Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Normal raid iLvl isn’t BiS.

(Did you know that Heroic and Mythic have higher iLvls?)

You already get normal raid level loot.

There was no path for those solo players to increase their power level without running dungeons/raids. The problem isn’t that the content is hard. The problem is that the only way to complete that harder content is via power gains from instanced group content. While the content was solo, it was effectively just a mini-game for raiders and M+ers as they were the only ones who could acquire the power to complete it.

If Blizzard provides real progression for solo players to work up to a power level where they can realistically complete that solo content, then I will be right there with you criticizing those who complain the content is too difficult. But so long as that harder content requires raid/M+ restricted power gains, they have a legitimate beef.


You are.

both players pay the same amount of money so both players should have equal amounts of content right?

no one cares if you ‘get’ on their side, your attitude shines through and that is why people are often against you.

We do, I can do what ever a solo player does and you can do as many dungeons or raids as you want. Every single subscriber gets the same content, there is no such thing as “exclusive “ content.

this was the argument

To me, this problem is already solved at least in Zereth Mortis, I see everytime people with open world gear doing crazy damage on mobs because of the fury of a Pocopoc fully upgraded. That’s what I think should be the rule, open world content rewards you with things that make you stronger in open world.


I mean… they are not wrong… There should be more solo content like mage tower… as long it is not mandatory obviously… nothing like torghast … plz
. Never again… the first month it was fine… the second month I wanted to kill my toon

This is why they make up strawmen arguments, they have no real argument except for elitism.

All people want is progression in their content, whether it be raiding, solo/small group, M+, hell even Pet Battles, etc. Torghast should have had progressive gear so you could play only torghast without having to do other forms of content to progress. They literally made it a progressive ilevel system that offered no gear. Such a bad decision on their part.

It really doesn’t hurt raiders if M+ players get progressive gear and it doesn’t hurt anyone else if solo/small group players also get progressive gear. It gives people goals and something to work towards.

Outside of that, Torghast would have been fire if it offered solo/small group gear progression and wasn’t required for non-solo/SG players.

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/agree. We should have different gear sets that unlock based on which kind of content you do. That way you don’t need three different sets in your inventory BUT when you raid you only get raid gear, solo rewards solo gear, and M+ rewards M+ gear.

It’s like claiming the 99% is the vocal minority and we need to adhere to the opinions of only the 1%. Yikes.

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The solo set in DF does have it’s own set bonus that should only work in the world.
2: bonus to all secondaries
4: after 5 kills, your next spell will do “massive damage”
6: Cheat death (8 min CD iirc)

Then you read the follow up tweet:

You see, this is why I’m looking forward to DF, there seems to be some major common sense changes. That’s good news to me I hadn’t heard that, thanks.

Yeah, the game should totally be geared to the 1%. Totally. Fo sho

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It comes across to me as: dismissing people out of hand because of this nebulous “elitism” argument is just as bad if not worse than actual elitism.

“casual” opinions matter, but uninformed opinions don’t.

Seems legit. We should all cater to the 1%, after all, that 1% is the non-vocal majority. Fo sho

You are just proving the point dude. How dense are you. This is clearly worse. It has nothing to do with the 1 percent it has to do with you refusing an argument because you feel they are in that 1 percent not anything to do with their actual argument.