Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

There should be a way for solo players to get great gear. Maybe some sort of quest line or a gathering items. I have been playing since 2009 with a 4 year break when bfa was released. I have only atempted a couple of raids. I haver nerver done mythics. Never did arenas. I still find enjoyment in the game but I would l like to be rewarded for quests i do better. I tend to get to max level then play another toon.


Everyone is entitled to have their own opinions about everyone else, it’s kind of how the world works. Of course, then people are entitled to react to those opinions, and people are entitled to react to those reactions…


Anyways, at least it sounds like you have someone, so you aren’t in complete isolation to humanity. There are a number of people who are disconnected from humankind altogether and that’s what one typically sees from self-described “misanthropes”. That’s really where the danger is (incels etc).

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Because it takes weeks of YOU grinding and dealing with time gates to get garbage gear compared to what is offered in raids, even LFR, which you can stagger into those raids and not even try and get item rewards well above the effort that was put in, plus currency and rep rewards that should not even be awarded.

The bottom line is the hoops they put in place for open world content are excessive and the rewards under powered.

But our elitist game director likes it that way.


Exactly! They already get all the gear they need doing 3 min quests which is a higher ilvl than they need. They don’t need top gear for soloing dailies and running around in the world.

It always amuses me too how they feel entitled to such gear doing little to no work. I have seen threads even asking for mythic raiding/m15+ ilvl gear by doing quests. LMAO.

Then their other thing they love to say is, “I am a casual player and can’t put in the time.” Well, there are tons of “casuals” who also raid heroic and even mythic along with m+15 and higher. Casuals can do the same content. There are plenty of guilds who do 2 nights a week raiding doing heroic and mythic and even 1 day a week guilds. They also aren’t doing 4+ hours a night either.

People are just lazy today and want everything handed to them and why they feel they deserve that type of gear for people who actually work for it says it all. MMOs aren’t for them tbh.

It is a lot more time consuming to gain that gear than you are willing to accept. You start out with 233 gear (no secondary stat options), but have to grind weeks and weeks of dailies and other activities which are difficult due to spawns. At the end of that your rewards are more but nothing near the 265+ gear a zombie can get in LFR.

Ohh and I see raiders of all levels running around the open world killing rares, looting chests, and plowing through dailies so I guess it is ok for them to be doing all those activities with an inflated item level.


They are scale down when out in the open, if they weren’t raiders would 1 shot everything with their weakest skill. You want to get the same type of gear? Go and farm it, it doesn’t get more casual than doing m+1-10 or normal raids.

Because I pay the same amount of money to play the game.


You’re one of the problems with this game. How does their loot effect you?

No they should NOT be given mythic loot. But they need to be relevant.


You have chased everyone away along with the devs and horrible game design.

If they do all the content in the open world, they should be relevant. (It’s not their fault Blizzard keeps reducing the world content, the number of quests, rewards and everything else.) They need gear (not mythic) but normal gear with the occasional heroic, so they can transition into Raiding or M+ or PvP with out much gear issues. (if they are wanting)


Another way of saying it is “edgelord”.

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I sincerely doubt this. You don’t need justification for wanting to do solo content, man. It’s valid without the mental gymnastics.


Agreed. We want you in the game and to be relevant. We like to see the world populated with others that we can do stuff with.

I am not a casual, but will fight all day for you guys. (not to have mythic gear, but to be relevant) and have enough content for you to do and enjoy the game.


Hey, thanks. I appreciate being validated without the need for mental gymnastics.

I wish everyone saw things that way.

Especially the devs.

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Just more elitist BS.

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This is why dungeons exist. The stepping stone to larger group content.

I just am of the mindset that solo world questers should be given anything near to raid quality loot. Once they get the end quest gear, that is enough to kill everything in the open world.

Raiders pay their monthly fee too. What’s your point?

The point is that you both pay to play the game and enjoy it the way you’re used to and want to, so you should both be rewarded. You probably knew that, though, and were just being obtuse like you often are with your posts.


So you think solo players and Raiders should be awarded equal rewards just because both pay a sub fee? lol

Thats like saying, the janitor deserves equal pay as the CEO because they both work at the same company.

Doesn’t work that way, bud.

The point also is that the 3 pillars of end-game content are Raiding, M+, and Rated PvP. All of which are organized group content. The is absolutely 0 end-game content for solo players.


Without a frame of reference, ‘equal rewards’ doesn’t mean much. You’re implying people want Mythic raiding gear for doing solo content, which simply isn’t true in the vast majority of cases.

However they do deserve equal reward to their effort and time, which they do not currently receive.


Because you’re playing an mmo. Interact with people if you want the better rewards. There’s more gear coming from the world with dragonflight but still the better gear and rewards require you to play the multiplayer side of things.

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