Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Both can have effort put into them, but that would require the content to be there and intended for it.

MMO =/= group content. Means online, multiple players. That’s it. “Massive” is a relatively outdated term considering MMO’s started on dial-up.


Mmo may be outdated but it is here to stay whether we like it or not.

WOW is a mmo. Blizzard has plenty of solo games, this game is built on mythic +, raiding, and pvp which is group content and which gives the best gear in the game.

Gear is the reward and always has been with mount/titles thrown on the side.

But ive seen titles and mount achievements made for exploring and killing rares, doing events in the open world. So plenty for yall to do.

It seems to me open solo players vs group players on this forum and it seems to me blizzard caters to us group players. I raid and always have been.

WoW sub numbers have dropped drastically and consistently over time, during the same periods in which some MMOs actually growed.

WoW’s insistence on sticking to its “history” is killing it slowly. Expansions that attempted to return to the good ole’ forced group content days—such as Cata, WoD, and SL—saw particularly huge drops.

You’re right—I don’t want to work for rewards. I want to play a game for them.


Now ya got it right. Blizzard caters to Raiders and don’t care much, if any thing, for solo open world players.

I’ve only played WOW about 8 years. Until SL, I was having a blast soloing. Not anymore. The good 'ol days are gone for me as a Solo Player.


Solo players want the same rewards as players who do much, much harder content. Blizzard is never going to give them what they want. One would think it would be an incentive to try out more activities, but nope, they just come here to complain.

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i thought Shadowlands season 3 & 4 gearing was great. World Content players got tier sets and that opened the doors for them to dabble in group content if they wanted, and kept them strong enough to complete solo activities if not.

i think from a social POV, that was good for the game and kept all types of players invested in playing.

They’re not doing that in DF i guess so gg :grimacing:


Not only that but when solo players ask for anything we also get to listen to the elitists complain they don’t want to do it because it is too hard so Blizzard then has to nerf it or flat out remove it just to appease their babies.


I will add Legion without good RNG, and the earlier parts of BFA.

Team Git Gud thinks original Wrath was the most pro-Git Gud or Die expansion there was.

It wasn’t. Wrath Classic was that. Not original Wrath.

Why? No RDF. No queue, no do. Because Premade Groups is toxic.

Why do you insist on redefining words?



Don’t stress yourself over it, he will spend his time twisting words and dragging you down through long diatribes.


Missed the point of what I meant by that.

Sorry it’s such an inconvenience to you personally that other people might want something different. :dracthyr_shrug:

At least they’ve finally done something about pvp and equalising the playing field their so you can only queue bg’s and be able to compete rather than getting crushed by people who way out gear you.

Just got to work on the pve side of things now. Solo content that gets progessively more challenging while also giving you the gear to complete it. Similar to visions. Add in a mage tower as well that can be the end goal for gearing up.

Gives solo players an endgame to work towards every expansion while providing a place for solo players to hone their skills. Something that is lacking currently.


Just curious, what would you consider solo content. Never mind how its been received by the community.

It comes down to this. How much do raid people pay to play this game? Now how much do solo people pay to play this game? Answer, pretty much the same thing and in some cases more.

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drop as many buzzwords as you want man, does not change anything.

say more dumb things just to say them. shadowlands offers more casual gameplay than almost any other expansion.

i love how anything you dont want you claim is a hardcore playerbase request. and evrything you do want is a casual/solo player request. you say stupid things like


and people are supposed to take you seriously?

I think I love you. But that’s as far as I’ll go.

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Your definition and my definition of “crushing” something are obviously radically different. Literally no one has problems doing solo content but the time difference when using heroic blues versus raid gear is noticeable. Trying to pretend it isn’t is just you playing games.

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You can do world quests in white gear and it is “easy” because the content was never designed to be difficult. The time commitments are really the difference.