Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Effort and time are two entirely different things.

Does it take me more EFFORT to bench press 160 lbs, vs 90 lbs?


Does it take more EFFORT for someone to concentrate, play their character flawlessly and execute on mythic raid mechanics vs someone solo questing?


Just because someone plays a whole lot of TIME, doesn’t mean they should be rewarded equal to someone whos EFFORT is much greater for the activity they are doing.

Hence why raiders (whatever tier they currently choose to play on), should be rewarded better and at a faster rate than people soloing boars in the new zone.

Now do you understand?

I personally don’t mind doing group content. Just speaking in general that there is no end-game content for those that chose to play solo. Not everyone is comfortable interacting with other people. Especially with the degree of elitist that play this game. No one wants to be criticized for not playing their character at the level of the super elitists that have no life outside of the game. Everyone pays their subs to have the right to play the game as they see fit. And shouldn’t be forced into organized group content just to enjoy the end-game.


Been playing on & off since BC and I have never had Epic or whatever gear. And I think professions should be taken to the levels we were originally promised where crafted gear would be top tier equivalent… I’ve played full-on guildie raids and doing solo catchup as I skipped a few years.

Thus why I said both of them, rather than equating them. This attempt at semantics isn’t helping your stance.

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I have nothing against solo players hell outside of maybe 2 characters per patch most of my characters play solo. It’s part of why I’m hoping they keep up with the gear drops from primal storms.

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I do not do many group things either. This made me look at my life too. I work alone 95% of the time. So I guess that is my style


If you make the claim that:

From what I’ve seen, the developers spend enormous amounts of time and effort in the solo open world, and create activities for solo players to do out in the world. More rewards are given to you guys than to mythic raiders lol.

You have to give concrete examples of what mythic raiders and m+ players are getting over the claim that solo players “do not currently receive”.

You have provided 0, nothing, no examples of this apparent imbalance of rewards that raiders receive over and above solo players. Keeping in mind EFFORT. It takes monumental more amounts of EFFORT to complete mythic raids over killing boars in the open world.

Raiding and M+ are repeatable, high cap reward systems. Open world lasts no time at all for people, and when they have gotten content, it’s been more of a chore than anything (Torghast.)

I have heard good things about Korthia from some people ZM from others, but you have plenty of examples. You’re just fishing for attention.

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Well, it doesn’t take any effort at all to be carried by a really good group. The only thing that truly takes any kind of effort is PvP.

What would even be an example of solo end game content? mage tower?

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I think that qualifies, yeah. Good rewards, too. Might get varying answers, just like you do with any other content.

Your claim that solo players are not getting equal rewards (according to your own definition) is not true then.

You just cited 2 examples of open world content (Korthia and ZM) that rewards solo players). Furthermore, rewards should NEVER BE EQUAL because again, the EFFORT involved is much different for the activities. They should be DIFFERENT because you are participating in DIFFERENT activities.

Raiders get better gear to help them overcome the challenges of the raiding environment. They also get exclusive mounts and pets as THEIR reward for doing that content.

Solo players get better gear as they quest through the zones to help them overcome the challenges of open world content. They also get HUNDREDS of pets, mounts, toys, cosmetics, and other rewards for their EFFORT.

Again, its very difficult to take the solo player’s side when its glaringly obvious that they do in fact get more rewards for the effort they put in than mythic raiders and m+ players.

I’m not reading this essay of nonsense, man. I’ve said what I have to say, not that it was necessary. Not sure anyone takes you that seriously.

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I feel like blizzard is in a weird spot with how to deal with solo content and where to put it. Like mage tower was cool, but do they just keep copying that?

How can they make specific solo content? Would it be a solo dungeon? Raid? Boss? I dunno what solo players truly want, besides higher ilvl stuff

Thats fine, but your position that solo players are not being rewarded to the same extent that raiders and m+ players are is objectively false.

Plenty of examples have been given, but you have ignored them.

Scenarios, visions/torghast type things (but handled better), mage tower stuff. I think there’s plenty of room to iterate and improve, but I’m not a well of ideas for it myself.

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That’s the point. There really isn’t any progressive end-game content for solo players. Complete the questlines, do your WQ, and what’s left after that? Just running around farming for useless stuff?


Yeah I mean I just don’t know exactly what solo players are looking for. I’m trying to think from their perspective but i really wouldn’t even know what i want if i was a solo player lol

Why should there be progressive, end game content for solo players in a game that has historically centered around group content?

Thought it was false that there wasn’t any? Make up your mind. Or don’t, I’m just here to point out when you opt for fat Ls.

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