Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

damn that word … chores …
Chores are what your parents gave you to do…

In WoW if you want to play on a certain level some effort was required.
Those aren’t chores!

Yep. Renown required you do the entire covenant campaign for every toon until after 9.1 launched, shards of domination existed, the maw in 9.0, flux was basically only efficiently farmable from open world ZM for the first few months of that patch, etc.

They become chores when you have to do them every single time you want to play a character. 1 time is fine, they are fun to do most of the time, but what I want to do once I level up a new character is to go straight into dungeons/raids and start gearing up, not do Torghast, farm coundits, legendaries or the maw/korthia/ZM for the tenth time.

Belive me I know what effort is required to play at a high level, I didnt farm 100s of maws for nothing my friend

Yes. But the higher end has been asking for that effort to be required in the content itself, not requiring a week or so of grinding systems or arbitrary patch currency before you start running the hard content.

Who is hindering you?
You could have started with that while working on the additional Stuff.
Mythic raiders were raiding even without the optimal Unity placement in S3 … So what?

If you play on the Higher end then you are by default required to put more effort into playing the game… be it by farming stuff to for an item upgrade, or paying someone to farm for you.
That is not a chore.

Well kinda off topic anyway…
Guess I’ll leave it at that

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Contrary to popular believe, raiders dont have infinite time.

That is the weakest version of “power” that is ridiculous you came up with that example. Are you going to tell me some mythic raiders had no gem in 1 of their rings?

Do this 4 hour quest line that you’ve done on another character before you can even run the correct setup for your character seems like a chore to me.

Certified me moment. Too lazy sometimes.

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They literally were chores and are hopefully going away with DF.

Dragonflight is a lot more in the direction of cap and go do the content you want, than SLs cap, grind systems for a week or 2 then do what you want.

It’s an MMO. I want gear progression and to feel more powerful by degrees the same as everyone who plays this game.

It shouldn’t matter whether the mobs I’m killing are getting killed by just me, or several players on a World Boss. Being in a group or solo is immaterial. I’m putting in the effort in both situations, sometimes more so while soloing depending on the mob.

I personally choose more solo activity these days for my mental health.


If there were, that just helps feed the idea that if the only complaints you are getting are from the more extreme of both sides, you found that sweet spot for the bulk of people.

Maybe if you tried to do more, the first was meant to be get in, do main boss, get out, I was doing it on lesser geared alts with relative ease. In short, maybe some of the cries of difficulty at the start were from those that expected to be able to go in, guns blazing, and come out the victor when their class, or their skill, was not enough.

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Here is the thing I think a lot of people don’t take into consideration.

Sometimes, through no fault of your own or otherwise, your friends or other people you play with aren’t available to play with or you just want to play on your own. Whatever the case may be, sometimes solo content is the ONLY option you as a player have/or want to access currently.

So that makes solo content a NEED. A must have.

Group content is there when you have people to play with, which isn’t always the case, so group content is optional, a WANT.

So even MMORPGs need to have a robust and expansive single player experience so you have something to do for those times when you, whether you chose to or have no one else to play with.

The group content also needs to exist, and be robust and expansive, for when you have people you want to do content with.

Both need to give rewards relative to their challenge level.


Because they don’t?

They do, there is gear from world content appropriate to the content difficulty. You dont think it should be the so low? Even in lfr there is a chance of failure, while is nonexistent for solo content.

I agree.

And it is there. There’s transmog gear to farm in DF. The Storm Sigil recolors of the crafted gear actually look pretty good. I’ll probably farm the gear just to get the transmogs. You can also farm Primal Chaos as Primal Chaos is used as currency to consume the top-end potions. If you want to use the top-end potions all the time, you need to commit some time each week to farm the necessary primal chaos to maintain that playstyle.

You don’t always have people to play with, therefore, if you do have the chance to play it, you should be encouraged to play it because you don’t always have that chance.

If raids were as challenging as M+ relative to their top-end prestige rewards, nobody would do Mythic Raiding because Mythic Raiding requires a bunch of logistics to line up and M+ only takes 5 people, so Mythic Raiding is easier and more rewarding than it otherwise should be. This trickles down to Solo vs M+ as well.

It is proof via Blizzard’s internal metrics that those who play together with others stayed subscribed for longer. Therefore, it behooves Blizzard to encourage players to form social links and play together.

I don’t know about Amamage, but I don’t get into those activities because I don’t like group settings or having to coordinate/cooperate with people. The pressure it creates is immense for me and incredibly stressful. I never adjust to it.

Yeah, well, 30 years of therapy couldn’t make me social. A D.C. lawyer ain’t about to do it with hostile game design.

Why is it so difficult for you to comprehend that we don’t want to play with you?

Leave us alone. We’re talking to Blizzard. You aren’t Blizzard. You don’t have our money. You don’t owe us anything. They do. Mind your business.

Because I have maximum fun in MMOs. I like games that never end, where I can invest my time and money and build a huge empire that I can display and show others so that they might envy and despair.

I skipped those quests. No regrets. Still got Loremaster in early Wrath.

I see that. Be baffled no more. Misanthropes don’t socialize.


Yikes. Imagine labeling yourself a misanthrope.

Most people are dumb but shutting yourself off from humanity completely sounds pretty cringe. Humans are designed as social creatures and suffer a number of issues if they don’t properly socialize with others.

I’m gonna stop you right there.

I wasn’t designed at all.

We’re not going to get past that point unless you misspoke.

Humans are designed “optimized through natural selection to operate” as social creatures.

… better?

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