Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

They’re ticked they’re removing world tier not raiding tier. Like the stuff they made for covs and zone specific set bonuses

And we had more content that rewarded those things in Shadowlands than ever. The one thing Shadowlands wasn’t short on was solo play for cosmetics, mounts, toys and pets.

aaaaaand…you missed the root of that

repetitive…is NOT CONTENT
abysmal drop rates for whats needed to make a mount? repetitive…but it’s NOT CONTENT
and lastly…ALL of it is trapped to these small zones…whereas if as I suggested above, it were spread out across all zones in the game…it adds a bit of flavor…also puts good use to older zones we rarely visit


I was really happy with Azerite gear. It wasn’t as good as raiding and mythic gear, but it was good gear and we were happy with it.

Repetitive IS content in MMO’s and that’s universal for all PVE…M+, Raids, Questing. It has to be repetitive because the devs can’t make new content fast enough.

If all the repeatable, solo stuff was spread out over the whole world it would still be repetitive.

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fair point…but it would be a LOT more interesting

There is a way to give solo players fun things to do without shackling them to the systems drek that was Legion-SL WQing (Legion handling it best, but the writing was on the wall).

They literally managed to from BC to MoP. It’s called fun but not MANDATORY for progression content. Reps you actually want to do for fun on your own time like the Netherwing and Cloud Serpents (yes I know the MoP dailies felt necessary at its launch. And guess what? That was a misstep too!)

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I kinda liked azerite power too. I dunno, maybe that’s just because of the ARPG brain deep inside of me that loves endless grinds that just infinitely give you power.

bad for the game overall though lmao

Honestly? Then go play an ARPG (I say that as someone who also likes them). I never want to see a system like Azerite in WoW again. It doesn’t feel good because of the intristic need to stay competitive in endgame environments, a pressure that doesn’t really exist in ARPGs. It felt like the High Warlord Grind lite. Only it literally never ended.

Oh no I agree it was horrible for the game. I think I just enjoyed that world quests were kinda meaningful in a way. Or i just liked chasing that feeling of leveling up your neck

I’ll tell u how much i stopped enjoying it when I had to farm islands all day for my neck for mythic raiding

Ah yeah, that’s understandable. To me dailies filled that niche already but there are many who felt like WQs did in a way dailies didn’t, which is completely fair.

Here’s hoping they find a way to satisfy both camps.

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if you are farming mounts and tmog guess what, you can go to all the zones that have them and farm them. old and new alike.

You mean, get people to buy the game and subscribe only to find that there is no content for them? It’s really not a solution, because people get pissed that they were duped if what they were led to believe they were buying isn’t what they got.

Stop advertising it as a game anyone can play with their friends, if the intent is to only provide content and rewards for esports professionals.

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An engaging experience. Some solo story quests, scenarios, things that make the world feel like a world and not a waiting room for Qs. Rewards at LFR lvl make sense.

again another murdercarpet hot take that makes no sense. lots of things you can do with friends that dont require being an esport professional. you will NEVER get anywhere with anything you are fighting for because you dramatize everything always make yourself a victim.

lol chk my armory…too funny

what does your armory have to do with anything? you said they need to make mounts and tmog old world farms to keep the world alive. they already have that in the game… if you already have tons of collected items then it just makes you dumber for your comment.

I did not mention mounts…but ok

there are no WQ throughout those zones…rewards mentioned were merely suggestions, and deliberately left out gear of any kind.
My comment was strictly in rebuttal to the ‘all you want is free mythic gear for doing nothing’ stuff…
maybe try again, only try not to be so rude?

What I really wanted in SL was Torghast to have gear progression so I could have fun with that. Needing to grind for gear from content I don’t want to do at the time so I could do Torghast really ruined it for me. I’m even fine with the gear only worked in Torghast or perhaps they just limit your item level and you progress with upgrades from the cube or something.

Torghast would have been a really great solo content location if they could have spent a little more time on it and thought things through.

The problem with WoW solo content is that most of it is 1. boring 2. too easy 3. No progression 4. lack of it more often than not. I want challenging solo content that gives me a new path to work on rather than just raiding, PvP and M+. More options are always better for the game.


Clearly you do not understand what entertainment is about. The game exists to make a profit. The more people are playing, the more profitable it is. Ordering people to have fun doing stuff you don’t like and you know they don’t like makes you sound only clueless.

Odd you use the word “victim” here, since you are waving that victim card really hard yourself. Surely if you order people to do the same chores over and over and over again they will start believing you when you tell them their friends want to do chores, too.

We see this said a lot. The players who say it are either intentionally lying or get all their information from those who are, because it doesn’t happen. From demonstrably false claims like this I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of high end players who are short on analytical skills and just let other people tell them what to think.

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