progress that’s about it .

As someone who cannot raid - I can tell you ONE of my pet peeves is when crafting patterns are locked behind a raid. IMO, there is NO good reason to do this. People who enjoy crafting for pleasure and/or profit, should not be forced to participate in a raid just to learn a pattern. I get that people win/earn better gear from raids, that makes perfect sense. However, crafting is available to ALL players, and any new patterns should be equally accessible to all crafters - no matter if they participate in raiding.


Myself I don’t like to raid, period. I’m old (68), I play to have fun. I just quest and have fun doing those things. like others here, Solo players are shunned upon by Blizzard by way of how things play out.
But I’m not going to complain about people who raid or who get better gear then me.


It’s an MMO. If you want single player content go play a single player game. WoW has never, and will never, have systems in place to support never-ending “engaging” solo content, because WoW is not a single player game and design time is better spent on the core pillars of an MMO.

The core pillars of WoW are raiding, m+, and PvP, these are all group activities and it has been designed like this from the beginning.

I don’t dislike solo players or think anything bad about them, but they need to get their head out of the sand and realize that WoW isn’t a game where they will ever have actually engaging and prolonged end-game systems, because that goes against the core philosophy of an MMO.

Someone has to keep the devs’ expectations grounded in reality. Otherwise you end up with raid bosses being nerfed by 70% or did we already forget about that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Character progression that lasts longer, it’s been too short for solo players.


Solo play should result in the best gear in the game.

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I wouldn’t say the Best but comparable gear. Players should be able to upgrade gear to near max ilvl through multiple forms of content.
If a player only wants to do world quests and invasions let them get their gear to max ilvl… it will just take a long time. If a player wants to M+ raid they will get it faster but and have cooler transmogs, but who cares if their ilvls are the same as someone who hasn’t stepped foot in a raid.

Looks should be locked behind Raiding/pvp not power.


It will never stop as long as people feel left out. It also doesn’t help if the “fun” activities are made for some top % of the playerbase. The issue is so many mmos do it better in terms of keeping that playerbase happy and Blizzard just assumes the lack of stuff to do will push you into harder content. And while that works for some, most will just quit. I think we need new people to design the lowest common denominators content. Because if Grandma can’t figure out how to queue* for mythic+ then neither can Bob from accounting.

*you can’t queue for it that’s the point.

And that’s not to say we should. It would help, but it would be a clown fiesta.

We need more easy avenues for players to do harder content and not feel pressured by it. The point is all these “hardcore” activities come up as the “endgame”, but they shouldn’t be and they aren’t for everyone.


I don’t really care. I’m just playing a game to have fun if I don’t have fun I quit/stop playing. It’s really that simple. If the developer has no respect for a players time then that’s also a big problem that’s really starting to annoy me with blizzard. It’s 2022 not 2005.

BfA was bad. Shadowlands was worse. Where will this dragon expansion end up? When you compare wow to older mmos it’s fine but when you start comparing it to modern ones then there are many issues that arise. I’d probably be playing ffxiv but it just doesn’t appeal to me, maybe I’m just tired of mmos(thanks to blizzard). If DF turns into another flop then I’ll just quit right away and be done with wow.


I think it is because solo players who do not pug the same content Raiders or Mythic + players do, they cannot get the same gear that you do.

There should be solo content that has a chance to drop the same gear. Ever seen 304 gear from a Daily Quest?

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As a casual myself I don’t agree with that in the slightest. They do harder content and should be rewarded accordingly. I just want a more open way for anyone to do anything and be rewarded for what they did. You can’t as a solo player kill mythic raid bosses and I’m 100% ok with that. I’m ok getting lesser gear for putting in lesser effort. What I’m not ok with is feeling gatekept from it with complicated systems and ones that don’t allow me to grow into harder content naturally. I have to study spreadsheets and learn mechanics and study to do things and on a casual level that’s bad. But no mmo really handles it well besides a FFXIV. And I don’t want to scapegoat my own inadequacies with it. I’m the reason my gear sucks.

You, we, you are whiners, your side, give us reason.

Geeze. Seems that I am on the other side and must convince you of something.


Simple, if Wow wants my money, it needs to provide a product I enjoy as a solo player. If not, we will surely not miss each other and Wow will build amoung the group players. That is without regard to what you think.

Their side is literally the m+ side a few years ago,.it’s not that hard to understand.

A lot people didn’t like or couldn’t do raids for one reason or another, blizz made baby content for them and gave them raid like gear, for those who were not here when that happened, raiders actually hated that because it basically kill heroic raid and even mythic became way less interesting.

After that solo players realized that if you cry enough blizzard might make a content for you and if you are allow to get raid gear in 5 man content there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to get the same gears on solo content, just scale it and if anything stuff like torghast shows that for the most part it’s way easier to clear content with 5man than soloing when scaled properly.

I hope that helped.

I just do casual PVP aka BGs. So it would be nice to get a decent amount of conquest when doing random BGs.

However I just think in PvP everyone needs to be capped at certain item level or gear shouldn’t matter.

I know blizzard says they tried this in Legion but that’s BS cause legion talents were based on artifacts. The artifact acted like your whole gear set. If you didn’t have it maxed then you’re going to have a bad time. It was also silly how you hardly got any artifact power from PvP for a while. Oh let’s also not forget about legendary items in legion.

I don’t care about farming or getting gear. I just want to PvP without being forced into the endless cycle of gear farming.

Other MMOs make gear mean nothing in PvP. Wow seems to be one of the few left that demands that you farm gear for PvP. Seriously I hate being in a Bg with all fresh 60s vs a team of veteran 60s it makes for bad PvP for everyone not just the solo player. When I’m gear capped I don’t find it fun to 1 shot a player who’s half AFK cause they need to farm honor to get gear….it’s boring.

All those activities have easier versions right now though.

(Mage Tower may be an exception, but it’s also old a was able to be outgeared when current)

Honestly if torghast had some kind of gear progression (even just Zereth Mortis style) it would have kept me coming back until the day wow died.

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They do, but there truncated less versions in terms of LRG or the same issue in general of finding a group like Normal and Heroic. Sure you can pug them, but if you have no drive you won’t do it. I can queue for LFR. It’s boring though and that’s the issue.