Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

who’s spewing garbage lies now?

anyone can play wow with their friends tho

“Puts in effort.”

I put in the effort, but I cannot schedule my life around a video game anymore. My job does not give me set hours, so I cannot raid, and the game does not provide many actual solo challenges, nor any meaninfgul way to catch ilevel up in combination with such. It’s pretty much just M+ for me, which is also a bit or miss. I got my squad back for Dragonflight, but I usually work during their prime hours.

I - and I’d assume many - people do not give a crap about normal ilevel or LFR gear.
I still weave in and out of 20’s and Heroic, and occasionally Mythic, raiding when the bench gets called in, but whoops, I cannot in my free time, which I actually have plenty of it just varies what days, work on progression without doing forced group content.

SL actually had some of the best world content they’ve ever done, but was it worth the time investment? Absolutely not. I could put more time and effort into doing that content and walk out with nothing, especially because for the cosmetics, grateful offerings existing, time gating rewards I already unlocked for no reason.

Like it or not, player power is a huge motivating force in this genre, and if you tell people they cannot have various forms of progression because of the type of content they do because it’s “too easy” through no fault of their own, they’re just not going to care.
And it’s also not making people raid either, because again, people who can do that kind of content are getting burned by this too.

People just want to be able to work on things at their own pace, doing the content they either enjoy or are capable of doing.

Solo progression does not need to be easy, nor completely solo, and it also doesn’t need to lack any actual progression either.

DF actually did fix the cosmetic problems, grateful offerings are luckily gone and will hopefully never come back, but there’s a serious lack of solo challenging progression in this game. An MMORPG does mean that group content is a focus, but many games in the genre also provide exceptional content for individual players that is both engaging, and does give rewards on par with current group content. It just takes longer, which is absolutely a fair trade off.

Also, random ramble about how Torghast may have been able to solve this but they changed it being required for legendaries, instead of letting it scale to insane levels and letting people get like, a drop a week from it or something for getting to a pre-determined level on par with entry mythic difficulty.

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I would be for this 100% but we also have to make Sure that group content loot is ONLY usable in the content it was earned.

PvP gear only in PvP
Mythic+ gear only in Mythic+
Normal raid gear only in normal raids
Mythic raid gear only in Mythic raids

Any gear other than world gear is equivalent to having no gear in the open world. Change gear like hybrids used to do…

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I think the ZM gear giving cool bonuses for being out in the world and not in instanced content was a cool idea that could be expanded on.

Honestly the talent point system for torghast is one change that I would like to see out in the world. Give people bonuses for being out in the world or something but make it only for non instanced content. if there’s rewards people will do it. the ilvl doesn’t need to be super high, just make it impactful for solo players

I don’t know how this would effect the market, or the rest of the game but the idea is cool itself and could be a thought.


they could have gear that scales when out in the open world (and scales down in instanced content like m+ or raid) like how pvp gear scales upward when used in queued pvp

I think the issue is more that people who do mythic+ or raids get rewards that people who only do solo play can’t get, but people who raid can also get anything a solo player can get.

Have some mount that you can’t obtain or even lose access to if you’ve killed a raid boss and watch raiders MELTDOWN with entitlement that they can’t have that mount too.

This may not be practical, but the point is just that group players aren’t some sanctimonious crowd, they just get access to everything so they have no reason to complain that they don’t get anything special.


I think something that is quite frequently echo’d around GD is the thought that “blizzard caters to higher end / pve players.”

When you tell someone who actually plays that kind of content that exact thought, they’re like “lol where” Which is pretty fair I’d say. Most of us just play the content we’re given and don’t think much about it. If I have to do something to get better gear to compete in m+ better then i’ll do it, it doesn’t matter what it is in the game. I had to run torghast for weeks as a mage. it was miserable, but i still did it right?

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Wrong, we all have the same type of access. Is on you to be stuck and not progress beyond the solo part of the content.

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except you are removing the content completely for anyone who has a raid kill then. in reality, the chance for them to go do that content for its rewards is still there.they are never locked out of it. all they have to do, is do the content. but yeah sure try to twist some idea of yours to try and say its only fair lol.

The main thing is that solo progression tends to peter out fairly quickly with semi-regular play. People go in hoping for a whole strip of jerky to chew on but end up with a quarter of a stick if they’re lucky. There are non-progression things to do solo but unless the player in question is really into a particular niche (e.g. pet battles), they’re considerably less satisfying. It also doesn’t help that some of the group content they dabble in (like M0 and epic dungeons) tend to become irrelevant in the larger picture faster than an avocado goes from ripe to rotten.

By comparison raiding/M+ keep its adherents playing for considerably longer.

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I mean if you only do 1 piece of content don’t be surprised when you complete or get bored of that content. I dunno what to tell you, there’s a lot of stuff to do in wow, solo or not

I don’t know personally I’m perfectly content with the level of gear that I get and solo play. I e what drops in quest as far as the eye level. What ticks me off is when blizzard pull some crap up not giving me very good trinkets or weapons and making me have to bend over backwards to get those outside of questing and solo content. Either that or making the solo content something like I have to get into war mode just to get it like these trinkets this expansion.

It’s like they don’t comprehend the idea that when I say I don’t want to PVP that means I don’t want to pvp. They keep trying to push me into PVP to get halfway decent trinket instead of just letting me get the stinking trinket through a quest. Either that or I’ve got a farm some currency for the next six months.

Hoping dragon flight has some serious changes so that us solo casual players can get solo casual level gear and fill every slot instead of having to play these mind games again


Yes. Blizzard tried to add solo content that had nice rewards and lasted longer. Players complained about forced content and chores. It is unfortunate, but certain player groups have a stranglehold on development, cough… raid loggers… cough…


Not being mean, change the way you are looking at problems. In life you can get all the knowledge you want but you need to apply wisdom to gain understanding. That takes effort on your part not for others to explain sufficient to “give you reason” again - I am older and this is a truth once gained in life it will help you understand and negotiate a better path to walk with understanding others be they those “with you” or those that oppose. It makes for greater peace to have understanding. In life I have often seen those that even with understanding choose to “cause waves” “be a Karen” but I have most often chosen peace along the lines of “be nice until it time not to be nice.” But that’s a philosophy of life unless you are messing with family - then we speak another language :slight_smile: “But above all things seek wisdom”


More like solo player asked for nerfs because it was too hard for them. Why bother to make hard solo content, if they cry for nerfs every single time.

No he’s not. I have seen it multiple times because the game already gives you normal raid level gear.

because many think they deserve amazing mogs, mounts, and high ilvl gear for completing some very trivial world quests.

Torghast scaled to solo players but never awarded the gear that was required to complete it.

We literally got no gear upgrades in Shadowlands Season 4.

The Cypher system in Shadowlands Season 3 still doesn’t cover trinket slots, and the Primalist Invasions in Dragonflight Season 1 don’t seem to be covering neck, finger, or trinket slots.

Pre-patch open world event gear rewards are capped at 252, meaning no upgrades for open world players despite two major patches dropping. This is a nerf compared to past events that dropped current Normal raid iLvl (should be 278).

So we either get no gear upgrades, or not even a full set for doing our content. And we keep getting nerfed to make group content rewards better by comparison.

If you have to ask, you either aren’t paying attention to the details, or are so out-of-your-mind elitist that open world or solo-able content isn’t even “content” in your opinion.


Ahh the biggest demander of bis gear has arrived :joy:

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