Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Did you throw your back out with that reach?

But-- that’s not how that works. That’s only so you don’t see their posts, not prevent them seeing your posts.

That’s another setting entirely… and you seem to have your public activity hidden from everyone (except yourself and mods) cause it says “This user’s public profile is hidden.” when I click on it, and I know I’m not on your ignore list since, well… you just showed it to everyone…

You say I’m wrong for thinking there are better games. That’s not a reach to believe you’re claiming WoW is the best, otherwise it would be objective truth that there are indeed better games, which is what I’m saying.

Now WHICH game would be better, that is indeed a matter of opinion.

Man whatever you’re smoking right now, Aben, share.


Strawman. There are better games, there are worse games. That is irrelevant. I don’t play this because its the best thing imaginable.

Your argument is a total solipsist strawman. I can tell you’ve never even considered that others may have a different view.


I see my mistake. Sorry.

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So, with this sentence you made your ENTIRE argument moot. I’m not sure if this was your intention but thanks, I agree. Opinions are opinions, stop trying to pretend that no other opinions exist.

Very pog response. I was pretty confused, sorry I butted in.

Real answer for OP.

Can you spend 40 hrs a week doing solo-content and get to a power level where you absolutely crush solo-content? No, unless you make a ton of gold and buy carries / boes.

Can you spend 9 hrs a week doing raid / mythic+ content and get to a power level where you absolutely crush solo-content? Yes.

PvP for PvP power.
Raid for raid power.
Mythic+ for raid power (with the catalyst now).
Solo for ____ power.

The covenant sets from Shadowlands actually could have fixed this but didn’t - they had set bonuses that were only active in world shadowlands content but were to weak. Imagine if you could get solo content (quest) set gear that was +50 ilvls while doing world quests or something such as that.


In the Oxford Language Dictionary: an online video game which can be played by a very large number of people simultaneously.

The word “together” is never said nor implied. This is even the case in your definition.


Think that’s what they had in mind with the ZM format, but that only worked in ZM and didn’t help much for the other locations still visited, whether for callings, rep, or even Korthia content. Hell, if only they could have added to ZM for season 4, at the very least…

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Think about this for a second.

We live in a generation where people feel entitled. Gimme gimme individuals who dont want to work for rewards.

Im so going to get downvoted for this comment but it is the truth. I used to be like this 10+ years ago.

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The answers is yes, you can crush wq in heroic blues, even more so when you are fully geared with whatever world content/renown set we are getting.

If you had trouble doing solo content with a full covenant set, that is really just a player skill issue.

I mean i really dont like doing group content either , but if you want better gear you gota do it , its an mmo

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You can 1-2 pull most world quests in 197 ilvl convenant gear, I know because I have a horde blood dk using the covenant gear with a 200 ilvl weapon (campaign completion).

It takes like 4 pulls for the big elite world quest in maldraxus but otherwise its easy

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I agree that covenant locking and Torghast for legendary mats only should not have been a thing.

The covenant abilities could easily have been a talent row that you change at will. Legendary mats could easily have been like Cosmic Flux (obtainable from any content) from the start.

Yes, it happened in phases going from 9.1 to 10.0, but hardcore players have gotten every last wish granted—covenant swapping, Torghast made optional, no secondary power from the open world, tier set bonuses, and group loot.

When solo, casual, and open world players ask for anything, they get the opposite—content is removed entirely or rewards are nerfed.

Do casuals get Wrath-style Heroic badges again? No. We don’t even get that in Wrath Classic, LOL.

The WoW design policy is clear—remove every last source of friction for hardcore group content players, but invent new sources of friction for solo and casual players.

Too many players have been gearing up in the open world and not the ordained pillars. Buff the underperforming content (raids), and nerf the overperforming content (open world) to get those metrics where you want them.


I personally have never seen a solo open world players ask for gear equal to raids etc.

Just some decent gear drops more often than 0.000001% of the time. I’d be nice to get trinkets once in awhile, too.

Like in Kortia: It’s not easy to get all gear (including trinkets) at level 233. Korthia should have been at least 245 level gear. It’s like Blizz just throwing open world players a bone at 233. 245 would make open world questing much more fun. Which is what we are after, right? FUN

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The main issue with casual players in this game is.

You want Blizzard to cater to you. You want to make this game into a social single player game and want raid/pvp like gear for doing solo player stuff.

Now, i will agree if we had more mage tower like challenges like torghast for the solo player then great. The more challenge the better the reward, it would only be fair.

The problem i have is, some people want high rewards for doing solo quests…

It doesn’t nor should it ever be that way. You want good gear you have to be up for the challenge.

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Those same internal metrics could also be saying that more players these days are gearing up via queued or open world content these days, as all external metrics indicate.

But rather than focusing on popular content or modern trends in gaming, WoW is trying to force more players into instanced group content because it is so cost-efficient from an assets perspective.


Not so. Open world players (solo) are not asking for any gear handed to them. Get real. You’re just making stuff up to put down open world players.