Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I’m literally a solo player. I think I know whether or not solo players do BG’s or not.

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You should probably look up what the definition of “solo” means.

Doing a random bg by definition isnt a solo activity.

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Happy belated 2000th post, thread.

But being able to queue solo makes it a solo-friendly activity depending on how you look at it.

Is “Solo Shuffle”, for example, not solo in your eyes because there are other players involved?

Is open world content not solo either because you can kill enemies together and buff random toons?

Elitists try to have it both ways. They say that WoW is an MMO and should refuse to reward players for not grouping up. But then even if casual and solo-minded players do interact with others in the open world or queue-able content, those same elitists come up with other excuses to refuse to reward the casual or solo-minded players with gear.

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How is this still going? WoW offers a varying degree of awards, and they are available to everyone willing to put in the time and effort to optain them! So, you’re a lawyer with 6 kids and only can play 2 hours a week. You Sir, or Mam chose RL over WoW and congratulations, that’s the right choice! However, some people live and die for WoW, they play 60 hours a week and can recite the rotations of every spec on every class, and could do M+10 with one hand!
The point is, you cannot have both, you cannot have a successful RL and an epic WoW career. If you want the best stuff, prepare to make RL sacrifices!!

I have an iffy stance on this. I get what’s meant by it, but you’re still playing a group activity in a team setting.

You are literally joining a group.

You arent in a group so yes its solo.

People who cant read use words they dont know the definitions to.

If you are a solo player by the definition of the word you do zero group content and group with no one.

By your logic anyone who queues for a bg is no longer a solo player.

So everyone is group players.

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People that want to belittle others stick to narrow definitions and refuse to think outside the box.

Elusia did not say solo player, they said solo-minded player. Let that sink in, as there can be a difference between the two. Like a solo-minded player will do group content via queues, but still do mostly solo and solo friendly (queued) content.

Oh, it gets even better, as someone could claim that with his logic if you are a group player, by definition, you do ZERO solo content, or maybe it would be better to say ZERO content solo and are never out of a group when tackling content.

The way I see it, everyone is a solo player yet everyone is a group player, it is just a matter of preference as to which they do more of or focus on. Queues can be entered solo, hence solo friendly, you can sign up for groups solo, so again solo friendly, but it takes a group to complete most at level dungeons and raids so it is technically not “solo” content.

So maybe I would summarize it like this:
solo/solo-minded players: their content consumption is at least 60% solo and/or solo friendly
Group/group-minded players: their content consumption is at least 60% group content


Oh, look snooze is still acting like they know everything yet know nothing wonder what would happen if everyone else put the troll on ignore they would have no one to cry too.

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Sadly the only way it would work for any length of time would be if we could ignore at least accounts and not just characters. As he is one that will just make alts to continue his vitriol.


What would be good is rewards for open world pvp and content where you can take all of the items off another players corpse once defeated and gear yourself that way.

Fun, challenging, and competitive.

I think he’s too busy trying to write his own rules…and then police them onto others.

Put it this way, raiders get exponentially more powerful gear than solo players for hours actively played. That disparity should be addressed. However based on blizzard’s pay performance I seriously doubt it will be.

Hey, he is welcome to make his own rules, as long as they are rules for him alone. Only fools/idiots/tyrants try to force others to follow their rules with no backlash.

It happens when people dont know what the definition of solo is.

Let this sink into you. You are joining a group therefore not a solo player.

Ahh another one pushing this lie.

There is no such thing as a truly solo player in WoW, unless you stay in your garrison all day, never use the auction house, and only do solo-able instances like Horrific Visions and Torghast. Even then, you are going to have to step out into the open world while leveling, so you can’t truly play this game in isolation.

Well said! I would call myself a solo player even though I occasionally queue for PvE or PvP content, and even though I might group up for world content sometimes. The key is that I want to play and experience power progression on my own terms and without scheduling it ahead of time.

I don’t think anyone is asking for WoW to be made into a truly isolated experience. We play WoW because we want to play an MMO and we fully realize and appreciate that there are going to other players.

But we all have to accept that the majority of gamers these days have solo-minded tendencies, so WoW is shooting itself in the foot by nerfing or removing solo-friendly content in order to intentionally create friction.

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Your personal feelings dont change word definitions.

“done by one person alone; unaccompanied.”