Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

The other poster mentioned that, and I asked him why he felt that way.

You never mentioned that you wanted “progressive end game content” I gave you AMPLE examples of how solo players are rewarded with the available solo world content, which you simply ignored.

Just stop posting dude. lol

Also, can’t really take someone seriously with a furry avatar, lol. Always gives me a good laugh though :slight_smile:

Because everyone pays to play a game that they have every right to enjoy how they chose to enjoy it. Without having to deal with narrow minded morons that think there is only one way to play it.


Consistency is the key to any good story.

Its been pretty obvious from the start that you have been trolling, but its now blatantly apparent.

You don’t even want to have a discussion, you just want your way.

Here’s hoping Blizzard never caves into people like you. Cheers!

The irony.

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They do occasionally add these “progressive end game content” for solo players. Case in point, torghast, mage tower.

The argument that they should be doing this for every patch or expansion is not a good one when the game has historically centered around doing things with other players in a group.

If you are looking for a robust solo progressive end game type game, im sure there are many other games out there that cater to your preferred playstyle.

-----> The door is that way.

My point exactly. You are one of those narrow minded morons that only see the game one way. Besides, torghast isn’t quite solo progressive. You can’t reach higher tiers by simply running torghast. The gear required is obtained by other means. Besides, I do all content. I’m just speaking in general. So one that enjoys the game, but doesn’t desire to deal with elitist morons like you, should be able to have some sort of end-game progression. Solo play gets stagnant upon reaching max level. The point is to make the game equal for all players. Not saying that top tier gear should be freely handed out, but the same quality of gear should be earnable in a manner that is suitable for someone who chooses to play solo. Hence solo end-game content. But you’re too stupid to understand the concept, so I’m out.


Its not a good idea to tell a very large percentage of people to leave the game, no matter what your view is. Torghast wasn’t for solo players as it required M+ or raid gear to progress. The MAge Tower v2 was more like it as the original required raid gear but V2 required a different type of gear that could be obtainable outside of gear but favored raid/M+. In both examples, though they could have been tweaked for solo players, both relied on having raiding or m+ as your primary gear. It was solo content for raiders/M+, not solo content for people who want to progress without grouping.

I know its hard to fathom, some people like the theme park world of the MMO but aren’t interested in grouping events that require a lot of time to complete.


Thanks for insulting me for my thoughts and opinions. It always turns that way for you people if you aren’t getting what you want isn’t it?

And no, I have nothing against the solo player. I’d just rather Blizzard not turn the game into something that its not to appease a demographic that wasn’t its main demographic of players when the game was launched.

They have already changed the game enough to please these bottom feeding solo players, no need to make the development priority them.

There are other games that do solo content better. Try one of those if you don’t like the direction that Blizzard is taking their game.

Ok, so you’re just a troll looking for attention trying to make others as unhappy as you. I’ll just block you now.


Again, there are many other games that do that solo progressive style of gameplay that you are talking about much better than Blizzard.

-----> The door is that way.

Hush troll, you can’t even weave two sentences together that don’t contradict. The door is that way, I already left for three years over carrot IQ idiots like you and a crappy lore, I came back because Blizzard literally begged me to and gave me the game for free.


Many people took your offer, Blizzard had to give the game away to undo it. Go back in your basement. Bye troll

The elitists forget that Blizzard had to grovel to get players to return because it turns out a few basement dwellers with no job can’t maintain a massive game such as this, it takes ALL of us… ALL kinds (including the neckbeards). Unlike the elitists, I don’t want them driven out. While they want the game to fail, I want it to succeed. The only way thats gonna happen is to give something to everyone.

Blizzard agrees and is going to give a tier gear style system to solo players in DF. Kudos Blizzard, now all we need is something akin to Torghast that allows gear progression for small group and solo players that is not forced on everyone (for some dust needed for other content).


My main drive to play WoW has always been group content, as if I wanted to just play solo, I would play the multitude of much better and without any monthly cost games that are all over the place.

Hey, thats great! Not everyone feels the same way and that’s OK too.


It’s not a feeling. There are objectively better solo games all over the place that would be a better fit for them. The story here has been abysmal for a long long while.

To you. Are you claiming that your view is the only view?

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Well aren’t you just there claiming that WoW is the best RPG ever made? Cause by saying I’m wrong for claiming there are better solo games, you’re claiming that WoW is the best. Which is even more of a steep view.

Can you show me where I said that? If you had an actual argument, you wouldn’t need a strawman.

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